Cajun Culture – Life on the Bayou 卡郡:沼泽畔的文化熔炉
A night out in the city of New Orleans delivers a cultural experience unlike any other. ___1___ dinner, you crunch into a spicy plate of boiled crawfish etouffée and fried frog legs. Onstage, a band plays lively accordion music that gets the restaurant ___2___. Behind the carefree lifestyle and delicious cuisine of New Orleans is Cajun culture.
1. |
(A) To |
(B) With |
(C) For |
(D) About |
2. |
(A) shake |
(B) shaking |
(C) shock |
(D) shaken |
Cajun culture began when French-Canadian settlers, known ___3___ Acadians, immigrated to the southern American state of Louisiana during the 1760s. It’s said that the first thing the Acadians did when they ___4___ the boat in Louisiana was pray – and then they danced. To survive, the Acadians had to adapt to the backwater swamps and bayous of Louisiana. As the Acadians mixed with Native Americans and Afro-Caribbean settlers, Cajun culture was born.
3. |
(A) as |
(B) for |
(C) to |
(D) being |
4. |
(A) set on |
(B) set off |
(C) got on |
(D) got off |
At the heart of Cajun culture ___5___ food. Cajun cuisine combines the fine art of French culinary traditions with the abundant spices and vegetables found in Louisiana. In fact, there is ___6___ that Cajun won’t eat – from yellow-bellied turtles to alligators. If it moves, then Cajuns will find a way to barbecue, boil or fry it into a delicious dish.
5. |
(A) has |
(B) makes |
(C) is |
(D) takes |
6. |
(A) little |
(B) few |
(C) a little |
(D) a few |
Cajun music also plays an important part in livening up Louisiana parties. Cajun music is an ___7___ combination of old French ballads and soulful African vocals and rhythms. Accordions and pianos are often accompanies by everyday items like washboards to produce unique and exciting tunes. Cajun certainly have a talent for mixing the best ingredients available to form some of the liveliest traditions in America!
7. |
(A) unlinked |
(B) unlimited |
(C) unlikely |
(D) unlocked |
−by Jamie Blackler
carefree [ˋkɛr͵fri] adj. 无忧无虑的;轻松愉快的
immigrate [ˋɪmə͵gret] v. 〔为定居而从外国〕移入
adapt to 适应于
abundant [əˋbʌndənt] adj. 大量的;充足的
accompany [əˋkʌmpənɪ] v. 陪同,伴随
More Information
bayou [ˋbaɪu] n.〔美国东南部的〕水流缓慢﹑水草繁多的小河; 河口;湖的流出口
Cajun [ˋkedʒən](美国)亚拉巴马州西南部和密西西比州毗邻地区白人、印第安人、黑人混血种族之一
crunch [krʌntʃ] v. 嘎吱作响地咀嚼
crawfish [ˋkrɔ͵fɪʃ] n. 小龙虾
onstage [ˋɑnˋstedʒ] adv. 在台上;在舞台上
accordion [əˋkɔrdɪən] n. 手风琴
cuisine [kwɪˋzin] n. 菜肴
Acadian [əˋkedɪən] n. 阿加底亚人
Louisiana [͵luiziˋænə] n. 美国路易斯安那州
backwater [ˋbæk͵wɔtɚ] n. 与世隔绝的地方; 闭塞的地方 a place or condition in which no development or progress is occurring
culinary [ˋkʌlə͵nɛrɪ] adj. 烹饪的
alligator [ˋælə͵getɚ] n.【动】(产于美国及中国的)短吻鳄
liven up (使某人或物)有生气, 活跃 to make something more interesting or attractive
liven [ˋlaɪvən] v. 使活跃;使快活
ballad [ˋbæləd] n. 民谣,民歌
soulful [ˋsolfəl] adj. 深情的﹐〔常指〕伤感的
vocal [ˋvok!] n.〔音乐的〕歌唱部分〔相对于乐器演奏部分〕
washboard [ˋwɑʃ͵bord] n. 洗衣板
lively [ˋlaɪvlɪ] adj. 精力充沛的;活泼的
shake [ʃek] v. 摇动;挥动
crawfish etouffée
1. ( C ) |
2. ( B ) |
3. ( A ) |
4. ( D ) |
5. ( C ) |
6. ( A )
7. ( C ) |