That’s Bergen 徜徉卑尔根

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This former capital of Norway is home to a world-renowned wharf known for its centuries-old Hansa merchant buildings and spectacular mountains  前挪威首都的卑尔根,坐落着一处举世知名的码头,以拥有数百年历史的汉萨商会大楼和壮观的重山闻名


One can explore thousands of years of history in this World Heritage City – from the legacy of King Olaf III Haraldsson Kyree (nicknamed Olav the Quiet for his peaceful reign in the 11th century), founder of Bergen, to the Hanseatic merchants who ran the wharf (Bryggen) from the 14th to 18th century. I’d planned on making the rounds of the various historic sites, but those plans quickly became “history” when I was sidetracked by a crowd gathered around a dozen accordion players performing folk songs on the wharf in honor of Market Day. This annual cultural event is just one day, so the old history would have to wait.



Traditions alive and well  传统焕然新生


The Market Day celebration on the first Saturday in June commemorates the old times with traditional music and food and seems to attract all 250,000 Bergensers and lots of accordions. Aromas of sweet milk pancakes cooking on outdoor griddles waft through the air, locals come clad in bunads, their elaborately embroidered national costume, and boats of all kinds fill the harbor. The Bryggen’s dozens of tall narrow medieval buildings, rebuilt after the Great Fire of 1702, make an ideal setting for the old-style market traders and their exhibits.



As I enjoy the entertainment and other once-a-year Market Day festivities, I also take in Bergen’s everyday attractions that line this wharf. Fabulous seafood displays catch my eye and appetite as I look inside the tents that make up the year-round outdoor Fish Market. The sound of a drum roll and whistle means the Buekorps are coming, and that’s an act I know I want to catch. Bergen’s 150-year-old tradition keeps boys and girls marching through town on a regular basis in the summer.






More Information

Bergen [ˈbərɡən] n. 卑尔根(挪威西南部港市)

Hansa(中世纪)商业同业公会(会费)a trade association of northern European merchants during 600AD to 1500 AD

accordion [əˋkɔrdɪən] n. 手风琴

commemorate [kəˋmɛmə͵ret] v. 庆祝;纪念

griddle [ˋgrɪd!] n. 煎饼用浅锅

waft [wæft] v.【文】吹送;飘送

clad [klæd] adj. 穿……衣服的;被……覆盖的[(+in)]

embroidered [ɪmˈbrɔɪdəd] adj. 有刺绣的; 绣上的

medieval [͵mɪdɪˋivəl] adj. 中世纪的;中古风的 related to the Middle Ages, the period in European history from about 600 AD to 1500 AD

take in 参观, 参加, 观赏 to look at thoroughly; view

line [laɪn] v. 沿……排列

drum roll 一连串击鼓;一连串击鼓声,擂鼓声

roll [rol] n. 擂鼓声;隆隆声










Bergen by the book  按图索骥游卑尔根


Going with the flow is great on Market Day, but it really takes a guidebook to know which museums to see, in spite of a local friend’s assertion that the whole wharf is a museum. It also helps to have a guidebook on hand if you want to walk or catch a ride up to two of Bergen’s seven surrounding mountains. A seven-minute ride from the city center on the Floibanen Funicular brings me to the top of Mount Floyen at 320 meters above sea level. Double-decker buses also shuttle riders a short distance to catch the cable car to Mount Ulriken, the tallest of the city’s seven mountains, which peaks at 634 meters.



While Bergen looks beguiling from these “high-points,” the urge to see western Norway’s world-famous fjords sends me back to sea level. Bergen, known as the Gateway to the Fjords, lies near thousands of them, some of which are the longest, deepest, and narrowest fjords on Earth. Book definitions of a fjord “as a long narrow inlet of the sea between high steep cliffs” only skim the surface of describing these magnificent natural phenomena where massive rock walls up to 1,400 meters high nose-dive into the icy blue Norwegian Sea. Trying to decide which ones to see boggles my mind, which makes me glad I’m taking a tour.

虽然从这些「最高点」(译注:high point原指最高潮、最快乐或最有趣的时刻或场合,但此用来和高山玩文字游戏)俯瞰的卑尔根风光确实相当诱人,但想见识挪威西部闻名于世的峡湾的强烈渴望,又把我带回了海平面的高度。被称为峡湾门户的卑尔根,邻近数千处峡湾,其中有些是地球上最长、最深和最狭窄的峡湾。峡湾的书面定义:「海中介于高陡峭壁之间的狭长小湾」其实只形容到皮毛而已,因为这些自然奇景非常壮观,最高达一千四百公尺的巨岩俯冲到冰冷的蓝色挪威海中。想敲定要去看哪些峡湾,令我犹豫不决,所以我很高兴自己参加了旅游行程。


Beyond Bergen  卑尔根更远之处


The “Norwayin a Nutshell” tour offered by Fjord Tours is the most popular roundtrip in the country. It’s reassuring to be on track with this company when it comes to going beyond the “City of the Seven Mountains” to explore the fjords or the mountainous terrain. Calling Bergen’s backyard steep is an understatement considering that the Bergen Railway is Northern Europe’s highest-altitude railway and the Flam Railway is Northern Europe’s steepest mountain railway.






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by the book 按常规;按规则;按规矩; 严格按照规章办事

assertion [əˋsɝʃən] n. 声称;(意见等的)坚持

funicular [fjuˋnɪkjəlɚ] n. 电缆车;缆索铁路,登山铁道 a special type of railway which travels up and down steep slopes, with the carriages being pulled by a strong metal rope

shuttle [ˋʃʌt!] v. 短程穿梭般运送

fjord [fjɔrd] n. 峡湾  a long strip of sea between steep hills, found especially in Norway

inlet [ˋɪn͵lɛt] n. 水湾;小湾;小港; 进口,入口

skim the surface 掠过水面;触及表面 to do something very superficially

nose-dive [ˋnoz͵daɪv] v. 俯冲

in a nutshell 概括地说

nutshell [ˋnʌt͵ʃɛl] n. 坚果的外壳; 小的东西;小容器

roundtrip ['raʊnd'trɪp] n.【美】环程旅行;来回旅行

reassuring [͵riəˋʃʊrɪŋ] adj. 安心的, 可靠的

on track  循着…的路线; 旅行;位于一队列中 on schedule; progressing as planned










On the “Norway in a Nutshell” program, tourists like me head out of town on the Bergen Railway, then switch tracks at the mountain station of Myrdal to the Flam Railway for about a 6-kilometer ride down to the village of Flam. From there a boat picks up the pace for a cruise first through the Aurlandsfjord, a branch of the world’s second longest fjord, Sognefjord and then onto the Naeroyfjord, one of the narrowest fjord in Europe.



There are about a half-dozen “Nutshell” fjord tours, which makes it easy to combine some trips. I opt to jump out at Flam and pick up the Hardangerfjord tour. My first detour goes to the town of Voss for white water rafting. The next day has me back on the “fjord trail” to the village of Ulvik and then by boat across the Hardangerfjord to the village of Eidfjord. The more time spent cruising the fjords, the better.

大约有六种「简明扼要」峡湾之旅,所以结合其中几个行程并非难事。我选择在佛兰结束第一站,然后再接哈登格峡湾之旅。我第一个绕道之旅把我带到了佛斯镇,体验了白浪泛舟(译注:white water指水流湍急以致于浪花成了白色的水域)。次日我又回到了「峡湾路线」,来到乌维克村,然后又搭船穿越哈登格峡湾,来到艾德峡湾村。花在航游峡湾上的时间愈多愈好。


The fjord trail  峡湾路线


Traveling the countryside by train, bus and boat gives me ample time to drink in views of unparalleled beauty – there are waterfalls, snow-capped mountains, lakes and rivers. Flam, Ulvik and Eidfjord are quintessential fjord villages: quiet, quaint and picturesque.



The bus trip from Eidfjord up a hairpin-mountain road to the Voringsfossen waterfall is off the fjord trail but worth the ride. This 182-meter thundering display is Norway’s largest and most famous waterfall. The neighboring century-old Fossli Hotel, a favorite of Bergen-born composer Edvard Grieg, is a famed man-made attraction. All the building materials were carried by horseback because the hotel was built 25 years before the road leading to it.



But after days on the road, it’s good to get back to Bergen, Anytime of day, so much to see, so much to do – that’s Bergen.



by Susan Zimmerman





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detour [ˋditʊr] n. 绕道;绕行的路

rafting [ˋræftɪŋ] n. 泛舟(运动)

drink in 饱览;欣赏(风景等)be fascinated or spell-bound by; pay close attention to

quaint [kwent] adj. 古雅的;奇特而有趣的

picturesque [͵pɪktʃəˋrɛsk] adj. 生动的, 如画的, 独特的

hairpin [ˋhɛr͵pɪn] n. 夹发针;  adj.(道路)U字形的

thundering [ˋθʌndərɪŋ] adj. 如雷鸣的






Vocabulary Focus

wharf [hwɔrf] n. 码头;停泊处 an area like a wide wall built near the edge of the sea or a river where ships can be tied and goods unload

make the rounds (of) 传遍, 走遍 to go and see several different places

sidetrack [ˋsaɪd͵træk] v. 使分散思路; 使转变话题; 使转移目标 to direst someone away from an activity toward another one that is often less important

aroma [əˋromə] n.(植物、酒、菜肴等的)芳香,香气,香味 a strong, usually pleasant smell

go with the flow 顺其自然;跟着感觉走; 随从大家的意见 to do what other people are doing because it is the easiest way

beguiling [bɪˈgaɪlɪŋ] adj. 诱人的 interesting or attractive

boggle [ˋbɑg!] v. 迟疑; 踌躇 to bewilder or give the mind great difficulty

terrain [təˋren] n. 地带 an area of land, especially when considering its nature features

understatement [ˋʌndɚ͵stetmənt] n. 保守的说法 a statement that describes something in a way that makes it seem less important or serious than it really is

pick up the pace 加快脚步 to begin to go faster and make greater progress

ample [ˋæmp!] adj. 足够的; 充裕的 more than enough

quintessential [͵kwɪntɪˋsɛnʃəl] adj. 精髓的;典型的 being the most typical example or most important of something



Bergen, Norway




Fish market in Bergen









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Ulriken!!! BERGEN!!!

Flåm Railway Flåmsbana Norway 2005

FJORDS Norway - Walking along the Nærøyfjord

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Sognegjden, Norway

Views from Hardanger

A Walk Around Voss, Norway - 2007

Ulvik Cruise Destinasjon Hardangerfjord

Eidfjord, Norway

Vøringsfossen sett nedenfra 17.07.10

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Edvard Grieg, In the Hall of the Mountain King from Peer Gynt

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