New Beginnings in the Skies of Tibet 天葬:天人合一的生命新页

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It’s dawn on the plateau, and a small group of people stand around a cluster of rocks, while above them vultures circle expectantly. A dead body is placed on a flat rock, and ___1___ the family retreats out of view, a monk begins, with little ceremony, to hack the body to pieces. Flesh is torn from the bones, which are ___2___ smashed with a sledgehammer. Finally, the excited vultures swoop down and swiftly devour everything.



(A) if

(B) as

(C) though

(D) during


(A) in turn

(B) by turns

(C) downturn

(D) about-turn


No … this isn’t a scene from a horror movie, but a traditional Tibetan practice known as “sky burial.” Though it may seem ___3___ to some outsiders, Tibetans are Buddhists, and as such believe that when a person dies, their spirit departs, ___4___ the body an empty vessel. Thus, any form of burial is simply a way to dispose of the remains. Furthermore, it’s a custom that arose out of necessity, as ___5___ of Tibet’s land is too hard and stony to bury a body, and there’s little timber for cremations.



(A) mortal

(B) immortal

(C) heartless

(D) organic


(A) leaves

(B) leaving

(C) left

(D) leave


(A) little

(B) lot

(C) many

(D) much


However, the practice isn’t without meaning. The Tibetan term for it, Jhator, ___6___ means “giving alms to the birds.” It’s an act of ___7___ by providing for other living beings. As death is seen not as an end but a new beginning, once the vultures return to the skies with full stomachs, they have simply completed one stage of life’s cycle.



(A) figuratively

(B) comparatively

(C) literally

(D) metaphorically


(A) malice

(B) hatred

(C) restriction

(D) generosity


by Claire Tyrrell





retreat [rɪˋtrit] v. 退避,躲避

devour [dɪˋvaʊr] v. 狼吞虎咽地吃,吃光

practice [ˋpræktɪs] n. 常规,惯例

depart [dɪˋpɑrt] v. 离开,离去

dispose [dɪˋspoz] v. 处置,处理[(+of)]



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plateau [plæˋto] n. 高原

cluster [ˋklʌstɚ] n. 束,簇

vulture [ˋvʌltʃɚ] n. 秃鹰

expectantly [ɪksˋpɛktəntlɪ] adv. 期待地;期望地

hack [hæk] v. 劈,砍;乱砍

smash [smæʃ] v. 打碎,打破

sledgehammer [ˋslɛdʒ͵hæmɚ] n. 大锤

swoop [swup] v. 猛扑[(+down)]

swiftly [ˋswɪftlɪ] adv. 迅速地,敏捷地

outsider [ˋaʊtˋsaɪdɚ] n. 外人;门外汉;局外人

vessel [ˋvɛs!] n. 容器,器皿

arise [əˋraɪz] v. 形成; 产生,出现 [(+from/out of)]

timber [ˋtɪmbɚ] n. 木材,木料

cremation [krɪˋmeʃən] n. 焚化;火葬

term [tɝm] n. 专门名词,术语

alms [ɑmz] n. 施舍(物)

in turn 依次;轮到 in the proper order or in sequence; also, one at a time.

by turns 交替地, 轮流地; 相继地 alternately, one after another

about-turn 大转变 a complete change or reversal, as of opinion, attitude, direction, etc; about-face

heartless [ˋhɑrtlɪs] adj. 无情的,冷酷的

figuratively [ˋfɪgjərətɪvlɪ] adv. 比喻地;象征性地

metaphorically [͵mɛtəˋfɑrɪkəlɪ] adv. 比喻地,隐喻地

malice [ˋmælɪs] n. 恶意;敌意



Tibetan Sky Burial








1. ( B )

2. ( A )

3. ( C )

4. ( B )

5. ( D )

6. ( C )


7. ( D )