Mark Twain 幽默背后的马克.吐温

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This author’s work still influences writers while charming readers 100 years later  马克.吐温这位作家的作品在一百年之后,仍然持续启发后进,吸引读者青睐


Long before he became a best-selling novelist, Wally Lamb visited Mark Twain’s 25-room Gothic Revival mansion.



Lamb, now 59, was a high school sophomore on a field trip from a nearby town. He recalls some of his classmates “were engaged by Twain’s home and some were not. I suspect I was the only one who felt the author’s presence that day, particularly up in the third-floor billiards room, where he wrote.”



A century after his death at 74 in 1910, Twain continues to attract the kind of attention most living writers can only dream about.



The Mark Twain House & Museum in Hartford, Connecticut, crowns him “America’s favorite writer.” Museum director Jeffrey Nicholas says that’s based on “all the interest we see,” including 60,000 visitors a year and the fact that his books, not just The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer but lesser-known works such as What is Man?, remain in print.



Lasting influence  影响历久不衰


“It’s a pretty house,” Nicolas says of the restored, three-story brick structure with ornate woodwork and Tiffany stenciling and glasswork. “But it’s the iconic writer who draws people.”



His own story is as memorable as those he imagined. Born poor in Missouri in 1835, Samuel Clemens worked as a printer, steamboat captain and prospector before reinventing himself as Mark Twain, lecturer, international travel writer, essayist, novelist, humorist and political commentator.



By current standards, he’s no longer a best seller. Lamb, author of two Oprah Book Club picks (She’s Come Undone and I Know This Much Is True), says, “If Twain were a contestanton the literary equivalent of American Idol, I can’t guarantee that he wouldn’t be voted off by the public before the big finale.” But “he remains America’s most influential writer.”






More Information

charm [tʃɑrm] v. 对……施魔法

Gothic [ˋgɑθɪk] adj.【建】哥德式的

revival [rɪˋvaɪv!] n. 苏醒;复活;再生

sophomore [ˋsɑfmor] n.【美】〔大学或高中的〕二年级学生 a student studying in the second year of a course at a U.S. college or high school

engage [ɪnˋgedʒ] v. 吸引;占用(时间,精力等)having ones attention or mind or energy engaged

billiards [ˋbɪljɚdz] n. 撞球,弹子戏  a game played by two people on a table covered in green cloth in which a long pole is used to hit balls against each other and into pockets around the table

crown [kraʊn] v. 为……加冠;为……加冕

stenciling [ˋstɛns!ɪŋ] n. 镂花涂装

glasswork [ˋglæs͵wɝk] n. 玻璃制品

prospector [ˋprɑspɛktɚ] n. 勘探者,探矿者  someone who searches for gold, oil or other valuable substances on or under the surface of the Earth

lecturer [ˋlɛktʃərɚ] n. 讲演者

essayist [ˋɛseɪst] n. 散文家,随笔作家,评论家

commentator [ˋkɑmən͵tetɚ] n.(电台、电视台等的)时事评论者

pick [pɪk] n. 挑选; 选择

vote off 淘汰出局 to remove someone from a position on something such as a committee by voting

finale [fɪˋnɑlɪ] n.〔演出的〕终场﹐最后一幕








Huck Finn’s young narrator, “outside of the mainstream, whose dialect tells you where he’s from, and who’s trying to find his way in a world full of liars and hypocrites,” is a prototype for J.D. Salinger’s The catcher in the Rye and Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, Lamb says. “Twain certainly has influenced my work. Dolores Price in She’s Come Undone is a descendant of Huck.”



Twain still is widely read, not just in the United States, but globally, says Shelley Fisher Fishkin, a Stanford professor and author or editor of 33 books of Twain.



“Hundreds of editions of his writings are in print, and new ones are appearing all the time – indeed, new editions of his works are coming out this year in French, German, Japanese and Portuguese.”



He’s “America’s most iconic writer,” says Jerome Loving, a Texas A&M professor and author of Mark Twain: The Adventures of Samuel L. Clemens, the latest of more than 20 major biographies.



Twain liked illustrations in his books, but Loving says, “the most memorable icon was the man himself, coifed as he was with that shaggy hair.”



“He applied humor to serious subjects such as slavery, revealing not only its hypocrisy but the absurdity of churchgoing folks to rationalize it.”



Twain’s home  吐温故居


Twain moved to Hartford in 1871 to be near his publisher, and lived here for most of the next 25 years, during which he wrote Huck Finn, Tom Sawyer and A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court.



Using money his wife inherited, he built a mansion across the lawn from the more modest home of Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin. It too is a museum.






More Information

narrator [næˋretɚ] n. 叙述者,讲述者

hypocrite [ˋhɪpəkrɪt] n. 伪善者,伪君子   someone who says they have particular moral beliefs but behaves in a way shows these are not sincere

descendant [dɪˋsɛndənt] n. 从某一来源派生(或传下)的东西

biography [baɪˋɑgrəfɪ] n. 传记; 个人简介

illustration [ɪ͵lʌsˋtreʃən] n.〔书籍﹑文章中的〕插图; 图解

shaggy [ˋʃægɪ] adj. 头发蓬乱的

absurdity [əbˋsɝdətɪ] n. 荒谬;荒诞; 荒谬的言行;怪诞的事物

churchgoing [ˋtʃɝtʃ͵goɪŋ] adj. 经常上教堂的








Twain’s home reflects “the multifaceted” complexity of the man and writer, Fishkin says, noting how he had his dining room fireplace built with a divided flue and a window that let him, as she puts it, “bask in the warmth of a raging fire while watching snowflakes fall above it.” That’s image resonates for her: “Underneath the cool, comic surface of work he wrote while he lived there are some pretty searing and fiery criticisms of his society.”



It was the family’s home until 1896. Twain, his wife and two of his three daughters were in Europe when his eldest daughter, Susy, contracted meningitis and died at home. She was 24. Twain never lived in the house again.



Restoring history  修复历史


After he sold it in 1903, it became a school, then apartments. It was almost torn down – a local newspaper editor dismissedTwain as a malcontent who merely made fun of everyone – before a group of women saved it in the 1920s. To meet expenses, they leased the first floor to the public library. Restoration began in 1955.



In 2003, the addition of a $19 million visitors’ center led to a financial crisis for the museum. “Looking back,” says Nicolas, the director, “it was a bit too big and costly.”



Writers, among others, have helped put the museum’s budget back in the black, a reminder of Twain’s misadventures as a businessman.



On exhibit in the museum is a Paige typesetting machine that Twain invested in heavily. It had 18,000 movable parts; many didn’t work. In 1901, after emerging from bankruptcy, Twain advised, “To succeed in business, avoid my example.”



by Bob Minzesheimer





More Information

flue [flu] n. 烟道;暖气管

bask [bæsk] v.(在某种环境或气氛中)感到适意[(+in)]

snowflake [ˋsno͵flek] n. 雪花,雪片

meningitis [͵mɛnɪnˋdʒaɪtɪs] n.【医】脑膜炎 a serious infectious disease that causes the tissues around the brain and spinal cord to swell

in the black 有盈余  not in debt; in a financially profitable condition

misadventure [ˋmɪsədˋvɛntʃɚ] n. 运气不佳的遭遇

typesetting [ˋtaɪp͵sɛtɪŋ] adj. & n. 排字(的);排版(的) arrangement of type letters in order to print something






Vocabulary Focus

restored [rɪˋstɔrd] adj. 修复的;复修的 returned to an earlier good condition or position

ornate [ɔrˋnet] adj. 装饰华丽的;过分修饰的 having a lot of complicated decoration

equivalent [ɪˋkwɪvələnt] n. 相等物;等价物 something which has the same amount, value, purpose, qualities, etc. as something else

dialect [ˋdaɪəlɛkt] n. 方言,土话 a form of a language that people speak in a particular part of a country, containing some different words and grammar, etc.

coifed [kɔɪft] adj.【书】做过头发的;(头发)整理过的 describes hair that is carefully arranged in a particular style

inherit [ɪnˋhɛrɪt] v. 继承(传统,遗产等)to receive money, a house, etc. from someone after they have died

multifaceted [mʌltɪˈfæsɪtɪd] adj. 多面的; 多方面的,多才多艺的 having many parts, sides or aspects

resonate [ˋrɛzə͵net] v. 产生共鸣 to continue to have a powerful effect or value

searing [ˋsɪrɪŋ] adj. (用作定语)烧灼的;灼痛的;剧烈的;尖刻的 very powerful and emotional, or criticizing someone or something very strongly

malcontent [ˋmælkən͵tɛnt] n. 不满现状的人 a person who is not satisfied with the way things are, and who complains a lot and is unreasonable and difficult to deal with



Video SparkNotes: Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn summary



The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer part 3


Mark Twain House and Museum


Harriett Beecher Stowe House


Uncle Tom's Cabin