Trends in Health 健康医疗新趋势
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Extreme dieting spreads in Asia 亚洲吹起极端节食风
Agatha Yau, a marketing executive [in Hong Kong], has done many things over the years to stay trim; taken diet pills, eaten meals of boiled vegetables and practiced delaying gratification.
“Sometimes, I’ll look at the food and just smell it,” Yau, 22, says one morning as she has her breakfast.
In most developed parts of the world, women feel pressure to be thin. But such pressure is especially intense in Asia where scores of skinny women seem always to be looking for ways to get even skinnier. Experts say dieting in Asia tends to be more extreme than in the West because of cultural perceptions of beauty.
In Asia, women want to stay skinny without exercising because muscles aren’t considered a feminine feature, says Sing Lee, director of the Hong Kong Eating Disorders Center at Chinese University.
That’s why, “when they want to control their body weight, they eat less or take pills” instead of exerting themselves, Lee says.
A new kind of competition 新型竞争
With the shift from an agrarian to an urbanized society, “there are definitely more opportunities to overeat,” says David Schlundt, an associate psychology professor at Vanderbilt University.
In Asia, obesity is becoming more common among adolescents, although it’s less of a problem than in the United States. For now, in cities such as Hong Kong, health professionals say their biggest challenge is dealing with young women who don’t eat enough, not those who eat too much.
“You can see how pervasive slimming is in this culture,” says Philipa Yu of the Hong Kong Eating Disorders Association. In the old days, Asian women competed with one another to see how many children they could have, but now they compete to be the most successful and the thinnest.
−by Kathy Chu
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in the know 知情的
trim [trɪm] adj. 苗条的 in good physical condition; fit; slim
exert [ɪgˋzɝt] v. 施加; 利用; 运用
agrarian [əˋgrɛrɪən] adj. 耕地的;农业的 related to the land, especially farms
urbanized [ˋɝbən͵aɪzd] adj. 城市化的,都市化的 building houses and offices in an area of countryside so that it becomes a town
adolescent [͵æd!ˋɛsnt] n. 青少年
A revolution in dealing with kidney failure: trading donors 对抗肾衰竭新契机:交换捐肾人
Melissa Larson sat outside a coffee shop staring at the brochure her doctor had just handed her.
“Kidney exchange,” it read – a simple phrase for a remarkable idea that could save her life. One altruistic person donates a kidney, triggering a cascade of surgeries across the country, with one donor after another paying it forward in a neverending chain of kidney transplants. Until, finally, she gets the kidney that’s right for her.
“This is the way I have to go,” Larson said.
For two years [she] has been searching for a donor. Now, at last, Larson sees a solution in the works: an ingenious computer matching system that can reach across the United States to connect donors with patients and bring hope to many of the 80,000 Americans on the kidney waiting list.
Facing challenges 面对挑战
The idea still faces daunting hurdles. It needs buy-in from more of the nation’s 220 transplant hospitals, a broader set of widely accepted medical guidelines for living donors, and financial support from Medicare and other health plans. But with that support, exchanges have the potential to create a national matching system. That could save millions of dollars in the cost of treating kidney disease and end the ordeal of thousands of desperate kidney patients.
Such kidney exchanges are brand new, but they rely on the oldest economic model of all – trade. Your wife gets a compatible kidney from a stranger, you give a compatible kidney to the stranger’s sister. Two perfect matches – or four or 10 or 100 – are made by a computer that chooses the best medical and geographic combinations.
No one expects exchange pools to eliminate the deceased kidney waiting list. But some predict they could increase the number of transplants by up to 4,000 per year – the same number of people who die each year while waiting on the list.
−by Josephine Marcorty
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in the works 正在进行, 正在准备 being developed or scheduled to happen in the future
ingenious [ɪnˋdʒinjəs] adj. 聪明的; 别出心裁的
daunting [ˋdɔntɪŋ] adj. 令人怯步的;使人气馁的
buy-in 加入; 接受; 支持 to agree with; to accept an idea as worthwhile; support and approval; the purchasing of a portion of a medical practice in order to become one of the partners
Medicare 联邦医疗保险 a government service in the U.S. for people who are 65 years old and older that pays for medical treatment
ordeal [ɔrˋdiəl] n. 苦难,折磨
pool [pul] n. 共享,聚拢(资金、知识、设备等)
Vocabulary Focus
gratification [͵grætəfəˋkeʃən] n. 满足;满意 the act of satisfying a wish or need
exert oneself 努力;尽力(此指努力锻炼身体) to make a mental or physical effort; make a great effort at a mental or physical task
pervasive [pɚˋvesɪv] adj. 普遍的 present or noticeable in every part of a thing or place
altruistic [͵æltrʊˋɪstɪk] adj. 无私的 showing a wish to help or bring advantages to other people, even if it results in disadvantage for yourself
cascade [kæsˋked] n. 一连串的东西 a large amount of something or a series of things
pay it forward 让爱传出去 when someone does a good deed, to repay the act of kindness by doing a good deed for someone else, who would then do something kind for another person, creating a goodwill movement
hurdle [ˋhɝd!] n. 障碍,困难 a problem that one has to deal with before one can make progress
compatible [kəmˋpætəb!] adj. 适合的;兼用式的;【计算机】兼容的 describing blood, organs or tissue that is able to function successfully inside another body