CNN 10 - May 2, 2024
Police on Campus at Columbia and UCLA as Protests Disrupt Colleges Nationwide; A handwashing Lie Detector? Some Restaurants Are Adopting This System for Food Safety.
COY WIRE, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hello, and welcome. I`m Coy. This is CNN 10, where I tell you the what, letting you decide what to think.
Happy Friday, Eve. Hope you have a thirst for knowledge this fine Thursday because we`re going to serve up a whole bunch of it. Let`s get you your
We start today`s show on campus at the University of California, Los Angeles, or UCLA, where violent confrontations broke out between pro-
Palestinian and pro-Israeli protesters overnight on Tuesday. The skirmishes happened hours after UCLA`s leader, Chancellor Gene Block, called a pro-
skirmish [ˋskɝmɪʃ] n. 小规模战斗,小冲突
chancellor [ˋtʃænsəlɚ] n.【美】(某些大学的)校长
Palestinian encampment on campus unlawful and threatened students with suspension or expulsion if they did not disperse.
unlawful [ʌnˋlɔfəl] adj. 不合法的;犯法的;不正当的
expulsion [ɪkˋspʌlʃən] n. 驱逐;开除
Fireworks were fired at the encampment built by pro-Palestinian protesters, and both sides fired tear gas or other gas irritants at each other,
irritant [ˋɪrətənt] n. 刺激物
according to the Daily Bruin, the UCLA student newspaper.
Now, people were also attacked, and objects were thrown at each side. Early Wednesday morning, Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass posted on X that the Los
Angeles Police Department, or LAPD, was on campus to stop the unrest. Mayor Bass also calling the violence abhorrent, meaning horrible, repulsive, or offensive.
abhorrent [əbˋhɔrənt] adj. 令人憎恶的;可恶的
repulsive [rɪˋpʌlsɪv] adj. 使人反感的;令人厌恶的;可憎的
The violence at UCLA came hours after Columbia University called the NYPD to clear out student protesters who had taken control of a building on
campus in New York City.
In total, more than 300 people were arrested on Tuesday night at Columbia and a few blocks north at City College of New York. CNN`s Miguel Marquez
takes us on the ground on Manhattan`s Upper West Side to show us the aftermath.
MIGUEL MARQUEZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: So, New York police officers moved in, in the hundreds into Columbia University. They were -- they were not in
full tactical gear, but they did have helmets and batons, and they moved in on this street. This is 114th Street in Amsterdam right here. They moved
tactical [ˋtæktɪk!] adj. 战术性的
gear [gɪr] n.(尤指特种用途的)衣服
baton [bæˋtɑn] n. 警棒
in, in very large numbers onto the campus through a single gate on 114th Street.
You can still see one bus down there. That bus is taking whoever is left to arrest. We saw dozens of people arrested that were brought out through a
separate gate here on 114th. But the hall that had been taken over by students, Hamilton Hall, is just up the Amsterdam Avenue here.
Police were able to get into it using bearcats. They were lifted up to the second floor. They used flashbang grenades to sort of distract whoever
flashbang [ˋflæʃ͵bæŋ] n. 闪光弹; 震撼手榴弹(一种不会伤人,却有强闪光及大声响,使人迷茫失措的手榴弹)
grenade [grɪˋned] n. 手榴弹
was inside Hamilton Hall. And then they were able to get in. They said that the individuals in there had barricaded the doors with everything from
chairs and tables to soda machines. And there weren`t many people in there.
Police now say it is done, that everybody that was on the encampment for the last two weeks has been moved out or arrested, that everybody that was
in the hall has been either moved out or arrested, and that the entire campus, there was nobody on the Columbia campus that shouldn`t be there at
this point, say, New York police officers.
The Columbia University has also asked the NYPD to keep a presence on the university through May 17th. The commencement is on May 15th, so it is
clear that Columbia doesn`t want to have a repeat of what happened a couple of weeks ago when they cleared the campus once and the encampment
reestablished itself. This time, they want to get back to the business of being a university.
WIRE: Ten second trivia.
In the game of poker, what term is used to describe the combination of cards a player holds?
Deck, flop, bridge, hand.
If you said hand, got to hand it to you, you are correct. Did you know that your two hands make up more than a quarter of all the bones in your body?
All right, we all know that washing our hands is important, and that is particularly true if you`re a chef or another restaurant worker handling
food, right? But according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC, only one out of every three food workers wash their
hands like they should. That`s not just gross, it`s dangerous, and possibly quite literally sickening. That could lead to the outbreak of foodborne illnesses
sickening [ˋsɪkənɪŋ] adj. 使人噁心的;使人生病的
foodborne [ˋfud͵born] adj. 经食物传播的
like norovirus, salmonella, and E. coli.
norovirus [ˈnɔrəˌvaɪrəs] n. 诺罗病毒(指一种引起非细菌性急性肠胃炎的病毒,又称为脓融病毒)
salmonella [͵sælməˋnɛlə] n. 沙门氏菌
But as you`ll see in this CNN report, a new startup in New York has a potential solution.
RAFAEL BUTLER, DIRECTOR, FOOD SAFETY, JUST SALAD: Not having clean hands could lead to cross contamination, could lead to illness, could lead to an
cross contamination 交叉污染
employee getting sick.
CLARE DUFFY, CNN BUSINESS WRITER: We`ve all seen these signs in restaurants telling employees to wash their hands, but is the person making your food
actually doing that? It`s an important question, not just for the customers but for the business too. After all, dirty hands touching food can lead to
food-related illnesses, forcing a restaurant to shut down temporarily or even for good.
for good 永远, 永久
CHRISTINE SCHINDLER, CEO, PATHSPOT: I think that, especially in today`s world, the heightened awareness on why contamination is present in our
contamination [kən͵tæməˋneʃən] n. 汙染,弄髒;玷汙
world and our own personal objectives as well as responsibility in stopping the spread of illness is more apparent than ever.
DUFFY: Here at Just Salad, a restaurant with more than 80 franchises, the company showed CNN how it`s implementing food safety technology that it
hopes will lower the risk of foodborne illnesses such as E. coli, norovirus, and salmonella.
One of its new tools is this hand scanner developed by New York-based PathSpot. The device scans employees` hands for contamination each time
they wash and can detect gut biomolecules in just seconds.
gut [gʌt] n. 消化道; 肠道,肠
biomolecule [ˌbaɪoˋmɑlə͵kjul] n. 生物分子
BUTLER: And this is what you should do. You need to get in the cracks in these little crevices here inside the palm and the nails especially is
crevice [ˋkrɛvɪs] n. 裂缝,裂隙,破口
where we see a lot of times people miss rinsing properly. Turn it off.
And then you come over to the hand scanner, put your hands underneath. It`ll let you know exactly when to flip and then it`ll let you know you
SCHINDLER: That data flow then translates back to management teams so they`re able to see in real time, are we hitting our required hand washes?
If we had a spike in hand washing contaminations, what actually caused that?
BUTLER: When you come here and you go to scan activity, it`s going to let me know how many times each day they`re washing their hands. Scroll up.
It`ll let me know how successful they are here.
All the systems combined help us just monitor everything and make sure everything`s working properly. It allows us not to be in the store all the
time and be able to monitor it without being actually physically present.
DUFFY: While that might sound like micromanaging, the CDC has found that in the past, restaurant employees are more likely to properly wash their hands
micromanage [ˈmaɪkrəˌmænɪdʒ] v. 细节管理,微观管理
when managers emphasize its importance.
BUTLER: Our team members can wash their hands for 20 seconds, but we can find out where they`re missing and coach our team on how to do better.
DUFFY: PathSpot`s technology, which the company says is being used in roughly 10,000 food service locations worldwide, aims to take that a step
SCHINDLER: By adopting this type of tool and technology, it`s creating a safer workplace and a safer livelihood for so many different aspects of the
supply chain.
WIRE: Now, our next story is on and popping. Today`s story getting a 10 out of 10, has us cracking up as a chiropractor in Oklahoma got a request for a
crack up(使)…突然哈哈大笑;(使)…捧腹大笑
chiropractor [ˋkaɪrə͵præktɚ] n. 脊骨按摩治疗师
neck adjustment, but little did he know the patient was a giraffe. Jeanne Moos is on the story.
JEANNE MOOS, CNN NATIONAL NEWS CORRESPONDENT: If you think adjusting a giraffe`s neck would be a pain in the neck, listen for the crack. Here`s
pain in the neck 极其讨厌的人(或事物)
how this Oklahoma chiropractor describes it.
DR. JOREN WHITLEY, CHIROPRACTOR: Being able to work on a giraffe is a chiropractor`s dream. I mean, it`s the largest neck in the world.
MOOS: Dr. Joren Whitley was called in because Gerry the giraffe, owned by a private rancher, had a chewing issue.
WHITLEY: His jaw was not moving to the left.
jaw [dʒɔ] n. 下巴
MOOS: So Dr. Whitley stuck his neck out trying to adjust Jerry`s.
stick out 突出,伸出
(On camera): What does it feel like to adjust a giraffe?
WHITLEY: Their hair is pokey and their -- their tongues are really slimy. Oh, it`s like a short haired cactus.
pokey [ˋpokɪ] adj. it means that it feels prickly 多刺的,满是针刺的
slimy [ˋslaɪmɪ] adj. 黏糊糊的; 黏滑的; 沾满黏液的
cactus [ˋkæktəs] n.【植】仙人掌
MOOS: Along with his human patients, Dr. Whitley specializes in animals, mainly dogs.
MOOS: But also chickens. And after Dr. Whitley adjusted this injured bat, he says it was once again able to climb and hang upside down. He`s even
adjusted sedated lions like this one in South Africa. Skeptics say chiropractic has no basis in science, that there`s no proof it works on
humans or animals. But Gerry`s owner told the "Washington Post" the giraffe`s chewing improved after his adjustment. And look at that reaction.
One commenter called it the look of bliss.
bliss [blɪs] n. 极乐,至喜;天堂之乐
WIRE: Now that`s one doc that will always have your pets back. All right, beautiful people. We are showing some love today to some of the folks
showing us love on our CNN 10 YouTube channel.
Johnston Senior High in Rhode Island. Let`s hear it for those Panthers. We appreciate you.
And how about those Gateway Gators in Nampa, Idaho. Rise up.
I`m Coy. This is CNN 10. See you tomorrow. But a random thought Thursday before I go.
Why is it that when we deliver something by ship, it`s called cargo, but when delivered by car, it`s called shipment? That`s weird.
skirmish [ˋskɝmɪʃ] n. 小规模战斗,小冲突
chancellor [ˋtʃænsəlɚ] n.【美】(某些大学的)校长
unlawful [ʌnˋlɔfəl] adj. 不合法的;犯法的;不正当的
expulsion [ɪkˋspʌlʃən] n. 驱逐;开除
irritant [ˋɪrətənt] n. 刺激物
abhorrent [əbˋhɔrənt] adj. 令人憎恶的;可恶的
repulsive [rɪˋpʌlsɪv] adj. 使人反感的;令人厌恶的;可憎的
tactical [ˋtæktɪk!] adj. 战术性的
gear [gɪr] n.(尤指特种用途的)衣服
baton [bəˈtɑn] n. 警棒
flashbang [ˋflæʃ͵bæŋ] n. 闪光弹; 震撼手榴弹(一种不会伤人,却有强闪光及大声响,使人迷茫失措的手榴弹)
grenade [grɪˋned] n. 手榴弹
sickening [ˋsɪkənɪŋ] adj. 使人噁心的;使人生病的
foodborne [ˋfud͵born] adj. 经食物传播的
norovirus [ˈnɔrəˌvaɪrəs] n. 诺罗病毒(指一种引起非细菌性急性肠胃炎的病毒,又称为脓融病毒)
salmonella [͵sælməˋnɛlə] n. 沙门氏菌
cross contamination 交叉污染
for good 永远, 永久
contamination [kən͵tæməˋneʃən] n. 汙染,弄髒;玷汙
gut [gʌt] n. 消化道; 肠道,肠
biomolecule [ˌbaɪoˋmɑlə͵kjul] n. 生物分子
crevice [ˋkrɛvɪs] n. 裂缝,裂隙,破口
micromanage [ˈmaɪkrəˌmænɪdʒ] v. 细节管理,微观管理
chiropractor [ˋkaɪrə͵præktɚ] n. 脊骨按摩治疗师
crack up(使)…突然哈哈大笑;(使)…捧腹大笑
pain in the neck 极其讨厌的人(或事物)
jaw [dʒɔ] n. 下巴
stick out 突出,伸出
pokey [ˋpokɪ] adj. it means that it feels prickly 多刺的,满是针刺的
slimy [ˋslaɪmɪ] adj. 黏糊糊的; 黏滑的; 沾满黏液的
cactus [ˋkæktəs] n.【植】仙人掌
bliss [blɪs] n. 极乐,至喜;天堂之乐