CNN 10 - October 5, 2017

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Investigators Search for Answers in Las Vegas; Cholera Spreads in Yemen; A Machine Examines Eyes for the Truth; A Facility Aim to Keep Perfect Time

CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hi. I`m Carl Azuz.

This show is exactly 10 minutes long. But who helps set the time we live by? That`s one of the stories we`re explaining this Thursday on CNN 10.

First, though, we`re updating you on events in Las Vegas, Nevada. It`s been three days since a mass shooting took place there at an outdoor

country music concert. At least 58 people lost their lives, more than 500 others were injured, either by the shooting or by people rushing to get

away. And the question remains, why? What motivated the suspected shooter?

During a news conference with U.S. President Donald Trump who visited Las Vegas Wednesday, police said they were going to get the answers. And

though an official with the Federal Bureau of Investigation called the lack of a clear motive a surprise, he said the suspect`s communications,

financial records, friends, plus video surveillance were all being looked at.

The suspect, a 64-year-old retired accountant, apparently killed himself before police entered his hotel room. He had no significant criminal

history, police were not monitoring him, he was found with an arsenal of weapons, in fact, dozens of guns were recovered from his hotel room and his


arsenal [ˋɑrsnəl] n.(任何事物的)聚集,堆積[(+of)]

two homes in Nevada.

And while investigators work to piece that together with other evidence they`re finding, the hospitals treating the victims are working to save



DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We met patients that were absolutely terribly wounded and the doctors, the nurses, all of the people

of the hospital have done a job that`s indescribable.


indescribable [͵ɪndɪˋskraɪbəb!] adj. 不能用语言表达的


AZUZ: Up next today, we`re taking you to Yemen. It`s one of the world`s countries that`s currently struggling with a civil war. It`s located in

the Middle East.

The fighting has been going on there for more than two years and the side effect of all the violence and political upheaval is an outbreak of

disease. A lot of Yemen`s infrastructure, its roads, buildings, hospitals, have been destroyed. So, even though bacterial infections like cholera are


cholera [ˋkɑlərə] n.【医】霍乱

often preventable by doing things like cooking food thoroughly and drinking clean water, many people in Yemen can`t get clean water.

And the spread of cholera has now sickened hundreds of thousands across the country.


DIANA MAGNAY, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Fatimar (ph) is being treated for suspected cholera, so is Wojida (ph) and Ariam (ph). They are

just three of the more than 400,000 children in Yemen who are believed to have the disease.

The grinding civil conflict between Houthis millitants and the internationally recognized Hadi government supported by the U.S.-backed


grinding [ˋgraɪndɪŋ] adj. 令人难以忍受的;恼人的

Saudi led coalition begun in 2015. It`s resulted in the collapse of the country`s health care system and the world`s largest humanitarian crisis.

More than half of all health facilities have closed due to damage, destruction, or lack of funds. They`re short on medicine and supplies.

That means more than 15 million people, more than half Yemen`s population lacked access to basic healthcare.

CNN is not currently able to access many areas in Yemen, but the International Rescue Committee is one of several organizations working

there and has provided CNN with this footage. Cholera is caused by ingesting bacteria from contaminated water or food. A disease is

treatable, but the cause of the devastation of Yemen`s healthcare systems, this is the world`s worst cholera outbreak.

According to the U.N., there have been more than 750,000 suspected cases across the country, the largest single year outbreak ever recorded

globally, and because there is so little clean water or proper sanitation, that number could rise to one million by the end of the year.


sanitation [͵sænəˋteʃən] n. 公共卫生,环境卫生



SUBTITLE: If you were lying, could your eyes give away?

That`s what the company EyeDetect believes.

They`ve designed a tool that analyzes eye behavior. Turning your eyes into a natural polygraph machine.


polygraph [ˋpɑlɪ͵græf] n. 测谎器

Here`s how it works:

As you answer a series of true-false questions, an infrared eye-tracking tool records thousands of your involuntary eye movements which are the eye

movements you can`t control, like pupil dilation and blink rate.

After 30 minutes, an algorithm scores deceptiveness on a scale from zero to 100.


algorithm [ˋælgə͵rɪðm] n. 【数】互除法;算法;规则系统

deceptiveness [dɪˋsɛptɪvnɪs] n. 虚伪;欺诈

The company behind the EyeDetect wants to replace the traditional polygraph. But may have to wait in the U.S.

The technology hasn`t been approved by federal regulators at the National Center for Credibility Assessment.



AZUZ (voice-over): Ten-second trivia:

What is meant by the term duodecimal?


duodecimal [͵djuəˋdɛsəm!] adj. 十二为单位的;十二进制的

The Dewey Decimal System, relating to 12, circle of fifths or having two decimal places?


decimal [ˋdɛsɪm!] adj. 十进制的;小数的

The adjective duodecimal describes a system of numbers based on 12.


AZUZ: For example, much of the world uses a duodecimal time system, the idea for that probably came from the ancient Egyptians who are believed to

have set 10 hours for daylight, plus one for dawn, and one for twilight. And though methods of keeping time had changed since then, the word time is


twilight [ˋtwaɪ͵laɪt] n. 黄昏;黎明

said to be the most common noun in the English language.

The one person in charge of standardizing time is the subject of today`s "Great Big Story".


DR. JUDAH LEVINE, FELLOW, NIST: You`re not supposed to worry about how the clock has got set, right? They just did get set.

When everything is working properly and I`m doing my job, you don`t know anything about it.

SUBTITLE: The keeper of the clocks.

REPORTER: Are you wearing a watch?

LEVINE: Yes, I don`t wear a watch because it`s too compulsive.

REPORTER: That`s Dr. Judah Levine.

LEVINE: It makes you look at the watch all the time and it kind of go a little crazy.

REPORTER: His nickname is literally the nation`s time lord.

LEVINE: I mean, that comes from Dr. Who, you know, if you ever watched Dr. Who. I don`t remember who made me the time lord. I think it`s unfair to

all my colleagues, OK?


LEVINE: No, I don`t have a TARDIS, OK? Only Dr. Who has a TARDIS.

REPORTER: OK, fair enough. But there`s a reason he got that nickname. Judah`s job is to officially keep time standard. He works here at the

National Institute of Standards and Technology. It`s a government agency that maintains standards of all quantities, such as length, speed, and

well, time.

LEVINE: In the old days, it means like hundred years ago, time was something that was astronomical. It was sunrise or sunset or noon or

whatever. In the more modern era, time is something defined by atomic clocks, which provide a very stable reference frequency.

REPORTER: Atomic clocks are the most accurate way to tell time on earth. Forty-five years ago, Judah and a team of scientists at NIST developed a

system for the atomic clock, that tracks time more accurately than ever before in the U.S., linking old phones, power grids, financial markets, you

name it. Every day, he checks to make sure the systems are calibrated, ensuring that time is right on schedule.


calibrate [ˋkælə͵bret] v. 校准

LEVINE: These are the atomic clocks, this is the real stuff, OK?

REPORTER: What if we switch off the atomic clock? What if it just stops working?

LEVINE: Certainly, cellphone systems stop pretty much right away. The Internet stops pretty quickly, high end tech stuff would suffer very


REPORTER: But that`s probably not going to happen.

LEVINE: There are 400 atomic clocks in many timing laboratories. I don`t think we`re ever going to intentionally switch off all of the atomic clocks

and that`s -- I don`t -- that`s an unthinkable event.

REPORTER: If you say so, Judah, after all, you`re the reason we all know what time it is.


AZUZ: If we told you something recently sold at auction for $38 million, you might think it was a humongous diamond, a rare Ferrari, an original by

Van Gogh, this is a bowl.

A $38 million dollar bowl, a bowl that set an auction record. Why? Because it`s an extremely rare piece of Chinese porcelain, dating back 900 years. Back


porcelain [ˋpɔrslɪn] n. 瓷;(总称)瓷器

then, it was used to clean calligraphy and paint brushes.


calligraphy [kəˋlɪgrəfɪ] n. 书法;笔迹

The last bowl like this that was auctioned off fetched $27 million, which might seem unbowlievable, but both of them certainly bowled someone over,


fetch [fɛtʃ] v. 售得,賣得

if you know what I`m saying. We`re not sure if it`s microwave or dishwasher safe, but we doubt it`s going to be used for soap, something

that can hold such a bowld bid. Must be worth more than its weight in bowld, to bowltivate somebody to take the bowl by the horns.

I`m Carl Azuz for CNN 10.























arsenal [ˋɑrsnəl] n.(任何事物的)聚集,堆积[(+of)]

indescribable [͵ɪndɪˋskraɪbəb!] adj. 不能用语言表达的

cholera [ˋkɑlərə] n.【医】霍乱

grinding [ˋgraɪndɪŋ] adj. 令人难以忍受的;恼人的

sanitation [͵sænəˋteʃən] n. 公共卫生,环境卫生

polygraph [ˋpɑlɪ͵græf] n. 测谎器

algorithm [ˋælgə͵rɪðm] n. 【数】互除法;算法;规则系统

deceptiveness [dɪˋsɛptɪvnɪs] n. 虚伪;欺诈

duodecimal [͵djuəˋdɛsəm!] adj. 十二为单位的;十二进制的

decimal [ˋdɛsɪm!] adj. 十进制的;小数的

twilight [ˋtwaɪ͵laɪt] n. 黄昏;黎明

calibrate [ˋkælə͵bret] v. 校准

porcelain [ˋpɔrslɪn] n. 瓷;(总称)瓷器

calligraphy [kəˋlɪgrəfɪ] n. 书法;笔迹

fetch [fɛtʃ] v. 售得,賣得