Can Chiropractors Really Heal? 整脊能治百病?

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While some chiropractors market themselves as holistic healers, others insist that sticking to their own field of expertise is the best medicine 虽然有些整脊治疗师(译注:或译整脊师、整脊医师、脊骨神经医师)以全人治疗者(译注:或译整体愈疗师)自居来自我营销,但其他整脊治疗师却坚持,坚守本行才是最佳良药


Chiropractors are best known for treating back and neck pain. But can their hands-on manipulations of the spine also help with colic, asthma, ear infections, allergies and digestive issues?



Though it’s a controversial notion, some chiropractors are aggressively marketing themselves as holistic, primary-care healers who can treat a broad scope of ailments ranging from acid reflux to infertility. Others in the field say chiropractors should focus on musculoskeletal disorders such as back pain, where evidence for efficacy is the strongest.



Though conventional practitioners have often scorned them for making unfounded claims, chiropractors are now established as mainstream healthcare providers. Many health plans and Medicaid now cover their services, and they regularly care for clients ranging from the chronically ill to professional and Olympic athletes. An estimated 8.6 percent of adults in the U.S. use chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation, according to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.



Typical treatment  一般疗程


Chiropractors typically apply a sudden force to a region of the spine to help loosen a stiff joint, which they say allows the body’s natural healing process to take over. During an initial visit, the chiropractor typically takes a health history and performs a physical exam, focusing on the spine. X-rays may be taken, and spinaladjustments” may be applied with a patient lying facedown or sideways on a table.



Experts say there is evidence the treatment can lessen lower back pain, even if researchers have yet to figure out exactly why.



A non-drug, non-surgical approach, the manual treatments can be “a good adjunct to musculoskeletal care,” said Dr. Joel Press, medical director of the Spine and Sports Rehabilitation Center at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, which employs two chiropractors.






More Information

holistic [hoˋlɪstɪk] adj. 整体论的; 全面的; 整体性的

chiropractor [ˋkaɪrə͵præktɚ] n.【医】脊骨神经医师

hands-on [ˋhændzˋɑn] adj. 亲自动手的;躬亲的

colic [ˋkɑlɪk] n.【医】绞痛;急腹痛

primary-care 基层医疗; 初级保健护理

healer [ˋhilɚ] n. 另类治疗师

acid reflux 胃酸逆流  a chronic condition in which stomach acid flows back into the esophagus, causing a burning sensation

reflux [ˋri͵flʌks] n. 逆流;退潮

infertility [ɪnfɚˋtɪlətɪ] n. 无生育能力

musculoskeletal [͵mʌskjəloˋskɛlətəl] adj. 肌肉与骨骼的 concerning or involving the muscles and the bones

practitioner [prækˋtɪʃənɚ] n. 开业者(尤指医生、律师)

unfounded [ʌnˋfaʊndɪd] adj. 没有事实根据的,无理由的

claim [klem] n. 声称; 断言

Medicaid (美国)医疗补助(计划) a government service in the U.S. for low-income people, which pays for their medical treatment

osteopathic [͵ɑstiəˋpæθɪk] adj. 整骨的;骨疗法的 involving the treatment of injuries to bones and muscles using pressure and movement

complementary [͵kɑmpləˋmɛntərɪ] adj. 补充的;互补的

loosen [ˋlusn] v. 松开;松弛

spinal adjustment 脊椎矫正

facedown [ˋfes͵daʊn] adv. 面向下地

sideways [ˋsaɪd͵wez] adv.(斜)向一边;向旁边

have yet to 尚未

rehabilitation [͵rihə͵bɪləˋteʃən] n.(病残人的)康复









At Chiro One Wellness Centers, however, spinal adjustments are used to treat a wide variety of ailments seemingly unrelated to the spine. Moreover, anyone is encouraged to come in for regular maintenance to prevent disease from occurring.



The Chiro One philosophy stems from a concept of chiropractic manipulation from the late 1800s that many view as unscientific and outdated. The theory holds that the spine is the key to our overall health and that human illnesses arise from “subluxation,” a term chiropractors use for misalignment of the spine.



“The premise was and still is that the spine and the nervous system are the master systems which control and coordinate all function in the body,” said Chiro One chief executive Stuart Bernsen.



An opposing view  反对的看法


But only a minority of chiropractors still adhere to the original theories of the spine as a source of ill health. On the other end of the spectrum are chiropractors who use a more modern, evidence-based approach that focuses on the diagnosis, assessment and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions using a variety of techniques, with the exception of prescription drugs and surgery.



“This business of ‘all disease stemming from spine,’ there’s no evidence to support that,” said chiropractic physician Jim Winterstein, president of the National University of Health Sciences in Illinois, one of 18 accredited chiropractic schools in the U.S. “And I’d never suggest the adjustment of spine is the answer to human ailments. It plays a role like exercise and nutrition and lifestyle changes. All are tools.”



Winterstein also disputes claims that regular adjustments can help improve overall health, again citing a lack of science.



“We have anecdotal evidence that people seem to get healthier – when you manipulate the spine and affect the nervous system, dramatic things sometimes happen – but that’s the most we can say at this point,” he said.



by Juie Deardorff





More Information

wellness [ˋwɛlnɪs] n.【美】健康

subluxation [ˌsʌblʌkˈseɪʃən] n. 脊骨错位; 不全脱位;半脱位

misalignment [mɪsəˋlaɪnmənt] n. 未对准;角误差

premise [ˋprɛmɪs] n. 假定; 假设; 前提

spectrum [ˋspɛktrəm] n. 系列; 范围

prescription [prɪˋskrɪpʃən] n. 处方; 药方; 处方上开的药

accredited [əˋkrɛdɪtɪd] adj. 正式认可的; 鉴定合格的

dispute [dɪˋspjut] v. 对……提出质疑






Vocabulary Focus

manipulation [mə͵nɪpjʊˋleʃən] n. 推拿 a treatment to a part of the body, using the hands to push bones back into the correct position and put pressure on muscles

efficacy [ˋɛfəkəsɪ] n. 功效;能力 an ability, especially of a medicine, to produce the intended results; effectiveness

scorn [skɔrn] v. 轻蔑;藐视 to treat something with a great lack of respect because you think it is of little or no worth

adjunct [ˋædʒʌŋkt] n. 附属品; 辅助物 something added or connected to a larger or more important thing

stem from 起源于 to develop or originate from

adhere to 忠于; 拥护; 支持 to continue to believe in or support something

anecdotal [͵ænɪkˋdot!] adj. 轶事的,趣闻的 based on reports or things someone saw rather than on proven facts