The Nightly Grind 夜夜磨牙
How being stressed out can affect your teeth 探讨压力如何对牙齿造成影响
Cracked and worn-down teeth, jaw pain and headaches are getting the attention of dentists – and stress is at the root of the problem, they say.
“We know that everybody’s under a lot of stress lately,” said Matthew Messina, a dentist and adviser for the American Dental Association.
The body reacts to stress – whether real or perceived – with a spurt of energy that enables a person to run or fight, Messina said. People who are under stress burn that excess energy off somewhere. Some do it at night by clenching or grinding their teeth.
Pounds of pressure 千斤重担(译注:物理学上的压力,指单位面积上所受的力,而物理学上的压力往往以磅为单位来计算,即此处所用的pound[s])
Clenching and grinding, also called “bruxism,” puts hundreds of pounds of pressure on tooth surfaces. Typically, chewing exerts 20 to 40 pounds on the teeth, but the pressure from grinding can be 250 pounds or more.
Broken and chipped teeth are some of the results. And grinding can wear off enamel until the softer, dentin layer of the teeth is exposed. Teeth also can be rubbed flat.
Wear and tear on teeth isn’t the only result. “When you clench your teeth, you can get pain behind the eyes, ringing in the ears, sinus pain, neck pain, headaches – it can even trigger migraines,” said David Wright, a dentist who has training for the treatment of facial and joint pain.
Breaking a clench-and-grind habit isn’t easy. Stress management techniques can help some patients. But there’s more to solving the problem than just telling a patient to relax and expecting everything to be all right, dentists say.
Not a cheap fix 所费不赀
Many patients try over-the-counter night guards that prevent teeth from snapping together and allow muscles to relax. But the one-size-fits-all devices often don’t work well, dentists say. What works better are custom-made appliances that fit the patient’s mouth.
Preventing clenching and grinding might be worth the cost of a custom-made night guard. Insurance sometimes pays for guards that are prescribed for medical reasons, such as to prevent muscle pain, jaw pain, headaches and migraines.
-by Barbara Anderson
More Information
stress out 感到非常焦虑 to subject to or undergo extreme stress, as from working too much
stressed out(用作表语)紧张的,感到有压力的
worn-down [ˋworn͵daʊn] adj. 磨损不堪的
wear down 磨损; 损耗 to break down or exhaust by relentless pressure or resistance
at the root of 关键的根本…
spurt [spɝt] n. 突然一阵
burn something off 消耗;耗费 to get rid of something
clench [klɛntʃ] v. 咬紧
bruxism [ˋbrʌksɪzm] n.【医】磨牙
exert [ɪgˋzɝt] v. 运用,行使; 发挥;施加
chipped [tʃɪpt] adj. 有缺口的
wear off 磨损; 磨去 to grind or rub off something
enamel [ɪˋnæm!] n.(牙齿的)珐琅质,釉质
dentin [ˋdɛntɪn] n.【解】齿质;(牙齿的)象牙质
sinus [ˋsaɪnəs] n. 窦; 鼻窦
migraine [ˋmaɪgren] n.【医】偏头痛
joint [dʒɔɪnt] n.【解】关节
snap [snæp] v. 猛咬
one-size-fits-all 通用的;一体适用的
appliance [əˋplaɪəns] n. 装置,设备
Vocabulary Focus
perceive [pɚˋsiv] v. 察觉;感知 to think of something in a particular way
wear and tear 损耗; 折磨 the damage that comes from ordinary use
trigger [ˋtrɪgɚ] v. 触发,引起[(+off)] to cause something bad to start
custom-made [ˋkʌstəm͵med] adj. 定制的; 订做的 something, such as an article of clothing, that is specially made for a particular buyer
How to Stop Grinding Your Teeth At Night