Water Woes 水问题何时了

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Like other nations around the world, fast-paced growth and market competition increase Spain’s anxieties over its most precious natural resource – water  就像全球其他国家一样,快速成长和市场竞争使得西班牙对其最宝贵的天然资源:水,愈来愈感到忧心忡忡


Winter rains refused to fall, shriveling reserves to severe drought levels and prompting a water shipment from France. A month-long downpour rescued Spain a couple months later, ending the drought, but anxieties over water and market pressures now bedevil its most development-hungry regions.



Spain has fallen into a funk familiar to many communities in the world. It relies on fresh water from a stable and increasingly in-demand source, the vast Ebro River. Tensions are high over access to and the cost of drinkable water – and what jurisdictions or interests have the right to tap into it.



Spain has always known turbulent periods of water shortages, but its predicament these days is built on modern-day ambitions. Agricultural growth and large-scale irrigation, [as well as] golf course and hotel development have soared in the last decade.



Economic tensions seep into every conversation about water. Regions throughout Spain are bound to local growers, the indisputable heaviest users of water. And every region, intent on 21st-century growth, is just as keen to diversify its economy and capture the fast profits of Mediterranean tourism.



Last spring, Aragon and Catalan authorities, regional neighbors in Spain, were sniping at each other to lay claim to the rushing waters of the Ebro. Barcelona, a tourism dynamo, wanted the river siphoned to help meet its needs. Zaragoza, which the river runs through, balked at a forced sharing from its river basin. Only the rains stopped the turmoil.



Aragon authorities want to keep the Ebro waters at home to encourage development such as theme parks. It is the kind ofchange that environmentalists deride but government officials see as an economic reality. Catalan had its era of development. Now, they say, it is Aragon’s turn.






More Information

woe [wo] n. 困难;灾难;不幸; 悲哀;悲痛

shrivel [ˋʃrɪv!] v. 枯萎;干枯;皱缩

downpour [ˋdaʊn͵por] n. 倾盆大雨,豪雨

bedevil [bɪˋdɛv!] v. 困扰; 折磨 to annoy or otherwise cause problems

funk [fʌŋk] n. 惊恐;畏缩 a very unhappy and hopless state

jurisdiction [͵dʒʊrɪsˋdɪkʃən] n. 权力;管辖权; 管辖范围 the authority of an organization to enforce legal decisions within a specified region or area of responsibility

tap [tæp] v. 开发,发掘,利用(资源、形势)

turbulent [ˋtɝbjələnt] adj. 动荡的;混乱的

irrigation [͵ɪrəˋgeʃən] n. 灌溉 a man-made method of supplying land with water so that plants, especially crops, will grow

seep [sip] v. 渗透; 渗漏

bound [baʊnd] adj.(与…)紧密相连的;(与…)密切相关的;(同…)难以分开的[(+to)]

intent [ɪnˋtɛnt] adj. 专心致志的;坚决要做的[F][(+on/upon)]

keen [kin] adj. 热衷的,深切的; 渴望的,极想的[(+on)][+to-v]

lay claim to 对……提出权利要求 to assert one's right to or ownership of

rushing [ˋrʌʃɪŋ] adj. 急流的,旺盛的

dynamo [ˋdaɪnə͵mo] n. 发电机;电动机

balk at something 对…犹豫,对…迟疑不决 to resist and object to something; to shy away from doing something

balk [bɔk] v. 畏怯,犹豫[(+at)]

basin [ˋbesn] n. 盆地,凹地

turmoil [ˋtɝmɔɪl] n. 骚动;混乱








By all accounts, including Spain’s major farm lobbies farmers use 80 percent of the country’s water resources. Many farmers are blamed for tapping illegal wells in some of the most arid farm regions that allow them to take water for free. By some estimates, there are as many as 1.5 million wells.



Further stretching their resources, farmers are now focused on higher yields in part to answer to globalized competition. Olives were once grown as an arid crop. Today, even olive groves are irrigated to induce more production.



Urban consumers – and Spain enjoys good citizen response to water cutbacks – pay for their water and are increasingly online to receive water from desalination plants, a dependable water supply. Water consumption experts point out that residential and industrial users, including hotels and golf courses, see desalinated water as a reasonable option and have been willing to pay the price.



Critics believe economic favoritism has allowed the farm industry to refuse desalinated water and continue to tap illegal wells. The political cost of forcing farmers to pay, by many accounts, is deemed too high. “Nobody has even been able to confront the farmers,” said one analyst.



Water experts said Spain is now in the middle of rethinking its water policy and trying to divine how to use both desalination and water transfer from the Ebro to coordinate equitable access to water.



“The drought actually has been helpful,” said Damia Barcelo, director of a Catalan-based water institute. “There’s a recognition that we can’t talk about one source or one solution anymore,”



by Christine Spolar





More Information

by all accounts 根据各种流传的说法;从各方面来说; 据说; 根据报导 from all the reports [that are available]; according to what everyone is saying

lobby [ˋlɑbɪ] n.(对议员施加压力的)院外游说团 a group of people who try to persuade the government to take action that is to their advantage

arid [ˋærɪd] adj. 干旱的;干燥的;不毛的

stretch [strɛtʃ] v. 耗尽,竭尽(财力或物力)

cutback [ˋkʌt͵bæk] n. 减少; 削减,缩减

online [ˋɑn͵laɪn] adj. 进行中的; 进展中的; 准备就绪的 being in progress now; referring to something that is in progress or becoming active

desalination plant 海水淡化厂 a factory that removes salt from seawater in order to produce drinkable water

desalination [di͵sæləˋneʃən] n.【化】去盐作用

favoritism [ˋfevərɪt͵ɪzəm] n. 不公平, 偏袒

confront [kənˋfrʌnt] v. 勇敢地面对;正视;对抗

divine [dəˋvaɪn] v.(凭直觉)发现 to discover something

recognition [͵rɛkəgˋnɪʃən] n. 承认; 接受; 理解






Vocabulary Focus

drought [draʊt] n. 干旱 a long period when there is little or no rain in a region

predicament [͵prɪˋdɪkəmənt] n. 尴尬的处境,困境;危境 an unpleasant situation which is difficult to get out of

indisputable [͵ɪndɪˋspjutəb!] adj. 不容置疑的; 无可否认的 true, and impossible to deny

snipe [snaɪp] v. 诽谤,中伤[(+at)] to criticize someone unpleasantly; to make petty complaints attacking someone or something

siphon [ˋsaɪfən] v. 用虹吸管吸出(或输送);抽取,分出[(+off/out)] to transfer liquid through a tube from one source into another on a lower level by the force of suction

deride [dɪˋraɪd] v. 嘲笑;嘲弄 to laugh at someone or something in a way which shows you think they are ridiculous or of no value

answer to 符合; 响应 to respond to someone or something

equitable [ˋɛkwɪtəb!] adj. 公平的;公正的 fair and reasonable; treating everyone in the same way




Water mismanagement in Spain



Desalination in Spain - ICEX