What’s Your Tag? 涂鸦,秀出你的style!

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It can be political or personal, inspiring or offensive. Graffiti triggers a range of emotions in different people, and it’s one of the earliest and most effective ways of spreading your message to a wide audience. Although this phenomenon is mostly associated with youth, graffiti is actually older than writing itself.



Some of the earliest graffiti can be found on ancient Egyptian construction sites. Workers and craftsmen on their breaks would pass the time by doodling on the walls. But the best examples of early graffiti can be found in the Roman city of Pompeii. Although the city was destroyed suddenly by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, many of the walls with their original graffiti were left fully intact. These include everything from political statements such as “Elect Marcus Holconius Priscus” to personal insults like “Lucius Istacidius is a barbarian to me.” There are even obscene cartoons and insulting caricatures of famous figures.



Although the best-known examples of graffiti come from Ancient Rome, there is evidence this phenomenon took place all over the world. Graffiti has been found in the ruined Mayan city of Tikal, and even on the Great Wall of China!



Preserved graffiti can be extremely valuable to archeologists and historians, since it provides a glimpse into the everyday lives of ancient civilizations. The simple scrawling of an embittered housewife can give us insight into the way a domestic Roman household functioned. Political statements and caricatures show what the popular mood might have been. There are even some Egyptian temples which were identified based on the graffiti that early visitors left on their walls.







offensive [əˋfɛnsɪv] adj. 冒犯的

trigger [ˋtrɪgɚ] v. 触发,引起

pass the time 消磨时光 to do something to keep busy while waiting

eruption [ɪˋrʌpʃən] n.(火山)爆发

intact [ɪnˋtækt] adj. 完整无缺的

insult [ɪnˋsʌlt] n. 辱骂﹐凌辱; 侮辱性的言行

obscene [əbˋsin] adj. 猥亵的;淫秽的

evidence [ˋɛvədəns] n. 证据;证词

give insight into 深入了解

insight [ˋɪn͵saɪt] n. 洞悉;深刻的理解

identify [aɪˋdɛntə͵faɪ] v. 识别; 确认



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graffiti [grə`fitɪ] n.〔在墙上﹑火车上等的〕乱涂乱抹﹐涂鸦

doodle [ˋdud!] v.(心不在焉地)乱画

Pompeii [pɑmˋpei] n. 庞贝(意大利那不勒斯附近一古城)

Vesuvius [vəˋsuvɪəs] n. 维苏威火山(意大利西南部火山)

elect [ɪˋlɛkt] v. 选举;推选

barbarian [bɑrˋbɛrɪən] n. 野蛮人,未开化的人

caricature [ˋkærɪkətʃɚ] n. 讽刺画;讽刺文

Mayan [ˋmɑjən] adj. 马雅族(人、语)的

preserve [prɪˋzɝv] v. 保存; 保护

scrawl [skrɔl] v. 乱写,乱涂,涂鸦

embittered [ɪmˋbɪtɚd] adj. 愤怒的;怨恨的






The evolution of graffiti into its modern, highly-stylized form took place in New York in the 1970s. Pioneering figures like TAKI 183 and Fab Five Freddy began to spread their “tag,” a personalized signature, around the city.

涂鸦在1970年代的纽约演变成现代、极具风格的形式。先驱者如TAKI 183和Fab Five Freddy开始在城市四处散播他们的「标签」,一种个人化的签名标记。


As “tagging” became more popular, graffiti artists began to develop more innovative and stylized signatures in order to stand out. One of the most popular venues for these tags was on the New York subway, where a single train could carry your message all over the city. In the 1980s, the city of New York launched a massive anti-graffiti campaign, particularly on the subways. This led to a decline in graffiti artists, but it spawned the first public debate as to whether graffiti should be considered art, an argument that persists to this day.



While some forms of graffiti are of dubious artistic value, there are many graffiti artists that have been accepted by the mainstream art community, holding gallery shows to sell their works. In the ultimate form of mainstream acceptance, major companies such as IBM have even hired graffiti artists to “tag” their corporate logo around the city.



Graffiti can be done for simple recognition, but it often carries a powerful emotional charge. The death of rapper Tupac Shakur was followed by a rash of street murals lamenting the tragedy. The Northern Irish city of Belfast became famous for its elaborate murals, as warring Catholics and Protestants used graffiti to express their political feelings. The Berlin Wall was also famously covered with graffiti, as impoverished East Germans struggled against the oppression the wall represented. Graffiti has evolved into a complex, international form of expression. It is a true window into the thoughts and feelings of people around the world.



by Michael Karanicolas





pioneering [paɪəˋnɪərɪŋ] adj. 开创的,首创的

signature [ˋsɪgnətʃɚ] n. 签名

launch [lɔntʃ] v. 发起

campaign [kæmˋpen] n. 运动,活动

decline [dɪˋklaɪn] n. 下降;减少

dubious [ˋdjubɪəs] adj. 引起怀疑的,可疑的

logo [ˋlogo] n. 标识﹐标志

lament [ləˋmɛnt] v. 哀悼,悲痛

elaborate [ɪˋlæbə͵ret] adj. 精心制作的;精巧的

oppression [əˋprɛʃən] n. 压迫,压制



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stylized [ˋstaɪlaɪzd] adj. 有风格的

tag [tæg] n. 标签

stand out 突出, 显着 to be conspicuous, distinctive, or prominent

venue [ˋvɛnju] n.(事件、行动等的)发生地

spawn [spɔn] v. 酿成

as to 关于

recognition [͵rɛkəgˋnɪʃən] n. 识别

charge [tʃɑrdʒ] n.(激情的)蕴藏

rapper [ˋræpɚ] n. 饶舌歌手

rash [ræʃ] n. 【非正式】大量的〔一下子出现的令人不快的事件﹑变化等〕an outbreak of many instances within a brief period

mural [ˋmjʊrəl] n. 壁画

warring [ˋwɔrɪŋ] adj. 交战的;相争的;敌对的

Catholic [ˋkæθəlɪk] n. 天主教徒

Protestant [ˋprɑtɪstənt] n. 新教徒

impoverished [ɪmˋpɑvərɪʃt] adj. 穷困的;赤贫的



Reading Questions


1. The word “associated” in this article is closest in meaning to _____.

A. developed

B. connected

C. purchased

D. returned


2. When modern graffiti started to become popular, how did artists make a name for themselves?

A. They began to develop creative ways to sign their names.

B. They insisted on only painting on the New York subways.

C. They began to include violent images in their works.

D. They began to produce pieces for large companies.


3. What is the purpose of this article?

A. To explain the history of graffiti in corporate advertising.

B. To inform the readers of the many dangers of graffiti.

C. To illustrate the history and development of graffiti.

D. To explain the differences between traditional art and graffiti.


4. According to the article, which of the following would be a suitable alternate title?

A. The History of Graffiti

B. The Discovery of Graffiti

C. The Technique of Graffiti

D. The Business of Graffiti




1. ( B )

2. ( A )

3. ( C )

4. ( A )