Magical Thinking 迷信的魔力

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Do you believe in magic? Before you answer, consider the following. ___1___ Or, have you ever entertained the notion that your unexpressed thoughts could impact the actions of others? If so, you are a believer in magical thinking.



When we’re kids, we believe in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. ___2___ However, at this age it is also common for kids to be introduced to the power of prayer. This gives them the feeling that their thoughts and wishes can affect their lives and those of others. This is how the belief in magical thinking can sometimes persist into adulthood.



Adults’ belief in magical thinking has been proven in studies by psychologists from Harvard and Princeton Universities. ___3___ The spectators, unaware that the shooter could actually see through the blindfold, were astonished that he made most of the shots. They all reported feeling that their positive thoughts helped his success. It seemed that magic was in the air.



___4___ In these situations, an explanation is being sought for why something happened, and thus a connection between thoughts and outside events is made. Does this mean that people who believe in magical thinking are crazy? Not at all. ___5___



by Joe Henley


A: This same sort of thinking applies to athletes who wear the same clothes while on a winning streak and to those who feel helpless in times of distress.


B: Associating our thoughts with the things that go on around us is natural and may actually comfort people in their daily lives.


C: But by the time we’re eight, most of us can tell the difference between fantasy and reality and know that Santa and the Tooth Fairy are really just our parents.


D: Have you ever watched your favorite team on TV, and felt that your thoughts somehow played a role in their victory or defeat?


E: In a rigged test, people watched a blindfolded person shoot hoops.





entertain [͵ɛntɚˋten] v. 怀着,抱着;持有

notion [ˋnoʃən] n. 一时兴起的念头

persist [pɚˋsɪst] v. 持续

psychologist [saɪˋkɑlədʒɪst] n. 心理学家

spectator [spɛkˋtetɚ] n.(比赛等的)观众;旁观者

astonished [əˋstɑnɪʃt] adj. 感到惊讶的,吃惊的

in the air 在空中;向空中

winning streak 碰上连赢的运气

streak [strik] n.(短暂的)一阵子;一系列;一点点

distress [dɪˋstrɛs] n. 悲痛,苦恼

rigged [rɪgd] adj. 作弊的;以不正当手段操纵的



More Information



unexpressed [͵ʌnɪkˋsprɛst] adj. 未表达的

shooter [ˋʃutɚ] n. 射手

blindfold [ˋblaɪnd͵fold] v. 蒙住……的眼睛;蒙住(眼睛)

hoop [hup] n.(篮球的)篮,篮圈

fantasy [ˋfæntəsɪ] n. 空想;幻想

defeat [dɪˋfit] n. 失败,战败




1. ( D )

2. ( C )

3. ( E )

4. ( A )

5. ( B )