Dumpster Diving 垃圾寻宝

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Picking through the trash gets a new reputation  捡垃圾开始嬴得前所未有的好名声


Professor seeks treasures in trash  在垃圾堆里寻宝的教授


The secret to economic survival this year may lie in the dumpster. Just ask Jeff Ferrell, a professor at Texas Christian University who spends part of his day buried in trash.



The 54-year-old scrounger extraordinaire has furnished his home with the waste of fellow Fort Worth, Texas, residents. As the economy continues to wilt, Ferrell’s daily glimpses into the refuse of others offer both financial perks and a cultural critique on American consumerism, consumption and collection.



The dumpster “is visible manifestation of how far it is from the have and the have-nots,” said Ferrell, who tries to “bridge that gap by dumpster diving.”



In the world of garbage, Ferrell’s the arbiter between the consumer and the landfill. “This is late capitalism, not in its early stage when your shoes were worn out so you got new ones,” he said. “Now you get them because the style changes. It’s marketing, not need.”



Spending less  消费支出紧缩


But as necessity demands consumers tighten their budgets and rethink their spending, resourceful activities are taking on a new meaning. But dumpster diving?



“You’re not just finding things,” said Ferrell, “you’re finding things to keep from buying. It gets to be a self-sustaining system, the opposite of wasteful.”



Two days of scrounging sat on his coffee table one recent afternoon. It included a suit, an unopened bottle of champagne, a metal pot, binoculars, rhinestone earrings, a reading light and a bag full of Banana Republic boxers.



Ferrell said he’s encountering more middle-class residents digging for wood to build a shed or searching for school clothes that fit their kids.



More people are choosing to make valuable what others have discarded, be it out of financial necessity, moral principle or environmental duty.






More Information

dumpster [ˋdʌmpstɚ] n. 装垃圾的大铁桶

extraordinaire [ɛkstrɔrdiˋnɛr] adj.【法】(用作后置定语)特别的,非凡的

wilt [wɪlt] v. 枯萎,凋谢

refuse [rɪˋfjuz] n. 废物;垃圾;渣滓 unwanted waste material, especially material that is regularly thrown away; rubbish

perk [pɝk] n.【口】津贴;额外补贴

have-not [ˋhæv͵nɑt] n.(常复数)穷人 a person or group of people in possession of relatively little material wealth

arbiter [ˋɑrbɪtɚ] n. 仲裁人; 做决定的人

wear out 用坏; 穿破

necessity [nəˋsɛsətɪ] n. 必要性 pressing or urgent need, especially that arising from poverty

take on 具有; 呈现 assume; play

self-sustaining [ˋsɛlfsəˋstenɪŋ] adj. 自立的;自谋生活的 able to provide for your own needs without help from others

binoculars [bɪˋnɑkjəlɚs] n. 双筒望远镜

rhinestone [ˋraɪn͵ston] n. 莱茵石(一种假钻石)

boxer [ˋbɑksɚ] n. 男式宽松短内裤 boxer shorts (复数名词)

dig [dɪg] v. 挖掘,发掘to obtain or find by an action similar to digging

shed [ʃɛd] n. 棚,小屋








Buried treasure  埋藏的宝物


Ferrell, a leading cultural criminologist who attended Southern Methodist University and has taught in Great Britain and throughout the U.S., spent almost a year in the alley-surfing underworld as research.



He and his wife realized they could live off her $270-a-week grocery clerk salary with his full-time scrounging.



Ferrell’s findings – point at an object in his house and he probably hauled it back from a local dumpster on his bike – from his vintage turquoise bathtub to the brown worker boots on his feet, have saved the couple hundreds of dollars annually, said his wife, Karen Lang-Ferrell.



Like other subcultures, dumpster diving follows its own rules and etiquette. One never intrudes on another’s space or takes from someone who needs the item more. Scroungers should always leave the area neater than they found it, said Ferrell. About 90 percent of what he finds he donates to charity.



What about the law?  游走法律边缘?


Dumpster divers also dwell in an ambiguous world of legitimacy where the lines between public access and ownership grow murky.



The Fort Worth Police Department said it’s not the act of dumpster diving that’s illegal, but where it’s done. “You can dive into any dumpster you want if you have the consent of the property owner,” said Lt. Paul Henderson, department spokesman.



The department generally leaves the onus on the property owner or company manager to contact them. The first offense results in a criminal trespassing warning. The next time the culprit risks arrest.



Employees often are aware of dumpster diving, said Margaret Chabris, a spokeswoman for 7-Eleven convenience stores, which must throw away expired goods that aren’t donated to local food banks. The chain, which operates more than 5,700 stores in the United States, allows individual stores to handle the issue. So far, Chabris said, it’s never been a problem.



“A professor in dumpsters shows people it’s not about status,” said Ferrell. “Jobs and income don’t have to determine how much we have.”



by Jessica Meyers





More Information

criminologist [͵krɪməˋnɑlədʒɪst] n. 犯罪学者

attend [əˋtɛnd] v. 上(大学等)

Methodist [ˋmɛθədɪst] n.(M-)【宗】卫理公会派教徒

alley [ˋælɪ] n. 小巷,胡同;后街

live off something 以…为食, 靠…为生 to obtain one's living or means of survival from something

turquoise [ˋtɝkwɔɪz] adj. 蓝绿色的

intrude [ɪnˋtrud] v. 侵入;闯入[(+on/upon/into)]

dumpster diver 垃圾淘宝者(指在垃圾箱中搜寻有价值或有用东西的人)

ambiguous [æmˋbɪgjʊəs] adj. 模棱两可的,模糊不清的

legitimacy [lɪˋdʒɪtəməsɪ] n. 合法(性)

consent [kənˋsɛnt] n. 同意,赞成,答应

Lt.(消防队,警察队的)中尉,少尉 lieutenant

onus [ˋonəs] n. 负担;义务;责任 the responsibility or duty to do something

trespass [ˋtrɛspəs] n. 擅自进入; 【律】非法侵入








Artists find beauty in others’ castoffs  化腐朽为神奇的艺术家


Eydi Lampasona leans out of her SUV to paw through trash for frugal finds.



It’s a recent “drive-by dumpster dive” for the artist who calls herself an “urban archaeologist.” She squeals upon making a golden find – satin cloths – perfect for projects in her Boca Raton Museum of Art classes. Other trash treasures that day: rusty screws, a torn tennis ball, even a car part near some railroad tracks in Florida.

这位自称是「都会考古学家」的艺术家,最近开始「驾车垃圾寻宝」(译注:drive-by指坐在行进的车子里做出某种行为,例如驾车开枪杀人,即为drive-by murder)。她突然大声尖叫,原来是有了重大发现──她找到一些缎子布料,正好可以作为她在「波卡瑞顿艺术博物馆」所教授课程的方案中派上用场。当天从垃圾堆里找到的其他宝物还包括了:生锈的螺丝钉、有裂缝的网球,甚至还在佛罗里达州铁轨附近找到了汽车零件。


Dumpster divers rummage for practical and ideological reasons; others, like Lampasona, dive for their art. The underground subculture of trash diggers is tough to quantify since it’s a job most like to do solo and incognito. But one thing is clear: Dumpster divers are now getting more than they bargained for – competition.



“I’ve got to be ahead of them,” said Lampasona, “Because it really is a race.”



Palm Beach County, Florida, residents generated 1.2 tons of garbage and trash in fiscal year 2007-08, a slight dip from the previous year. This comes at a time when more are likely to take the dive given the economic downturn.



Besides the recession, there are other factors pushing people to wade through waste: “green” fads and the rise of the freegan movement, a group that protests consumerism and includes dumpster diving as part of its moral commitment to minimizing waste.



Still, there are others who dumpster dive for more practical reasons. The eldest of 11, DeeDee Mckenzie grew up in a cash-strapped family. The 57-year-old still leads a modest life. Her most recent dumpster finds: a brand new coffee pot, a digital camera and new shoes, size 6.5.



“I’ve never had money to buy things …. and with this recession, I’ve got little or no money added on to that,” she said. “This is a way to make ends meet.”



by Erika Pesantes





More Information

lean [lin] v. 倾斜

frugal [ˋfrug!] adj. 节约的,俭朴的

drive-by [ˋdraɪv͵baɪ] adj. 驾车进行的 performed from a moving vehicle

squeal [skwil] v. 发出长而尖的叫声

golden [ˋgoldn] adj. 绝好的,珍贵的,贵重的

satin [ˋsætɪn] adj. 缎的;缎做的,  n. 缎; 缎子衣服

rummage [ˋrʌmɪdʒ] v. 翻找,仔细搜查

bargain for【口】(常用于否定句或与more than连用) 预料, 指望 to count on; expect

bargain [ˋbɑrgɪn] v.(常与否定词连用)预料,指望[(+for/on)]

at a time 在某个时刻; 同时 simultaneously

recession [rɪˋsɛʃən] n.(经济的)衰退;衰退期

wade through something  费力地进行 to struggle through something with difficulty

fad [fæd] n. 一时的流行;一时的风尚

freegan 吃垃圾的人(由free和vegan缩合而成,指不购物、不开车、不买房,甚至不上班,尽可能不消耗资源,靠着极为有限的资源生活的人); 这一术语描述的是一种反消费者,他们远离主流的物质享受,只在万不得已的情况下才去购物。

commitment [kəˋmɪtmənt] n. 承诺,保证;承担的义务

modest [ˋmɑdɪst] adj. 不太大(或多)的;适度的,有节制的







Vocabulary Focus

scrounger [ˋskraʊndʒɚ] n. 乞讨者,行乞者 one who obtains things, such as money, food or other items, by searching for and collecting them instead of buying them or working for them

manifestation [͵mænəfɛsˋteʃən] n. 表现;表现形式; 显示, 证明 a sign of something existing or happening

discard [ˋdɪskɑrd] v. 抛弃 to throw something away or get rid of it because you no longer want or need it

underworld [ˋʌndɚ͵wɝld] n. 下层社会;黑社会 the part of society consisting of illegal organizations and activities

vintage [ˋvɪntɪdʒ] adj. 古色古香的;古老的; 最佳的;最典型的 of lasting value, or showing the best and most typical characteristics of a particular type of thing, especially from the past

subculture [ˋsʌb͵kʌltʃɚ] n. 亚文化 the way of life, customs and ideas of a particular group of people within a society, which are different from the rest of that society

murky [ˋmɝkɪ] adj. 含糊的; 暧昧可疑的; 不可告人的 describing a situation that is complicated and unpleasant, and about which many facts are unclear

culprit [ˋkʌlprɪt] n. 被控犯罪的人;刑事被告 someone who has done something wrong

paw [pɔ] v.(用脚爪等)抓;扒 to touch something roughly with the hands

incognito [ɪnˋkɑgnɪ͵to] adj. 隐姓埋名的 avoiding being recognized by changing your name or appearance

dip [dɪp] n.(价格的)下跌 a drop to a lower level

cash-strapped [ˋkæʃstræpt] adj. 手头紧的; 资金短缺的 not having enough money

make ends meet 使收支相抵, 使收支平衡 to have just enough money to pay for the things that you need



dumpster diving



Freegan Movement Gains Popularity