CNN 10 - January 29, 2020

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Objective Reports on a Middle East Peace Plan; The Advent of Smart Factories; Explanation of What is Meant by the "Worm Moon"

CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Welcome to CNN 10 on this Thursday, January 30th (sic) and thank you for watching from or on You Tube. My name

is Carl Azuz and today`s show starts in the U.S. Capital. Yesterday at the White House, U.S. President Donald Trump unveiled his Administration`s plan

for peace between Israelis and Palestinians in the Middle East. The plan itself is an 80 page document. The American leader says it presents a win-

Palestinian [͵pæləsˋtɪnɪən] n. 巴勒斯坦人(或居民)

win opportunity for both sides that would help Palestinians achieve an independent country of their own and that it would make sure Israeli

security would not be put at risk. President Trump called the plan a realistic two state solution that allows Israel to take a giant step

towards peace.

But like the plans of previous American leaders, this proposal is controversial. Critics say it strongly favors the interests of Israel over

those of the Palestinians and though Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called it the opportunity of  the century that Israel would not

miss. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas called it the quote "slap of the century" and said there was nothing new in it. Part of the

slap [slæp] n. 打击;责难;侮辱

plan and the controversy concerns Jerusalem, it`s a city that`s holy to Jews, Christians and Muslims.

Jerusalem [dʒəˋrusələm] n. 耶路撒冷

Though the White House proposal suggests doubling the amount of territory controlled by Palestinians, President Trump says it would also keep

Jerusalem the undivided capital of Israel. That`s something that Palestinian President Abbas rejected saying Jerusalem is not for sale and

not for bargain. That issue is just one of the disagreements that makes a Middle East peace plan so difficult to achieve.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The idea behind a two state solution is an Israeli state next to a Palestinian state. Two states living side by side in peace

and security. That`s been the goal of virtually the entire international community for decades. So why hasn`t it happened yet? Well both sides

blame each other but at the center of a two state solution are some very sensitive and very complex issues. One of those issues is Jerusalem.

Both sides claim all or part of the Holy city as their capital but there are also more issues, borders. Where would you draw the line between an

Israeli state and a Palestinian state? Settlements? What would you do with Israeli settlements in the West Bank? And refugees? What happens to

Palestinian refugees? All of these are very sensitive issues that need to be discussed before a final two state solution can be recognized.


AZUZ: 10 Second Trivia. On average, how many full moons are there in a year? 11, 12, 10 or 14. In most years there are 12 full moons one

occurring per month.

But this year there will be 13 with two full moons in October and when you have two full moons in one month, you have what`s said to be a "blue moon".

But blue is just one of the 13 named moons we`ll have this year, the others include the "Worm Moon", "Buck Moon", "Sturgeon Moon". According to the

Worm Moon: March

Buck Moon: July

Sturgeon [ˋstɝdʒən] Moon : August

Farmer`s Almanac, Native Americans gave them these names to keep track of the seasons. January`s "wolf moon" is likely because wolf packs were heard howling in January.

Almanac [ˋɔlmə͵næk] n. 历书;年历;年鉴

March`s "worm moon" is named for signs of earthworms appearing in the warmer ground. To add to this "moon gazing", there`s a

earthworm [ˋɝθ͵wɝm] n. 蚯蚓

pair of penumbral lunar eclipses coming this summer.

penumbral [pɪˋnʌmbrəl] adj. 半阴影的;暧昧的部分的

lunar eclipse【天】月蚀


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: A lunar eclipse happens when the sun, the Earth and the moon line up in a straight line in space with the Earth smack in the middle.

smack [smæk] adv. 不偏不倚地

The sun shines light on the Earth which casts a shadow and as the moon moves deeper into that shadow, it appears to turn a dark reddish

color. Why red? Because the atmosphere is filtering out the blue light. Some people have nicknamed this effect "the blood moon". NASA says that

lunar eclipses typically happen at least twice a year but not all of them are total. There are actually three different types.

A penumbral eclipse is when the moon passes through the outskirts of the Earth`s shadow. NASA says this is so subtle, you might not even notice. A

partial eclipse is when the moon dips into part of the Earth`s shadow but not all of it so only a portion of the moon turns dark. A total eclipse is

the best and that`s when the entire moon is in the Earth`s shadow turning it that deep red color. Remember you don`t need a telescope or any special

equipment to view a lunar eclipse but having binoculars or a telescope might make it more fun. Either way, just go outside, find the moon and enjoy.

binoculars [bɪˋnɑkjəlɚs] n. 双筒望远镜

telescope [ˋtɛlə͵skop] n.(單筒)望遠鏡


AZUZ: Car factories like a BMW plant in South Eastern Germany give a glimpse of industry 4.0 also known as the fourth revolution in

manufacturing. It will be more reliant than ever on technology, robotics, and artificial intelligence but it comes with some problems. Two of the

ones that BMW phased included the additional cost of setting it up and the time lost of doing so. It can be very expensive for manufacturers to

phase [fez] v. 分阶段实行;逐步采用

switch from the older machines they have to the newer ones of industry 4.0. Experts expect some older jobs will be lost. Those gained will require a

different, more technological skill set and whenever you have a more connected environment you have concerns about security in case it`s hacked.

But once everything is set up - -


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Regensburg is Germany`s best preserved medieval cities. It`s home to one of the country`s oldest bridges, oldest

restaurants and most modern factories.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`ve got an award for the World Economic Forum as the factory of the future.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This historic town`s high tech hub is one of today`s most progressive plants and it`s at the forefront of industry 4.0. Over

100 years ago, an American industrialist forever changed how the world works literally. Henry Ford cut the time need to build cars in half with

the industry`s first moving assembly line in 1913, and the way we make things has been evolving ever since. The next generation of manufacturing

won`t just take place on the factory floor. It will also happen on computers and in the cloud.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The smart factory is a smart way of using new technologies, new ideas to get the innovations of the next level.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Smart factories are often fully connected facilities where employees harness endless supply of data to streamline production.

streamline [ˋstrim͵laɪn] v. 使有效率;使简化

These plants could add at least $1.5 trillion to the global economy in the next three years.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don`t think that I`m smart enough to give you the entire overview of every technology we use here.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: In a factory with more than 3,000 connected machines, it`s no wonder Frank (ph) has a hard time remembering each innovation. A

custom made internet of things platform link these tools with materials which receive laser printed labels allowing info to be analyzed and tracked

internet of things 物联网

every step of the way.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Now we can combine datas. What was humidity? What was the temperature? What was the - - the flow of the cast line? Is

there any connection which is explaining why we have a problem? If it understand this - - this interfaces then we can prevent that happening in

the future again.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Assembly lines for smart watches and gloves that help customize these cars quicker and autonomous vehicles streamline logistics

by delivering parts. These technologies allow BMW to cut the time needed to deploy new applications by 80 percent and reduce quality issues by 5

percent. It also landed the plant on the World Economic Forum`s list of the most technologically advanced factories in January of 2019. Of more

than 1,000 contenders worldwide, only seven were picked. Despite the buzz around the potential of new tech, Frank (ph) says there is one resource

contender [kənˋtɛndɚ] n. 竞争者

buzz [bʌz] n. 流言,谣言;话题

that always outshines.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The smart factory is driven by smart people. Changing conventional processes is always a challenge. The only way to do that is

if you thank the people with you.


AZUZ: Artist Carrie Johns says she thinks of herself as a big kid. Her favorite canvas is popular with a lot of kids. It`s an Etch A Sketch like

Etch A Sketch 蚀刻素描

the plastic kind with the knobs and the 1960 technology and the it`s really hard to do this on one factor. Johns can sketch a small detailed picture

knob [nɑb] n. (收音机等的)旋钮; 球形突出物

in an hour or two. She says her secret to getting good was practice and to keep the finished picture from shaking out she saws the box open and dumps

out the powder.

Which some would "Mattel" you is a "sketchy" way to etch a "stylis" image without having to start over with a clean "slate" every time you`re "shaken

up." It`s not for everyone but if you like the idea of "scratching" out a living by "blurring" the line between artistry and playtime. It`s

something to "toy" with once you`ve worked out the twist and turns of all that "screen time" and you never have to pick out a "frame".

Hey there is one way to get your school mentioned on CNN 10. Please subscribe to our official You Tube channel and leave a comment on the most

recent show. That could get you mentioned on the next show. I don`t personally pick the schools but I hope all ya`ll get on like the

International School of Panama in Panama City, Panama. Congrats guys. I`m Carl Azuz.















Palestinian [͵pæləsˋtɪnɪən] n. 巴勒斯坦人(或居民)

slap [slæp] n. 打击;责难;侮辱

Jerusalem [dʒəˋrusələm] n. 耶路撒冷

Worm Moon: March

Buck Moon: July

Sturgeon [ˋstɝdʒən] Moon : August

sturgeon [ˋstɝdʒən] n.【鱼】鲟鱼

Almanac [ˋɔlmə͵næk] n. 历书;年历;年鉴

earthworm [ˋɝθ͵wɝm] n. 蚯蚓

penumbral [pɪˋnʌmbrəl] adj. 半阴影的;暧昧的部分的

lunar eclipse【天】月蚀

smack [smæk] adv. 不偏不倚地

binoculars [bɪˋnɑkjəlɚs] n. 双筒望远镜

telescope [ˋtɛlə͵skop] n.(單筒)望遠鏡

phase [fez] v. 分阶段实行;逐步采用

streamline [ˋstrim͵laɪn] v. 使有效率;使简化

internet of things 物联网

contender [kənˋtɛndɚ] n. 竞争者

buzz [bʌz] n. 流言,谣言;话题

Etch A Sketch 蚀刻素描

knob [nɑb] n. (收音机等的)旋钮; 球形突出物