Otherworldly Sintra 世外桃源辛特拉
The Mountain of the Moon gives tourists art, history and a fantastic view from this Portuguese town on the edge of Europe 葡萄牙城镇辛特拉位于欧洲边缘,有「月亮之山」之称,让游客得以饱览艺术、历史及美妙风景
Eccentric millionaire Antonio Augusto Carvalho Monteiro would have gotten a good laugh.
We’re exploring the mystical grounds of his romantic Quinta da Regaleira mansion, inching through pitch-black tunnels, climbing medieval-like turrets, and traipsing along serpentine paths.
The Mountain of the Moon 月亮之山
Carvalho Monteiro definitely captured the spirit of this magical town only 19 miles northwest of Lisbon, where Portugal’s kings and aristocrats once spent their summers and tourists now flock on holiday. The Romans called Sintra “The Mountain of the Moon,” and we recognize we’re in another world as we take the scenic 20-minute walk from the train station to town. Pieces of modern art lining a park greet us, and we glimpse two towering white cones peeking through the trees. They are the distinctive chimneys of the National Palace, which dominates the historic town center.
We have the National Palace to ourselves as we wander through the 16 rooms, chapel, patios and squares built mostly in the 15th and 16th centuries.
Palace art 宫廷艺术
Interior walls are decorated with various styles of tiles and mosaics, including what is said to be the most extensive collection of Mudejar azulejos, or Spanish colored and glazed tiles, in the country. We marvel at the breathtaking ceilings, which also tell some of the palace’s most colorful tales.
The dome in the Coat-of-Arms Room displays the emblems of all of Portugal’s royal families, except for the one that had planned a revolt.
After touring the palace, we settle at a bistro table for a late-afternoon snack. The crowds are thinning, but the shops are still selling, a street performer is dancing on a corner and the palace is reflecting the waning sunlight.
As we walk back to our apartment, the fresh late-night air feels the same comfortable 68 degrees it’s been all day and would be the next day, perfect for exploring the hills of Sintra.
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otherworldly [ˋʌðɚˋwɝldlɪ] adj. 超俗的; 超脱尘世的
pitch-black [ˋpɪtʃˋblæk] adj. 漆黑的
turret [ˋtɝɪt] n. 角塔,塔楼
serpentine [ˋsɝpən͵tin] adj. 蜿蜒的;弯弯曲曲的
aristocrat [æˋrɪstə͵kræt] n. 贵族(指个人)
scenic [ˋsinɪk] adj. 景色秀丽的
chapel [ˋtʃæp!] n.(附属于大教堂的)小礼拜堂
mosaic [məˋzeɪk] n. 马赛克画(或图案)
patio [ˋpɑtɪ͵o] n.【西】天井;露台
emblem [ˋɛmbləm] n. 徽章;符号;纹章图案 special design or visual object representing a quality, type, group, etc
revolt [rɪˋvolt] n. 反叛,起义
bistro [ˋbistro] n. 小酒馆;小饭馆
thin [θɪn] v.(使)变稀少 relatively small in extent
wane [wen] v. 变暗淡
At the imposing Moorish Castle, an invigorating walk up the long trail takes us past granaries, a guard’s house and the shell of the first parish church, built in the 12th century. Stairs lead to the top of the ramparts and a series of lookout spots.
Standing at the highest point, the Castle Keep, I can see the hazy Atlantic and the town as clouds drift by. No wonder the Moors fortified this position in the ninth century to monitor the coastline, and Afonso Henriques, the first king of Portugal, took control of it in 1147.
The mix of medieval and more modern stonework reminds us that most of today’s castle was rebuilt in the mid-1800s by Fernando II, a German-born prince.
Fernando built his fantasyland on the site of a 12th-century chapel and a 16th-century monastery, which he restored. His German architect designed the sprawling complex, mixing Moorish, Gothic, Renaissance and Manueline features – with a touch of Bavarian castle on the Rhine.
From this vantage point nearly 1,500 feet above sea level, Lisbon can be seen on a clear day.
This glorious Eden 「壮丽辉煌的伊甸园」
The 403 bus quickly leaves the town behind, winding through the rolling countryside on its 35-minute drive to Cabo da Roca, the westernmost point of continental Europe.
Along the way, we pass a few clusters of white- and cream-colored houses and produce stands. Squat Old World windmills contrast with cell towers and satellite dishes.
At the point, a short cream and red lighthouse and a stone marker topped with a cross stand as sentries. The view of endless blue-green ocean is surprisingly dramatic, dotted by islands of sunlight formed by breaks in the clouds.
It’s the clouds that enhance Sintra’s mystique and magic, teasing us with its charms. And when they part, we find a beautiful, romantic, timeless land – as Lord Byron called it, “this glorious Eden.”
-by Bill Reed
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imposing [ɪmˋpozɪŋ] adj. 壮观的;气势宏伟的;庄严的 grand or impressive
granary [ˋgrænərɪ] n. 谷仓,粮仓
parish [ˋpærɪʃ] n. 教区
rampart [ˋræmpɑrt] n.(城堡周围堤状的)防御土墙,壁垒
lookout [ˋlʊkˋaʊt] n. 瞭望所;监视哨
keep [kip] n.【史】要塞;堡垒中最强固的部分 the stronghold of a castle
hazy [ˋhezɪ] adj. 有薄雾的
Gothic [ˋgɑθɪk] adj.【建】哥德式的
Renaissance ['renəsɑns] n.(R-)文艺复兴
Manueline ['mænjuəlɪn] adj. 曼努埃尔式的 denoting a style of Portuguese architecture developed during the reign of Manuel I (1495–1521) and characterized by ornate elaborations of Gothic and Renaissance styles
Rhine [raɪn] n. 莱茵河
stand [stænd] n. 摊子,小贩卖部 a booth, stall, or counter for the display of goods for sale
squat [skwɑt] adj. 蹲着的; 矮胖的 crouched in a squatting position
sentry [ˋsɛntrɪ] n. 步哨;哨兵
tease [tiz] v. 戏弄,逗弄
Vocabulary Focus
eccentric [ɪkˋsɛntrɪk] adj.(人、行为等)古怪的,反常的 strange or unusual, sometimes in a humorous way
medieval [͵mɪdɪˋivəl] adj. 中世纪的;中古风的 related to the Middle Ages, which is the period in European history from about 600 AD to 1500 AD
traipse [treps] v. 漫步, 拖曳漫步 to walk from one place to another, often feeling tired or bored
glazed [glezd] adj. 上过釉的 a surface that is shiny because a liquid substance was put onto it and left on it until it dried or heated
invigorating [ɪn`vɪgəˏretɪŋ] adj. 使人精力充沛的 something that makes one feel fresher, healthier and more energetic
fortify [ˋfɔrtə͵faɪ] v. 筑堡垒于 to strengthen something, especially in order to protect it
sprawling [ˋsprɔlɪŋ] adj. 不规则地伸展的; 无计划地扩展的 to cover a large area of land with buildings which have been added at different times so that it looks untidy
vantage point 〔能观察某物的〕有利位置 a place, especially a high place, which provides a good clear view of an area
mystique [mɪsˋtik] n. 神秘性; 神秘色彩 a quality of being special in a mysterious and attractive way
Most Mystical and Mysterious Place I've ever been. Quinta da Regaleira
Palácio Real, Sintra National Palace - world heritage
Inside Sintra National Palace
Sintra's Castle of the Moors : a spectacular hilltop medieval military
cabo da roca. anna maria jopek