Tango: Two Dancers Moving As One 深情探戈

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The dancers glide across the smooth tiled floor, their feet moving as perfect mirror images of each other. He pushes and pulls, and she follows, kicks, dips, and finally bends gracefully into his arms as the dance concludes.



As anybody who has witnessed a proper performance of tango can tell you, there is no dance in the world that compares in terms of elegance and style. It is a dance that, from its beginning, shocked viewers with its strong intimacy. Man and woman move as one, intertwining their bodies together in perfect rhythmic harmony.



Tango’s origins are murky. Some credit the fusion of Latin and African cultures that came as a result of the South American slave trade. The dance clearly contains African influences in terms ofits rhythmic beat, but its movements are descended from the Uruguayan Milonga.



This marriage of styles took place in Buenos Airesdiverse working class slums at the end of the 19th century. The areas were populated by many European immigrants who brought the dance back to Paris in the early 20th century, where it quickly became all the rage. After the Parisians embraced tango, it spread around the world to New York, London, and Berlin before being rediscovered in its native Argentina. Under the flamboyant leadership of Juan Peron, Argentina proudly reestablished itself as the home of tango, developing the dance as a point of national pride. Argentinian tango developed uniquely, and remains one of the most beautiful and recognizable dances in the world.






glide [glaɪd] v. 滑动,滑行

gracefully [ˋgresfəlɪ] adv. 优美地

in terms of 就...方面来说

intimacy [ˋɪntəməsɪ] n. 亲密;亲近

descend [dɪˋsɛnd] v. 传下来,来自于[(+from)]

diverse [daɪˋvɝs] adj. 多种多样的; 不同的

immigrant [ˋɪməgrənt] n.(外来)移民

all the rage 风行一时 to be very fashionable

embrace [ɪmˋbres] v. 拥抱; 欣然接受

flamboyant [flæmˋbɔɪənt] adj. 浮夸的;浮华的;炫耀的



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tango [ˋtæŋgo] n. 探戈舞

tiled [taɪld] adj. 贴地砖的

dip [dɪp] v. 下沉,下降(舞步)

conclude [kənˋklud] v. 结束

intertwine [͵ɪntɚˋtwaɪn] v. 纠缠; (使)缠绕; (使)交织在一起

rhythmic [ˋrɪðmɪk] adj. 有节奏的;有韵律的

murky [ˋmɝkɪ] adj. 不明的; 含糊的,暧昧的

Uruguayan [jʊrə'ɡweən] adj. 乌拉圭(人)的

Buenos Aires [ˈbuɪnosˈaɪriz] 布宜诺斯艾利斯(阿根廷首都)

slum [slʌm] n. 贫民窟;陋巷

populate [ˋpɑpjə͵let] v. 居住于

Parisian [pəˋrɪzɪən] n. 巴黎人

Argentina [͵ɑrdʒənˋtinə] n. 阿根廷

Juan Peron 阿根廷总统胡安·贝隆

point [pɔɪnt] n. 地方,位置; 特点,特征

Argentinian [͵ɑrdʒənˋtɪnɪən] adj. 阿根廷的;阿根廷人的






The true beauty of tango lies in its intimacy and sensuality. A couple performing a tango appear as extensions of a single whole: two bodies of one mind. One of the keys to this lies in Argentinean tango’s unique form of embrace, or abrazo. The partners hold each other more tightly and closely than other forms of dance, moving with their chests and often even their cheeks pressed against each other.



This closeness is necessary because of tango’s style of movement, which is highly improvised. Tango is unique in that there are very few formalized steps, and few rules that have to be followed. This is why close contact is so necessary; it allows the partners to physically communicate their intentions.



The man pushes and carries the woman, moving her body by leading with his. A practiced couple will be able to match each other’s movements with beautiful symmetry. Elaborate dips, patterns and lifts are also possible among skilled dancers, with every move signaled and coordinated through the dancers’ close physical contact.



The dance is unbelievably difficult to master, but spectacular to behold. When two partners are comfortable enough with each other to facilitate this kind of physical connection, the results are nothing short of breathtaking. The dance provides for a beautiful amount of self-expression and creativity, and is an amazingly intimate experience for its practitioners. To be an accomplished tangoer, you need strength, rhythm, and excellent balance. You also need a partner who knows and understands you, because, after all, it takes two to tango!



by Michael Karanicolas





sensuality [͵sɛnʃuˋælətɪ] n.(喜爱)感官享受

extension [ɪkˋstɛnʃən] n. 延伸

improvise [ˋɪmprəvaɪz] v. 即兴创作(诗歌、乐曲等);即兴表演(或朗诵等)

formalize [ˋfɔrm!͵aɪz] v. 形式化; 定形;拘泥礼仪

behold [bɪˋhold] v. 看; 注视

facilitate [fəˋsɪlə͵tet] v. 促进;帮助

nothing short of 简直可以说是,几乎是  strongly showing this quality

provide for 提供…



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embrace [ɪmˋbres] v. 拥抱

closeness [ˋklosnɪs] n. 亲密

symmetry [ˋsɪmɪtrɪ] n. 对称(性)

elaborate [ɪˋlæbə͵ret] adj. 精巧的; 细腻的

unbelievably [͵ʌnbɪˋlivəblɪ] adv. 难以置信地

spectacular [spɛkˋtækjəlɚ] adj. ­­精彩的﹐引人注目的

practitioner [prækˋtɪʃənɚ] n. 从事者,实践者

accomplished [əˋkɑmplɪʃt] adj. 熟练的;有造诣的

it takes two to tango(非正式)一个巴掌拍不响



Reading Questions


1. The word “breathtaking” is closest in meaning to _____.

A. developed

B. amazing

C. ordinary

D. extended


2. Which of the following is NOT true of tango?

A. It involves a variety of movements.

B. No one is really sure about its beginning.

C. It was accepted and enjoyed in Paris in the 20th century.

D. Originally it was only meant for the wealthy.


3. How can we describe the relationship between Argentina and tango?

A. The dance is something the entire country is proud of.

B. The dance is especially loved by the younger generations.

C. The dance is mainly performed in its poorer neighborhoods.

D. The dance is essential for all Argentinean students.


4. Who would probably make the most suitable tango dancers?

A. People who are able to remember complex rules.

B. People who are very emotional.

C. People who are in a close relationship.

D. People who are familiar with South American history.


Tango Argentina


Tango / Milonga on the ferry to Uruguay




1. ( B )

2. ( D )

3. ( A )

4. ( C )