Make the Most of Your Money 看紧钱包有妙招
Some ways to help young people correct bad financial habits 帮助年轻人改正用钱坏习惯的秘诀
While parents may understand the dollars-and-cents realities of spending sprees and sloppy money management skills, teenagers and young 20-something may need some serious financial perspective.
Here are five ways to help inexperienced young consumers avoid money troubles and become financially savvier.
1, Monitor spending 监控掌握用钱情形
If your college student or high schooler is having trouble keeping track of money, this can turn into a lifelong bad habit. The best way to break this practice is to create a budget. Help your child determine his monthly income from allowance or a job, and then identify regular expenses for gasoline, entertainment, clothing and other costs. If your student has a checking account, require it to be balanced every month (or every paycheck) to ensure spending does not exceed income.
2, Use those gift cards 善用礼物卡
Many youngsters receive gift cards galore as holiday presents. Don’t stuff them in a drawer and forget about them. That could be costly, because some gift cards have expiration dates and fees. The best advice: Know the rules about the gift card and spend it promptly – down to the last penny.
3, Scrutinize credit card statements 详查信用卡账单
Keep track of receipts after credit card purchases and make sure the information corresponds with what’s on the monthly statement.
I’m all too familiar with mystery charges appearing on my credit card statement. In my most recent bill, for example, three charges amounting to about $20 worth of children’s books and software didn’t look familiar. Turns out, my credit card had been compromised. Fortunately, I caught the bogus charges, alerted my bank and contacted the three merchants to have my name and account information removed from their files. I’m continuing to monitor this closely.
The lesson: Don’t assume financial statements and bills are correct. Mistakes happen, but there are also a lot of bad people out there.
More Information
dollars-and-cents 纯经济的 considered or expressed in terms of money or profits
spending spree 拼命花钱; 花钱如流水 a brief period of extravagant spending
sloppy [ˋslɑpɪ] adj. 草率的; 【口】懒散的
savvy [ˋsævɪ] adj. 精明的; 有见识的
keep track of 了解...的动态(或线索); 记录 to continue to be informed or know about someone or something
allowance [əˋlaʊəns] n. 零用钱
balance [ˋbæləns] v. 结算;使收支平衡; n. (钱款的)剩余部分
expiration date 到期日,截止期
promptly [ˋprɑmptlɪ] adv. 及时地; 准时地
correspond with 符合
correspond [͵kɔrɪˋspɑnd] v. 符合,一致[(+to/with)]
compromise [ˋkɑmprə͵maɪz] v. (名誉等的)损害,连累,危及
assume [əˋsjum] v.(想当然地)认为[+(that)]
4, Dodge Internet rip-offs 预防网络诈骗
This just in: Many con artists use the Internet to reach into our children’s wallets. While I think many older children are smart enough to see through most of these scams. There are new swindlers online every day.
Make sure your children know the warning signs, including unrealistic claims about a product or investment, and requests for account information or up-front payments. Being vigilant about protecting information like bank accounts doesn’t require a degree in nuclear physics. Just remember, one false step could lead to financial damage.
5, Free means $8? 免费代表要收八美元?
Free, free, free. That word was plastered all over the website that my daughter was recently looking at while searching for ringtones for her cell phone. The site promotes a special offer of “99 cents per month for 12 months of unlimited free downloads,” with the first four months being “totally free.”
What am I missing? Even with the four free months, there’s still an $8 charge for the remainder of the year. The lesson: Get past the sales pitch, read the fine print and understand what you’re buying.
我是不是漏看了哪个字啊?因为即使前四个月免费,一年其余的几个月份仍然要收费八美元。这当中所学到的宝贵功课就是:别轻信口若悬河的推销伎俩,一定要睁大眼睛一字不漏地看清楚(译注:fine print指极小的字体,词组read the fine print指一字不漏地详细看清楚),要了解自己究竟买到了什么。
Plastic perils 塑料货币:是祸不是福
Here are some tips from the Consumer Credit Counseling Service to help young credit card users in trouble:
- Stop using credit cards. Cut up your cards, or put them in the freezer. Before any purchases, ask yourself, “Do I really need this? Can I pay for it with cash?” If the answer is no to either question, skip the purchase. 不要再使用信用卡,把卡剪断,或是干脆放到冷冻库里。买任何东西之前,先问问自己:「我真的需要这个东西吗?我有能力用现金购买吗?」如果两个问题的答案都是否定的,就应该不要买这项商品。
- Resist the temptation of credit card offers. Shred the offers without opening them. Also, request that your name and credit information not be provided to financial institutions. 要努力抗拒信用卡优惠活动的诱惑,根本不要打开看那些活动文宣,立刻撕掉。此外,主动要求对方不要把你的姓名和信用卡信息提供给其他金融机构。
- Create a repayment plan. Look at your credit card debt and make a plan for how you will pay off the balances. Locate a credit counselor for help. 订定还款计划,察看自己的信用卡债,制定逐步清偿的计划。向信用卡顾问求助。
−by Steve Rosen
More Information
dodge [dɑdʒ] v. 躲避,巧妙地回避
rip-off【俚】剥削; 欺诈; 敲竹杠
see through 看穿;识破(谎言)
scam [ˋskæm] n. 诈骗; 骗局
claim [klem] n.(根据保险政策、赔偿法等)要求的付款
request [rɪˋkwɛst] v. 要求,请求;请求给予
up-front [ 'ʌpfr'ʌnt ] adj.【口】预付的
get past 甩掉 to move around or ahead of someone or something that is in the way
pitch [pɪtʃ] n.【口】叫卖,推销
fine print 小号字体印刷品 an important part of a document that is not easily noticed because of the smallness of the printing
peril [ˋpɛrəl] n. 危险的事物; (严重的)危险
temptation [tɛmpˋteʃən] n. 引诱,诱惑
shred [ʃrɛd] v. 切成条状;切丝
pay off 偿清债务
Vocabulary Focus
spree [spri] n. 无节制的狂热行为 a short period of doing a particular, enjoyable activity much more than usual
galore [gəˋlor] adj.(用在名词后)大量的,丰富的 in great amounts or numbers
scrutinize [ˋskrutn͵aɪz] v. 详细检查;细看 to examine something very carefully in order to discover information
bogus [ˋbogəs] adj. 赝造的;假货的 false, not real or legal
con artist [俚] 骗子,以花言巧语骗人的人 a person who deceives other people by making them believe something false
swindler [ˋswɪndlɚ] n. 诈骗犯; 骗子 someone who obtains money dishonestly from other people by lying and cheating
vigilant [ˋvɪdʒələnt] adj. 警戒的;警惕的 always being careful to notice things, especially possible danger
plaster [ˋplæstɚ] v. 黏贴;贴满[(+on/with)] to conspicuously cover the surface of something
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