An Open Book 开卷有益

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(译注:open book原指令人一目了然、或毫无秘密可言的人或事物,但由于本课主题是书,因此book也有字面上「书」的双关意。)


The Kindle is not the only way technology is changing – and saving? – book publishing 先进科技正改变──甚至可说是拯救了──图书出版产业,而科技所运用的改变利器不仅是燃烧电子阅读器而已(译注:指除了电子阅读器之外,还有许多其他科技新发明都改变了出版业的面貌)


The virtual book clubber  虚拟爱书俱乐部


Josh Hug, 30, cofounded Shelfari, a social-networking site devoted to generating conversations and recommendations around books. Amazon acquired the bibliophilic company in the summer of 2008.



“Our mission is to improve the reading experience. Short of sitting next to a reader with a warm cup of coffee, the most powerful way to do that is to add a social component. What are other readers of this book thinking? Even as innovations like the Kindle change how people read, reading tends to be solitary. But we can add things around it that are powerful.”

「我们的使命是进一步改善人们阅读的经验。除了真的手里拿杯温咖啡,坐在另一位读书人旁边之外(译注:short of指「除了…没有做之外」),让阅读添加社交的元素,也是能有效改善阅读经验的最佳途径;比方说,可以让读者知道别人在读这本书时,心里都有哪些感想。即使现在有像燃烧电子阅读器这类新发明问世,而改变了人们阅读的方式,但阅读行为本身,仍倾向于是一个人单独进行的活动。不过,我们仍旧能在阅读的经验中,添加一些更强有力的元素。」


The new storytellers  全新的说书人


John Yoo, 39, David Levithan, 36, and Rachel Griffiths, 33, created the children’s series The 39 Clues, which weaves its story through 10 books, an online game and trading cards. The first three books sold more than 2.5 million copies, and DreamWorks bought the movie rights.



Levithan: “From the beginning, we knew the story would encompass books, a website and cards. It was minutely choreographed that we’d reveal 10 clues in print and 29 online.”



Kids don’t make a distinction between loving the book version of this story or the online game. The perceived gap between readers and gamers is just not that big.



Yoo: “A new book rolls out every three months, and we try to create a similar pacing with the online game, so there’s a constant desire and need to return to uncover more clues. In the first six months, we had more than 300,000 registered users, and on average, kids came back 3.2 times each week.”



Levithan: “This structure isn’t going to supplant traditional publishing, but it’s going to broaden it. There are things you can do in a multidimensional format that you just can’t do on 200 printed pieces of paper.”






More Information

Kindle [ˋkɪnd!] n. 名为燃烧的电子阅读器 an e-book device that provides wireless connectivity to Amazon for e-book downloads: it holds more than 200 books, blogs and newspapers and includes a built-in dictionary

clubber [ˋklʌbɚ] n. 俱乐部会员

bibliophilic [bɪblɪəˋfɪlɪk] adj.  爱书者的, 藏书家的 of or relating to bibliophiles; relating to someone who loves and collects books

bibliophile [ˋbɪblɪə͵faɪl] n. 爱书者, 藏书家

short of 除...外

minutely [maɪˈnutlɪ] adv. 仔细地;周密地 with attention to small details

roll out (launch) 推出; 开展 to launch (a new film, product, etc.) in a series of stages over an area, each stage involving an increased number of outlets









The format buster 纸本书克星  (译注:buster指破坏者)


Steve Haber, 48, developed the Sony Reader, an electronic reading device. The third-generation Reader (complete with touch screen, and highlighting and notation features) tripled its sales last holiday season.

四十八岁的史帝夫.哈柏是新力电子阅读器的研发者,这款第三代阅读器(包含了触碰式屏幕,以及重点标示和加注释等功能)在上个岁末年初期间,销售数字暴增了三倍(译注:holiday season此指感恩节、圣诞节一直到次年新年等连续重大节日的这段期间)。


“E-book readers will largely dominate the industry, and it could happen in less than 10 years. Every time I give a Reader to someone to test, I never get it back. It’s just like when TiVo or digital cameras came out. At first, people didn’t know they needed it. But once they have it, they can’t live without it.”



“When we introduced our Reader, the biggest resistance I heard was, ‘I like the smell of books, and I like the smell of paper. I can’t go digital.’ That was the confirmation for me that this change will happen. If the smell of paper is the biggest push back, then we’re good to go.”



The do-it-yourselfer  出书也能DIY


Eileen Gittins, 54, runs Blurb, a profitable print-on-demand startup that sold $30 million worth of books last year.



“People are producers now, not just consumers. They have mountains of digital content – images, recipes and poetry from wikis, blogs and Flickr – that [they] want to share, and you can’t gift a website.”



“I realized e-commerce should meet desktop publishing and print-on-demand technology. Once we could limit the options down to a manageable number, we could get massive scale out of the operation. We’re able to make money off of a print run of just one book, we were profitable in our second year, and our numbers are up 25 percent in 2009, without advertising. Our business spreads naturally by word of mouth. Moving from the digital world to print as everything else moves in the other direction may seem contrarian. But people want physically, especially as more and more of our lives are lived virtually.”



by Kate Rockwood





More Information

format [ˋfɔrmæt] n. 出版物之开本;版式 the material form or layout of a publication

highlighting [ˋhaɪ͵laɪtɪŋ] n. 醒目性

highlight [ˋhaɪ͵laɪt] v. 用强光突出(某部分); 强调

notation [noˋteʃən] n. 注释;批注

confirmation [͵kɑnfɚˋmeʃən] n. 确定;确证;批准

do-it-yourselfer 自己动手族; 万事不求人的人

startup  [ˋstɑrtʌp] n. 新运作的公司

gift [gɪft] v. 赠送 to present something as a gift to

meet [mit] v. 接合;会合

live [lɪv] v. 度过 to conduct one's life in a particular manner






Vocabulary Focus

solitary [ˋsɑlə͵tɛrɪ] adj. 单独的,独自的 being alone

choreograph [ˋkɔrɪə͵græf] v. 安排; 精心设计 to arrange an event or series of events carefully

supplant [səˋplænt] v. 代替;取代 to replace

push back 使撤退, 使回到原处; (此处指阻力的意思) something that presents a challenge or causes resistance

good to go 准备好了 prepared and ready for use

by word of mouth 以口头, 靠言传 getting information directly from other people and not from the radio, television or from reading newspapers

contrarian [ˋkɑntrərɪən] n. 做法与一般大众想法相反的投资人(例如:买冷门股票)habitually rejecting the majority opinion and taking an opposing view



39 Clues Book Trailer



The 39 Clues - Teacher's video



Sony Reader PRS-T1 Review



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Blurb: Self-Publish Your Own Photo Book Without Going Broke