Sealing the Deal 谈「薪」技巧大公开

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Daniel: Well Tiffany, we would like to offer you a job here at our company. Do you have any questions for us?  嗯…蒂芬妮,我们想要请妳到我们公司上班。妳有什么问题要问吗?


Tiffany: Yes, I have one. How much does the jobs pay?  有,我有一个问题。这份工作的薪水是多少?


Daniel: How much salary do you expect?  妳期望的薪水为何?


Tiffany: What salary will you offer me?  你们能提供的待遇是多少呢?


Daniel: OK then. Our basic proposition is NT$30,000 every month. We decided on this salary based on your experience.  好的,我们初步的提议是月薪新台币三万元。我们是根据妳的经验所做出的决定。


Tiffany: Does that include all national holidays?  这有包括所有的国定假日吗?


Daniel: Yes, but not all of Chinese New Year. You will have to work some to make up for that week.  有,但是并不包含农历新年。妳需要多上几天班来补足那一周。


Tiffany: I appreciate the offer, but from my perspective, NT$30,000 is not enough for someone who had two great internships in college, like I did.  感谢您的提议。但是,就我看来,月薪三万元对于像我一样在大学时期有两个超棒实习经验的人来说,是不够的。


Daniel: How much do you have in mind?  那妳希望的待遇是…?


Tiffany: Well, because of my past experience, I would like NT$38,000 per month. I will be one of the best employees at your company with my knowledge and experience, so I feel it's a fair salary. 那妳希望的待遇是…?根据过去的经验,我希望每个月是三万八千元。利用我的知识和经验,我将会是贵公司最棒的员工之一,所以我觉得这个薪水很合理。


Daniel: That's a little high. May we offer a compromise? How about NT$35,000?  这个数字有点高。我能否提出一个折衷办法?三万五千可以吗?


Tiffany: OK. I think that will work for me.  可以,我觉得这个数字可以接受。


Daniel: Great, I believe we have an agreement. It's our pleasure to have you aboard, Tiffany.  好,我相信我们达成协议了。蒂芬妮,我们很荣幸有妳加入。


Tiffany: Thank you Daniel for the opportunity, and I look forward to starting work soon.  丹尼尔,谢谢您给我这个机会。我期待尽快开始工作。


by Bryan Shettig



Word Power

offer [ˋɔfɚ] v.提供

The waiter offered us some bread and water before taking our order.



salary [ˋsælərɪ] n.薪资,薪水

Scott received a salary of NT$32,000 a month for his first job.



experience [ɪkˋspɪrɪəns] n.经验,体验

Mathew gained a lot of experience after traveling the world.



internship [ˋɪntɝn͵ʃɪp] n. 实习

The internship at the hospital helped Roger learn more about medicine.



employee [͵ɛmplɔɪˋi] n. 雇员

The boss gave his employees two days off for the Christmas holidays.



opportunity [͵ɑpɚˋtjunətɪ] n. 机会

People should hold on to great opportunities if possible.



More Information

proposition [͵prɑpəˋzɪʃən] n. 提议,建议

perspective [pɚˋspɛktɪv] n. 看法,观点

compromise [ˋkɑmprə͵maɪz] n. 折衷办法

agreement [əˋgrimənt] n. 同意;一致

have sb aboard 参与; 加入