The Culture of Curaçao 库拉索的文化
If you want the beach, you’ve got the wrong island 如果你是想要享受海滩风情,就来错岛屿了
Curaçao is in the Netherland Antilles and became an independent country October 10, autonomous from the Dutch. The strip of desert in the middle of the ocean is studded with volcanic rock, limestone cliffs, a dozen kinds of cactus, and the divi-divi tree, whose branches point west in the direction of the wind.
Most beaches are rocky rather than sandy, and people come here for diving in the clear blue water rather than sunning next to it. Curaçao’s reefs have more than 50 species of coral and hundreds of species of fish, with dozens of dive sites.
The island is an intriguing intersection of cultures. The location is more Latin than Caribbean, the culture more Dutch. The official language is Dutch, but many people speak English, Spanish or a Creole language called Papiamentu.
Poverty and affluence are side by side as well, even in the touristy part of town along the harbor where the cruise ships dock. A prettily painted house sits next to one that is boarded up, a sheet of corrugated tin tearing loose from the roof.
Touring the island 岛上游览
To get my bearings, I sign up for a three hour tour. From a hilltop south of the capital Willemstad, our tour guide points out Spanish Waters, the bay where Spanish galleons once put ashore.
At nearby Caracas Bay, we climb deteriorating stone steps to Fort Beekenburg, where Curaçao was defended from pirates and French and English invaders in the 17th and 18th centuries. Blo-blo lizards skitter through the cacti, and a little land crab raises its claws as if to thwart this invasion by tourists.
At Fort Nassau, we get a spectacular view of the Schottegat lagoon. We see the Isla oil refinery, the Queen Juliana Bridge stretching like a ribbon high above the harbor, a tugboat accompanying a freighter entering Santa Anna Bay, the deepwater channel that divides Willemstad.
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Curaçao [ˋkjʊrə͵saʊ] n. 库拉索
stud [stʌd] v. 散布于;密布于;点缀 [(+with)] scatter or intersperse like dots or studs
cactus [ˋkæktəs] n. 仙人掌
sunning [sʌnɪŋ] n. 晒太阳
touristy [ˋtʊrəstɪ] adj. 观光客的
prettily [ˋprɪtɪlɪ] adv. 漂亮地
board up 用〔木板〕遮住[堵上] to enclose or seal a building or part of a building with boards or panels
corrugated [ˋkɔrə͵getɪd] adj. 波纹的; 有瓦楞的
hilltop [ˋhɪl͵tɑp] n. 山顶
galleon [ˋgælɪən] n. 十五、六世纪西班牙大型帆船
skitter [ˋskɪtɚ] v.〔像小动物那样〕轻快地跑
tugboat [ˋtʌg͵bot] n. 拖船
freighter [ˋfretɚ] n. 货船; 运货飞机
Caracas Bay
Blo-blo lizard
Historical harbor 深具历史意义的港口
The Dutch West India Co. turned Willemstad into a center of trade in the late 1600s, and the harbor remains its economic heart. Willemstad grew up on the south side of Santa Anna Bay, in an area called Punda. Here I find the Jewish quarter and synagogue, the oldest in the Caribbean; the Maritime Museum, housed in the former Hotel Venezuela; stores that sell Dutch linens, European watches and blue-and-white Delft porcelain to tourists.
At the Old Market, people sit at long, communal tables and eat baked whole snapper, fried plantains, goat stew and the other traditional foods of Curaçao. Here also is the floating market, where boats line the canal and fisherman lay out their catch for shoppers. On the sidewalk, produce stalls are stacked high with tropical fruits and vegetables brought from Venezuela. The vendors live on these little boats.
The waterfront street, the Handelskade, is lined with Dutch Colonial-style buildings painted in bright colors. This strip, designated a UNESCO World Heritage site, is the iconic picture of Curaçao.
The other side 另一边
Across the bay is Otrobanda, the “other side.” Here a Dutch entrepreneur renovated Dutch colonial houses from the 18th and 19th centuries and turned them into the Kura Hulanda, where I am staying. One day I explore the Kura Hulanda museum, which displays the art and history of Africa, focusing on the slave trade.
Punda and Otrobanda are connected by two bridges. The Queen Emma is a pontoon bridge for pedestrians. But when a freighter or cruise ship approaches, the bridge operator fires up the engine, and like a truck driver, steers the Punda end of the bridge a full 90 degrees to the opposite shore so that the length of the bridge is snug up against the Otrobanda side, leaving plenty of room for the ship to pass.
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quarter [ˋkwɔrtɚ] n.(城市中的)区
synagogue [ˋsɪnəgɑg] n. 犹太教堂
linen [ˋlɪnən] n. 亚麻布制品(如床单,桌巾,内衣等)
porcelain [ˋpɔrslən] n. 瓷;(总称)瓷器
snapper [ˋsnæpɚ] n.【鱼】真鲷
plantain [ˋplæntən] n.【植】大蕉
stew [stju] n. 炖肉,焖菜
strip [strɪp] n. 狭长的一块土地a long narrow region of land or body of water
renovate [ˋrɛnə͵vet] v. 修复; 装修; 整修
pontoon [pɑnˋtun] n.〔架设浮桥用的〕浮舟﹐平底船
Road trip 开车上路
The other bridge, the Queen Juliana, is narrow and nearly 200 feet high – enough for cruise ships to pass under. It is from this bridge that I leave Otrobanda to tour the island in my rental car. The road that circles Curaçao is an easy day trip, and I’ve planned several stops: Christoffel National Park, the Nena Sanchez art gallery and the salt flats where a flock of flamingos hangs out.
The temperature is in the low 80s, and the sun is fierce, so the park ranger recommends against trying to climb Mount Christoffel, which at nearly 1,300 feet is the highest point on the island. Instead, she suggests the loop road on the east side of the park and points out some short walks. The first is an easy climb to a plateau with a panoramic view of Mount Christoffel on one side, the ocean on the other.
After another short drive, I follow a foot trail to caves with Indian drawings. Crude brick-colored drawings mark the entrance to one cave; other marks look like contemporary graffiti.
Art and history 艺术与历史
Near the middle of the island, at an old plantation house, is the gallery of Nena Sanchez, a Curaçao native. Her scenes of the Caribbean, painted in bright turquoise, fuchsia and sunny yellow, appeal to me, and I buy a small painting of hibiscus flowers.
Across the road are the Salinas, or salt ponds. I pause at a small monument honoring “freedom fighters” in the slave rebellion of 1795. Slaves worked the salt mines. Today the salt ponds are a sanctuary for a flock of flamingos.
It is dusk as I leave the Salinas and drive back to Willemstad. My mind remains at the salt ponds, though – they are one more unique piece of the history of this little island.
-by Marjie Lambert
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flat [flæt] n. 沼地;浅滩
hang out 【非正式】闲荡 spend time in a certain location or with certain people
loop [lup] n. 环路,环线
plateau [plæˋto] n. 高原
crude [krud] adj. 粗糙的,粗陋的
plantation [plænˋteʃən] n. 农园,大农场
turquoise [ˋtɝkwɔɪz] adj. 蓝绿色的
fuchsia [ˋfjuʃə] n. 紫红色 a strong, vivid purplish red
hibiscus [haɪˋbɪskəs] n.【植】木槿
rebellion [rɪˋbɛljən] n. 反叛,造反;叛乱
Vocabulary Focus
autonomous [ɔˋtɑnəməs] adj. 自治的,独立存在的 independent and having the power to make one’s own decision
affluence [ˋæflʊəns] n. 富裕 abundant wealth or the ownership of a lot of things
get (one’s) bearings (藉可辨认的路标等) 确定自己的位置 to discover one’s exact position
thwart [θwɔrt] v. 反对,阻挠 to stop something from happening or someone from doing something
communal [ˋkɑmjʊn!] adj. 公共的;小区的 describing something used by a group of people rather than one single person
fire up 发动(机器)to initiate the operation of something such as an engine
snug [snʌg] v. 使紧贴合身 fitting closely
panoramic [͵pænəˋræmɪk] adj. 全景的 regarding a view of a wide area
graffiti [grə`fitɪ] n. 乱涂乱抹﹐涂鸦 writings or drawings made on surface in public places
sanctuary [ˋsæŋktʃʊ͵ɛrɪ] n. 庇护所,避难所 protection or a safe place, especially for something being chased or hunted
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