CNN 10 November 25, 2019

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U.S. Companies Face Political Challenges In China; Historic Disease Still Poses A Threat; The Game Of Life May Owe Its Existence To A President`s Beard.


CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Welcome to a new week of CNN 10, we are only on the air two days this week. Tomorrow`s show will be our last before the

Thanksgiving holiday and we`re thankful to have you watching. I`m Carl Azuz at the CNN Center. A new trade deal between the United States and

China could be wrapped up before 2019 is over.

wrap up【美】【口】完成, 结束

It could end more than a year of back and forth tariffs, or taxes on goods, that the two countries have placed on each other. And when U.S. President

Donald Trump announced last week the two countries were potentially close on a deal the American Stock Market rose on the hopes of it.

But while the U.S. National Security advisor said phase one of an agreement was possible before December 31st, America would not be turning a blind eye

turn a blind eye 视而不见

to the protests in Hong Kong or some of China`s other activities around the world. Why might that matter? Because business conducted between the

world`s two largest economies isn`t just about tariffs, transport buying and selling.

China and the U.S. have two very different systems of government and China`s communist leadership, which controls what`s said in the Chinese

media, has also tried to influence what`s said by U.S. companies that do business in China. That`s created some tough choices for them and

contributed to tensions between the two nation`s leadership.


VICE-PRESIDENT MIKE PENCE: The United States now recognizes China as a strategic and economic rival.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: China`s coveted consumer market comes with very big moral concessions for American brands and business.

coveted [ˋkʌvɪtɪd]adj. 渴望得到的;梦寐以求的

concession [kənˋsɛʃən] n. 让步;让步行为

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If you are doing business in China, your political views will be sanitized in favor of the Beijing government.

sanitize [ˋsænə͵taɪz] v. 给……消毒

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: In some cases working in China, not only does not do that but compromises America companies’ ability to promote our values abroad

and around the world.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: For virtually anyone who wants to do business in China, the message is tow the communist party line or face threats of

tow the line: do what is expected

losing access to the market. What is that line? Often referred to as the three T`s, Tibet, Taiwan and Tiananmen. China considers Tibet`s spiritual

leader in exile, the Dalai Lama, to be a dangerous separatist even though he`s no longer pushing for Tibetan independence. On the subject of Taiwan,

China views it as a Chinese province, even though it`s self governing and democratic and Tiananmen, well the uprising in 1989 killed anywhere from

several hundred to thousands of people. It is a global symbol of the struggle for democracy and democracy is a no go in communist China.

no go 不可能, 没希望

PRESIDENT GEORGE H.W. BUSH: And I now call on the Chinese leadership publicly as I have in private channels to avoid violence and return to

their previous policy of restraint.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: More recently added to the no go list for American companies, democracy protests in Hong Kong and the plight of Uighur Muslims.

plight [plaɪt] n. 境况;困境,苦境

Uighur [ˈwiˌgɚ] n. 维吾尔人;维吾尔族

Mostly companies cave when China complains. Last year U.S. Airlines bowed to Chinese demands to change the way they referred to Taiwan

cave [kev] v.【口】屈服,投降

on their websites. China`s aviation authority also demanded Hong Kong and Macao be clearly labeled as part of China. The U.S. government called

China`s language police "Orwellian nonsense".

Orwellian nonsense 奥韦尔式胡言乱语

SECRETARY OF STATE MIKE POMPEO: The pages of George Orwell`s "1984" are coming to life there.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The White House, in a statement, vowed to stand up for Americans resisting efforts by the Chinese communist party to impose

Chinese political correctness on American companies and citizens, but airlines obliged China. So did GAP, which quickly apologized for a t-shirt

oblige [əˋblaɪdʒ] v. 答应……的请求; 使不得不,迫使

with a map of China that did not include Taiwan. More recently the NBA initially distanced itself from comments from a team executive that were

sympathetic to Hong Kong protestors. The result, cancelled games, severed business deals.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We are not apologizing for Darryl (ph) exercising his freedom of expression.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Both the NBA and China are now trying to cool this standoff but it just shows how doing business in China presents unique challenges.

standoff [ˋstænd͵ɔf] n.【美】僵持;均衡


AZUZ: 10 Second Trivia. Which of these adjectives describes a swelling of a lymph node? Bucolic, blastoporic, bubonic, or bolometric. Swelling of a

bucolic [bjuˋkɑlɪk] adj. 牧羊的;牧歌的;乡下风味的

bubonic [bjuˋbɑnɪk] adj. 淋巴腺肿的

lymph node is a bubo so the adjective for that is bubonic.

bubo [ˋbjubo] n.【医】淋巴腺肿

Bubonic is one of the most common types of plague and that word itself often brings up thoughts of the "Black Death". The plague that swept

plague [pleg] n. 瘟疫[C];鼠疫

across Europe in the 14th century killing as much as 60 percent of the people on the continent. But that`s just one of three major plague pandemics

pandemic [pænˋdɛmɪk] n. 流行病;流传中的疫情

that history has recorded over the past 2,000 years and the disease isn`t just a section in history books. Three people in China were

diagnosed with the plague this month. It`s not as deadly a threat as it has been in the past but it still is a threat in rare cases and while

there`s a lot that scientists still don`t know about the plague Elizabeth Cohen discusses what they do.


ELIZABETH COHEN, CNN SENIOR MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: The plague is caused by a bacteria called Yersinia Pestis and most of the time humans get it from a flea bite.

Yersinia Pestis 鼠疫杆菌

Back when plague was rampant and there was no treatment for it, plague could get into people`s blood and it could turn their limbs black

rampant [ˋræmpənt] adj. 蔓延的;猖獗的

and that`s where we get the term "Black Death". When the plague struck the Roman empire in the 6th century, it went on to kill 25 million people,

eventually the plague wiped out 60 percent of Europe. Now before there were antibiotics, the plague would kill between 66 and 93 percent of people

who got it.

Now with antibiotics that mortality rate goes down to about 16 percent. So typically every year in the United States, one person dies of the plague

and seven people get sick. Fever, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, if you get these symptoms and you`re living in an area where it`s known that the

plague has been before than you should go seek help from your doctor, and you should definitely go to your doctor if you develop huge lymph nodes.

Sometimes people with the plague, they get lymph nodes the size of a chicken egg.

Also the Centers for Disease Control says you should never feed rodents like squirrels and rats and you certainly shouldn`t touch them after

they`ve died. We`ve done a great job of getting rid of the plague almost entirely in this country. Better hygiene goes a long way but you can`t

go a long way 很成功

entirely get rid of the bacteria. It`s not just the Dark Ages bacteria. It`s still with us.

Dark Ages(欧洲中世纪)黑暗时代


AZUZ: Plague was not a possible outcome in the original checkered game of "Life" and by that we mean the board game called "Life", but it seems plague could

game of "Life" 生命之旅(棋盘游戏)

checker[ˋtʃɛkɚ] n. 棋盘花格,格子花纹[P];西洋棋

have been on it considering some of the other squares. "Life", again the game, was invented by Milton Bradley who was a printer, businessman and

inventor. He`s probably best known as the founder of a famous American toy brand.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Without Abraham Lincoln and really his beard, Milton Bradley, the godfather of board games would have never existed. Bold

statement, I know but let me explain. The game of "Life". The spinner, the cars, the choices, college or career. Kids or no kids. Lawyer or

farmer. This family game night staple was once a pretty morbid game. Back in the 1800s`, Milton Bradley was in the lithograph business. Following

staple [ˋstep!] n. 日常必需品

morbid [ˋmɔrbɪd] adj. 可怖的;令人厌恶的; (尤指对死亡等)病态的

lithograph [ˋlɪθəgræf] n.【印】平版印刷

the Republican National Convention of 1860, Bradley printed thousands of images of Abraham Lincoln who was clean shaven at the time.

Shortly thereafter, Lincoln debuted his iconic beard rendering all of Bradley`s prints worthless. His lithograph business went belly up. So

belly up 破产的,倒闭的

Bradley was forced to try something new. He came up with a board game, a seemingly dark and twisted board game appropriately named "The Checkered

Game of Life". The game functioned in a similar way to how it does now. There was a spinner, colored circles that moved around the board and of

course squares that could either make you or break you.

The squares on the original game were overwhelmingly grim boasting actions like disgrace, poverty, ruin, crime, prison regardless the game flew off the shelves.

grim [grɪm] adj. 无情的;严厉的;残忍的

fly off the shelves 形容人气热卖产品

Kids loved it and Milton Bradley went on to own family game night. Fast forward to about 100 years later, they revamped the game

family game night: an evening playing games, typically indoor games like board games, card games or charades

revamp [riˋvæmp] v. 翻新; 改组; 修改

trading Bradley`s morbid squares for the more delightful ones like payday or graduation which have all come to know and love. And so there you have

it, the story of the game called "Life". Thanks Lincoln.


AZUZ: A demonstration of strength reveals a weakness. This is the prototype of a new cyber truck which the Tesla auto company hopes to start

selling in 2021. The design is bold and controversial but shortly after Tesla`s CEO said its glass wouldn`t break even if you threw the kitchen

even if 即使

sink at it, a metal ball went crack. To be fair, it did not go through the window but when the designer tried again on the rear window, oops. As

to be fair 说句公道话 puts it, guess it`s not all it`s cracked up to be.

it`s not all it`s cracked up to be 并没有所说的那么好;名不副实;徒具虚名

Nothing`s shatter foolproof and even if it gives you a view into the "windos" and "windon`ts" of testing. Who`s going to be making a pick-up

foolproof [ˋful͵pruf] adj.(计划或机器)连傻子都懂的,操作简便的,万无一失的。

where metal balls are being thrown at your truck? You`d need to trade up for a tank and be "tankful" even if something "treadfull" comes your way,

trade up 折价换购; 汰旧换新; 买更贵的东西(通常指房子或汽车)

you`ll "steel" have your "steel" to "steal" your vehicle even if the view isn`t what you "glassed" for. I`m Carl Azuz. Tomorrow`s show is our last

one of the week before the Thanksgiving holiday. We hope to see you turkeys then.














wrap up【美】【口】完成, 结束

turn a blind eye 视而不见

coveted [ˋkʌvɪtɪd] adj. 渴望得到的;梦寐以求的

concession [kənˋsɛʃən] n. 让步;让步行为

sanitize [ˋsænə͵taɪz] v. 给……消毒

tow the line 遵守..规则,服从..要求; do what is expected

no go 不可能, 没希望

plight [plaɪt] n. 境况;困境,苦境

Uighur [ˈwiˌgɚ] n. 维吾尔人;维吾尔族

cave [kev] v.【口】屈服,投降

Orwellian nonsense 奥韦尔式胡言乱语

oblige [əˋblaɪdʒ] v. 答应……的请求; 使不得不,迫使

standoff [ˋstænd͵ɔf] n.【美】僵持;均衡

bucolic [bjuˋkɑlɪk] adj. 牧羊的;牧歌的;乡下风味的

bubonic [bjuˋbɑnɪk] adj. 淋巴腺肿的

bubo [ˋbjubo] n.【医】淋巴腺肿

plague [pleg] n. 瘟疫[C];鼠疫

pandemic [pænˋdɛmɪk] n. 流行病;流传中的疫情

Yersinia Pestis 鼠疫杆菌

rampant [ˋræmpənt] adj. 蔓延的;猖獗的

go a long way 很成功

Dark Ages(欧洲中世纪)黑暗时代

game of "Life" 生命之旅(棋盘游戏)

checker [ˋtʃɛkɚ] n. 棋盘花格,格子花纹[P];西洋棋

staple [ˋstep!] n. 日常必需品

morbid [ˋmɔrbɪd] adj. 可怖的;令人厌恶的; (尤指对死亡等)病态的

lithograph [ˋlɪθəgræf] n.【印】平版印刷

belly up 破产的,倒闭的

grim [grɪm] adj. 无情的;严厉的;残忍的

fly off the shelves 形容人气热卖产品

family game night: an evening playing games, typically indoor games like board games, card games or charades.

revamp [riˋvæmp] v. 翻新; 改组; 修改

even if 即使

to be fair 说句公道话

it`s not all it`s cracked up to be 并没有所说的那么好;名不副实;徒具虚名

foolproof [ˋful͵pruf] adj.(计划或机器)连傻子都懂的,操作简便的,万无一失的。

trade up 折价换购; 汰旧换新; 买更贵的东西(通常指房子或汽车)