Beautiful Beaufort 美不胜收的波弗特
This coastal town in North Carolina teems with history, stunning wildlife, shopping and food 这座位于北卡罗来纳州的海岸城镇洋溢着历史气息,野生物令人叹为观止,堪称购物及美食天堂
Some weekenders love nothing more than a relaxing stroll down a historic street or two. Others prefer wildlife. You can have either here. Or both. The different agendas are separated only by a 1 1/2-mile sound stocked with frolicking dolphins and high-end pleasure craft.
Beaufort is the third-oldest settlement in North Carolina. For 150 years, its Queen Anne clapboard homes were lost in the shuffle as progress headed west.
Beaufort was given a second – and rarified – life with the rise of boat vacationing: Core Sound is less than 10 miles east. And the Intracoastal Waterway sliced down from the Neuse River to Beaufort. As a result, yachtsmen heading along the seaboard come bobbing past this picturesque waterfront. They anchor at the marina and go ashore. They leave money here, and it shows.
They wander a community of 4,200 that in the 1970s made a choice to restrict development and point up its past. Industrial buildings that backed up to the water were weeded out or spruced up. From the sound now, you can see Beaufort’s elegant three-story Victorians, many topped with widow’s walks.
Restored history 修复的历史
Restored residences – more than 100 in all – hold yard markers bearing a couple of lines about the homes’ origins. The oldest, Hammock House (1709), allegedly was where Blackbeard hung his hat. Many have stories, of course, and Beaufort Historic Site Tours offers several bus and walking tours that go inside select houses.
You’ll notice the souvenir places have lots of pirate items. Whether or not Blackbeard actually lived here, his Queen Anne’s Revenge was sunk near Beaufort Inlet in 1718. What researchers believe to be the wreck of the QAR was discovered in 1996. You’ll find some salvaged items, including cannonballs, at the N.C. Maritime Museum.
Front Street today is plunder-ready, lined with boutiques, galleries and the like. And great food is in the air. You could spend several days trying the town’s assorted eateries.
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Beaufort [ˈbo͵fort] n. 波弗特; a town in North Carolina
weekender [ˋwikˋɛndɚ] n. 周末旅行者 one who visits a place or takes a vacation on a weekend
sound [saʊnd] n. 海峡;海湾; 海口;河口 a relatively narrow channel between two larger areas of sea or between an island and the mainland
pleasure craft 游船,游艇
craft [kræft] n. 船;飞机 a boat, ship, or aircraft
settlement [ˋsɛt!mənt] n. 殖民地;新拓居地
clapboard [ˋklæp͵bord] n.〔建筑物的〕外墙护墙板﹐隔板
yachtsman [ˋjɑtsmən] n. 游艇驾驶者;游艇所有人
seaboard [ˋsi͵bord] n. 海滨,海岸;沿海地区
bob [ˋbɑb] v. 上下(或来回)快速摆动;跃起
waterfront [ˋwɔtɚ͵frʌnt] n.(城市中的)滨水区
marina [məˋrɪnə] n. 小艇码头
ashore [əˋʃor] adv. 向岸;上岸
back up 后退
weed out 清除 to separate out, remove, or eliminate
spruce [sprus] up 打扮得漂亮整洁 make neat, smart, or trim
Victorian [vɪkˋtorɪən] n. 维多利亚女王时代的建筑; 维多利亚女王时代的人
widow’s walk (昔日供眺望归船的) 屋顶眺望台 a roof with a fence around it
yard marker 庭院标示牌 a sign in the yard of a property explaining something about that property
Blackbeard ['blækbɪrd] n. (海盗)黑胡子(c. 1680-1718) Edward Teach or Thatch, an English pirate who operated around North America
souvenir [ˋsuvə͵nɪr] n. 纪念品,纪念物
inlet [ˋɪn͵lɛt] n. 水湾;小湾
salvage [ˋsælvɪdʒ] v. 抢救;打捞
maritime [ˋmærə͵taɪm] adj. 沿海的;海边的 near the sea or coast ; 海的;海事的;航海的
plunder [ˋplʌndɚ] n. & v. 掠夺,劫掠
boutique [buˋtik] n. 精品店
eatery [ˋitərɪ] n.【口】(小)饭馆
Traveling across the sound 横越海峡
Down at the waterfront, you can’t help but notice a strange little booth in what appears to be a yard littered with old planking and other abandoned boat parts.
The booth and docks are shared by Water Bug Tours (dolphin, harbor and other cruises) and Outer Banks Ferry Service, where you pay $15 for round-trip passage to Shackleford Banks. You’re required to schedule your pickup time, to avoid accidental marooning. That said, you can overnight on Shackleford Banks – and some roost out there for a week at a time.
Shackleford is the southernmost publicly owned/protected island in the Outer Banks chain; unlike those farther up the coast, this one faces south and gets the Banks’ famous winds crosswise. One upshot is that the maritime forest is protected from salt breezes.
Uninhabited by people 无人居住
No one’s lived here for a century. The island’s notable residents today are several bands of wild horses, descended (depending on whom you ask) from shipwrecked Spanish steeds or 19th-century Carolinians.
Several points are hammered home by the time the ferry beaches on Shackleford’s northwest corner. You want shells? Head east on the oceanside. Want to see horses? They’re up on the hills. Be careful and don’t get too close: They’re wild.
Then you’re on your own on what looks like a desert island, ocean gusts whistling through your teeth.
We made for the high ground, a desolate meadow of sand, sea oats and wind-whipped bushes, trudging up and down hill after hill, topping out at maybe 30 feet above the beach. You’ll eventually see a brown pony or two. Approach them slowly, with caution and from downwind; when you’re getting too close for their comfort, they’ll bolt. They are the masters of this 9-mile barrier island.
Get to Shackleford early and plan on spending the day.
−by John Bordsen
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planking [ˋplæŋkɪŋ] n.(总称)板材
maroon [məˋrun] v. 把……放逐到无人岛上;使孤立无援 to be left in a place from which there is no escape
crosswise [ˋkrɔs͵waɪz] adv. 斜对角地 at an angle; against
upshot [ˋʌp͵ʃɑt] n. 结果,结局
band [bænd] n.(一)群
shipwrecked [ˋʃɪp͵rɛkt] adj. 船舶失事的,海难的
steed [stid] n.【文】骏马
beach [bitʃ] v. 将(船等)拖上岸
on one's own 独自, 独立; 主动 responsible for oneself, independent of outside help or control
sea oat 海燕麦 a type of grass that can be found on the East Coast of the United States, Mexico and on islands in the Caribbean
whip [hwɪp] v. 鞭笞,抽打
trudge [trʌdʒ] v. 跋涉,步履艰难地走
top out 达到最高点 to reach the highest point
downwind [͵daʊnˋwɪnd] adv. 顺风地;在下风 in the direction in which the wind blows
bolt [bolt] v. 冲出;逃走;快速移动
Vocabulary Focus
teem [tim] with 充满 to surround with or to have more than enough of
frolic [ˋfrɑlɪk] v. 嬉戏;欢闹;作乐 to behave in a happy and playful way
lost in the shuffle 在混乱中把... 遗漏掉 not getting the attention that one deserves; ignored or forgotten
rarified [ˋrɛrəfaɪd] adj. 纯净的; 稀薄的 describes a place or situation which does not have any of the problems of ordinary life; noble
point up【正式】使〔某事〕显得更重要[明显]; 清楚地表明; 强调 to make a problem or a fact easy to notice so that people are aware of it; to emphasize
hang (one’s) hat 长期居住 to become a resident of a place, to settle in a place; to settle oneself; take up residence
plunder [ˋplʌndɚ] v. 掠夺,劫掠 when goods are stolen from a place, especially violently
the like 同样(或同类)的人(或事物)similar things
roost [rust] v. 歇息;歇宿 to rest or sleep like a bird does on a perch
hammer home 强调(某一点、某一论点等) to make certain that something is understood by expressing it clearly and forcefully
desolate [ˋdɛs!ɪt] adj. 荒芜的,无人烟的 describes a place that is empty and not attractive, with no people or nothing pleasant in it
Beaufort, NC
Fabulous Beaufort, North Carolina
OBX 2011 NC Maritime Museum
Queen Anne's Revenge Exhibit - Beaufort, NC