Video Chat Opens Opportunities 视讯通话开创商机 视讯通话开创商机
This increasingly prevalent technology expands possibilities for face-to-face services 这项愈来愈普及的科技拓展了面对面服务的可能性
You once had to leave home to see a psychiatrist for therapy, a music teacher for guitar lessons or a makeup artist for face-to-face consultations. Now they can come to you, virtually, through video chat.
Long the darling of science fiction aficionados, video chat has never much caught on for personal calls. But this year, with the technology being incorporated into a widening array of digital gadgets, professionals specializing in one-to-one services are experimenting with video chat as a way to vastly extend their reach.
Online video chat technology, once the province of geeks and corporate users, has become far more user friendly and available. Recently, Apple’s iPhone 4 and HTC’s Evo4G phone debuted, both with video chat capability. Selected televisions now come with built-in cameras for video chat. On computers, Skype, Yahoo Messenger, iChat and other messaging services have offered video chat for several years. But image quality, reliability and user-friendliness have greatly improved over time.
在线视讯通话科技原本只有科技狂和企业人士才会使用,现在却变得相当普及,使用起来也容易许多。苹果的iPhone 4与宏达电的Evo 4G都在近来首度推出,两者都具备视讯通话的功能。现在,特定电视机也具有内建摄影机以供用户进行视讯通话。在计算机上,Skype、Yahoo!奇摩实时通、iChat及其他讯息服务则是自从好几年前就已开始提供视讯通话服务。不过,影像画质、通话稳定度与操作接口的简易度也随着时间过去而出现了大幅改善。
Barriers removed 移除障碍
“Previously, people had to be kind of tech-savvy to use video chat,” said Alfred Poor, an analyst with research group GigaOm Pro. “Now, with new products coming on the market with video chat already installed, that kind of barrier is no longer there.”
「以前,只有比较精通科技的人,才懂得使用视讯通话,」研究机构GigaOm Pro的分析师艾佛德.普尔说:「现在,由于市场上推出的新产品都已内建视讯通话功能,所以这种障碍已经不复存在。」
GigaOm is so bullish on the technology that it estimates the annual number of video chats will increase from 600 million worldwide in 2008 to 30 billion by 2015.
Susan Fussell, associate professor of communications at Cornell University, doubts that personal calls will be a huge part of that boom if it comes. Crowds famously lined up to see AT&T’s Picturephone at the 1964 New York World’s Fair, but the technology didn’t catch on in homes.
“Back when the Picturephone came out, housewives thought they had to put on makeup and dress up,” Fussell said. “No one wants to do that on a day-to-day basis.”
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darling [ˋdɑrlɪŋ] n. 宠儿 a favorite
aficionado [ə͵fisjəˋnɑdo] n. …迷; 狂热爱好者
gadget [ˋgædʒɪt] n. 小巧; 设计精巧的机械
province [ˋprɑvɪns] n.(活动,职务的)范围
reliability [rɪ͵laɪəˋbɪlətɪ] n. 可信度, 可靠性
boom [bum] n.(商业等的)景气,繁荣
famously [ˋfeməslɪ] adv. 出名地 with the result of becoming famous
The geographic factor is perhaps the biggest attraction for video chat services.
Christian Phoenix was taking guitar lessons when he lived in California. Then five years ago he moved to South Dakota.
“Guitar lessons were nowhere to be found,” said Phoenix, 33, a computer consultant. “There wasn’t even a music store nearby.”
David Fisher was a guitar teacher who lived in a city with no such shortage.
“There are tons of guitar teachers in Nashville [Tennessee], as you can imagine,” Fisher said. He started giving online lessons to “stay afloat and stay competitive.”
Now about half of Fisher’s students come to him by video chat. Phoenix found him on Craigslist this year and began taking lessons for $35 an hour.
“The main thing with the webcam lessons is that initially you have to get used to it,” Phoenix said. “Sometimes you have to zoom so the teacher can see your fingers.”
An area that’s ripe for video chat expansion is medicine, said market analyst Ken Hyers of Technology Business Research.
“We’re seeing a broad push across markets,” he said. “The infrastructure is much more able to support it now.”
A wide variety of possible uses 应用方式有各式各样的可能性
Mental health professionals, who rely on talk and visual cues, have adopted the technology.
In February, during a blizzard on the East Coast, two of psychiatrist Patrick Barta’s patients were snowed in and couldn’t make it to his Maryland office. In both cases, he suggested video chat sessions.
“I could see their mannerisms and felt safe enough to prescribe them with meds they needed.”
Video chat sessions now account for 20 percent of his practice. Most of these clients are under 35. “The older crowd tends to be more leery of it,” Barta said.
-by Shan Li
Vocabulary Focus
psychiatrist [saɪˋkaɪətrɪst] n. 精神科医生 a doctor who is trained to help prevent people from getting mental illnesses and treat those that already have one
array [əˋre] n. 大量[S][(+of)] a large group of things or people, especially one which is attractive or causes admiration and often one which has been positioned in a particular way
debut [dɪˋbju] n. 首次露面 to perform or be introduced to the public for the first time
bullish [ˋbʊlɪʃ] adj. 看涨的;乐观的 believing that something will have success in the future
afloat [əˋflot] adj. 免于经济困难(或负债)的 having enough money to pay what you owe
(be) snowed in 被雪困住的 to be unable to travel away from a place because of very heavy snow
leery [ˋlɪrɪ] adj. 【非正式】怀有戒心的; 不信任的 not trusting of someone or something and usually avoiding them if possible
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zoom [zum] v.(用变焦距镜头)将画面推近 to bring a photographic subject, movie scene, etc., into closeup or cause it to recede by using a zoom lens
ripe [raɪp] adj. 准备妥当的,时机成熟的
push [pʊʃ] n. 推销运动 Informal a special effort or attempt to advance
blizzard [ˋblɪzɚd] n. 大风雪,暴风雪
mannerism [ˋmænərɪzm] n. 习性;言谈举止 a distinctive behavioral trait; an idiosyncrasy
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