Lesson in Giving 投资天王巴菲特教子女金钱的功课
One of the richest men in the world gave each of his kids $1 billion and a chance to give it all away 富冠全球的巴菲特(译注:根据富比士杂志二00九年财富排行榜,比尔.盖兹为全球首富,而巴菲特位居第二)赠送每名子女十亿美元,让他们可以用来做公益
For all the talk of how Warren Buffett is a normal guy, we know he is not just like us. We don’t play bridge with Bill Gates. And these days, we certainly don’t get 10 percent dividends on our stocks.
But ask Buffett about his kids – Susie, a knitting-shop owner; Howie, a farmer; and Peter, a musician – and he turns into your typical, gushing dad. “All three are smart. They have good judgment,” he says. “They’re just very decent human beings.”
So decent, he thinks, that three years ago, when he pledged $30 billion to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, he also promised each of his children $1 billion in shares for their charitable foundations.
The gifts were by far the largest the Buffett kids had ever received – and ever expect to receive – from their father. He had made clear long ago that nearly all of his fortune would be going to charity.
In a letter that accompanied his pledges, Buffett wrote, “I consider myself lucky to have three children who want to spend much of their time and energy working on projects that will benefit others.”
The risks of philanthropy 慈善事业的风险
Buffett’s gifts propelled his kids’ small foundations into the elite of philanthropy, immediately endowing them with new prestige and influence, but also introducing added risk. “You get a lot of people who have big hearts but don’t have business skills,” says Trevor Neilson, president of the Global Philanthropy Group. “That leads to a lot of ineffective nonprofits.”
Newer foundations tend to give to those who ask, rather than seek out the projects that need funding most. They end up giving to too many groups resulting in effectiveness for none. And they’re lax about monitoring the work of those groups, in part because they don’t know the groups well and in part because most foundations have small staffs.
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bridge [brɪdʒ] n. 桥牌
dividend [ˋdɪvə͵dɛnd] n.【经】红利;股息
gushing [ˋgʌʃɪŋ] adj. 滔滔不绝的;装腔作势的
decent [ˋdisənt] adj.(人)正派的,正直的,规矩的
by far 到目前为止
propel [prəˋpɛl] v. 推动;驱策,激励 to cause someone to do an activity or be in a situation
elite [ɪˋlit] n. 精英;上层集团
endow [ɪnˋdaʊ] v. 赋予[H][(+with)]
big heart 宽阔的胸怀,高尚的气度 If someone has a big heart, it just means that they are a very loving person. And are willing to share their love with others and do kind things.
in part 在某种程度上;部分地
Putting the money to work 把钱用在对的地方
Three years after they began receiving their gifts, all three Buffetts say they have struggled against those temptations. Yet they’ve also thrown themselves into their newfound roles. Each of them has carved out an area of specialty where they think they can have a huge effect.
Howie Buffett, the Howard G. Buffett Foundation 霍伊.巴菲特的霍华.G.巴菲特基金会
Howie tells about how, in his foundation’s early days, he set out to save endangered cheetahs. He has seen some on safari in Africa, bought some land in South Africa, and set up a cheetah reserve.
On one trip to Africa, Howie had an epiphany. Seeing the stunning poverty in the communities surrounding one wildlife reserve, he turned to his son, Howie Jr., and said that he realized he couldn’t keep investing in conservation “without levels of human needs being satisfied first.” He then decided that he could be most effective by investing in one of the fields he knows best: agriculture. Howie grows corn and soybeans on his spread in Illinois. “Farmers all over the world are the same. We care about the land.”
In partnership with the Gates Foundation, Howie started by funding crop research into drought-resistant maize. But even miracle corn wouldn’t be enough to solve the problems of those farmers in Africa and Latin America who don’t have the basic tools and skills that American farmers have used for decades. So, he is funding a $1.6-million initiative to train farmers in northern Ghana in soil-management techniques. And a similar program in Central America will teach farmers low-tech methods that will enable them to diversify their crops and reduce spoilage after harvest.
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temptation [tɛmpˋteʃən] n. 引诱,诱惑
throw oneself into 投身于; 积极从事 to do something with a lot of energy and enthusiasm
specialty [ˋspɛʃəltɪ] n. 专业;专长
set out 动身, 开始 to begin a journey; to begin a project
cheetah [ˋtʃitə] n.【动】印度豹
safari [səˋfɑrɪ] n. 非洲的(狩猎)旅行
reserve [rɪˋzɝv] n. 保留地;保护区;禁猎区
level [ˋlɛv!] n. (文化等的)水平,程度,标准
spread [sprɛd] n.(广阔的)一片区域
drought-resistant maize 抗旱玉蜀黍 a type of corn that survives better than others during periods of low rainfall
drought-resistant [d'raʊtrɪz'ɪstənt] adj. 抗旱的
maize [mez] n.【主英】玉蜀黍
spoilage [ˋspɔɪlɪdʒ] n. 损坏物; 糟蹋 waste resulting from decaying or damaged foodstuffs
Peter Buffett, the NoVo Foundation 彼得.巴菲特的诺瓦基金会
In the months after the announcement, Peter and his wife, Jennifer, [had] tons of people knocking on their door. “After the increase, we had people calling us and saying, ‘Can we get on a plane and come see you?’” Jennifer recalls. “No.”
“No” is especially significant to Peter and Jennifer because it’s a common thread for one of the focuses of their giving: helpingadolescent girls in developing countries, who often don’t feel empowered to use that word and find themselves the victims of inequality.
NoVo is providing $60 million over four years toward Girl Effect, a project which builds on research suggesting that saying no to early marriage and unsafe sex and yes to education will have an outsize effect on economic growth and sustainable development.
Having a clearly defined mission has allowed Peter and Jennifer a polite out when some cold callers come – “You can say, ‘That sounds good, but that’s not what we do,’” Jennifer says.
Susie Buffett, the Sherwood Foundation 苏西.巴菲特的雪伍德基金会
Warren Buffett’s gift roughly quintupled the amount of grant money that daughter Susie’s Sherwood Foundation – which focuses on public education – gives away every year.
Many of the projects view education holistically and address often-overlooked needs. For instance, one school district is receiving about $300,000 a year to help the poorest students and their families address critical needs, whether it’s paying a long-overdue electric bill or buying new winter coats.
In 2001, she began supporting Educare, an experimental program for at-risk infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. There’s one other fact about Susie’s giving that shows the power of the Buffett name and reminds us, perhaps, why her father is renowned as a master investment strategist. The $20 million a year that Susie is donating to Educare has had a multiplier effect, attracting millions more from new donors. That is a compounding effect that Dad would be proud of.
−by Jeff Bailey
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common thread 生命共同体 an idea or condition that exists in all the different parts of something and that connects them
empowered [ɪmˋpaʊɚd] adj. 授予权利的; 经过授权的
outsize [ˋaʊtˋsaɪd] adj. 超大型的;极大的
sustainable development 永续发展 economic development that can be maintained over time without damaging the environment
out [aʊt] n. 借口,托辞 a method of escape from a place, difficult situation, punishment, etc
quintuple [ˋkwɪntjʊp!] adj. 五倍的; v.(使)成五倍 to make something increase five times in size or amount
grant [grænt] n. 奖学金,助学金,补助金
holistically [hoˋlɪstɪkəlɪ] adv. 整体论地; 全面地;; 整体性地 emphasizing the organic or functional relation between parts and the whole
overlooked [͵ovɚˋlʊkt] adj. 受忽略的
overdue [ˋovɚˋdju] adj. 过期的
at-risk 处于危难状况的,处境危难的
toddler [ˋtɑdlɚ] n. 学步的小孩;蹒跚行走者
preschooler [ˌpriˈskulɚ] n.学龄前儿童
multiplier effect 乘数效应 the idea that increased spending in one area will lead to increased activity in other areas or increased spending from other resources
multiplier [ˋmʌltə͵plaɪɚ] n. 倍数;乘数
compound [kəmˋpaʊnd] v.【经】以复利计算
Vocabulary Focus
pledge [plɛdʒ] v. 保证给予;许诺;发誓 to make a serious or formal promise to give or do something
philanthropy [fɪˋlænθrəpɪ] n.(常复数)慈善行为;慈善事业 the act of helping poor people, especially by giving them money
lax [læks] adj. 不严格的;马马虎虎的 lacking care, attention or control
carve out 开拓 to successfully create a career or niche by working for it
epiphany [ɪˋpɪfənɪ] n.(经义之)顿悟 a sudden feeling of understanding or awareness of something that is very important
initiative [ɪˋnɪʃətɪv] n. 积极的行动; 倡议 a new action or movement, often intended to solve a problem
thread [θrɛd] n. 主线; 思路; 脉络 the way that a theme develops, with one part connecting to another
strategist [ˋstrætɪdʒɪst] n. (尤指军事)战略家,善于策划的人 someone with a lot of skill and experience in planning, especially in military, political, or business matters
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