“Sayonara” Adolescence, “Konnichiwa” Adulthood! 告别未成年,欢喜转大人

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The concept of “coming of age” is recognized in cultures throughout the world. It marks the transition from adolescence to adulthood, usually going hand in hand with legal privileges like the right to vote or to get married. While most Westerners simply celebrate this event on their birthday with friends, the Japanese go a step further.



Seijin no Hi,” or Coming-of-Age Day, has been a Japanese national holiday since 1948. In Japan, 20 is the officially recognized adult age. So, on the second Monday in January, all the young people who just turned or who will turn 20 over the course of the year are invited to attend a special ceremony. This is usually held at the local town or city hall where government officials make speeches and hand out gifts to the new adults.

Seijin no Hi (成年之日)指的是「成人式」,从1948年起便成为日本的国定假日。在日本,20岁是法定成年年龄。所以在一月的第2个星期一,所有刚满20岁,或者即将在当年满20岁的青少年都会受邀参加一项特殊的仪式。这场仪式通常在当地乡镇或市政府举办,官员会在典礼上发表演说,并且赠送礼物给这些刚迈入成年的人。


On this day, girls tend to wear a traditional “kimono” dress with long sleeves, known as a “furisode.” Since it’s quite an intricate process to put it on, a visit to a beauty salon is often required beforehand. Boys also turn up in a darker version of the “kimono” called a “hakama,” although these days most choose to just wear a suit. Once the formalities of the ceremony are over, it’s time to get together with friends and party. After all, 20 is the legal age for drinking alcohol in Japan!



by David Vickers






concept [ˋkɑnsɛpt] n. 概念,观念

transition [trænˋzɪʃən] n. 转变; 过渡时期

privilege [ˋprɪv!ɪdʒ] n. 特权

beforehand [bɪˋfor͵hænd] adv. 预先,事先

alcohol [ˋælkə͵hɔl] n. 含酒精饮料



More Information



coming of age 成年,满法定年龄

adolescence [æd!ˋɛsns] n. 青春期,青少年时期

go hand in hand with  与…密切相关; 与…结合在一起

kimono [kɪˋmono] n.(日本的)和服

intricate [ˋɪntrəkɪt] adj. 错综复杂的;复杂精细的

salon [səˋlɑn] n.〔提供理发等服务的〕厅﹐院﹐廊

turn up  出现, 到场, 露面 to make an appearance; arrive

formality [fɔrˋmælətɪ] n. 正式手续; 礼节



Reading Questions


1. What does the phase “coming of age” mean in the first paragraph?

A. When Westerners celebrate their 20th birthday.

B. When the Japanese are allowed to attend formal parties.

C. When people begin to be seen as grown-ups.

D. When children everywhere are given more rights.


2. What is true about “Seijin no Hi?”

A. It takes place on the same date every year.

B. A selection of 20-year-olds are invited to a ceremony.

C. Boys and girls must wear traditional dress on that day.

D. It has been a Japanese holiday for over half a century.


3. Which of the following is the main purpose of the passage?

A. To promote a unique Japanese way of thinking.

B. To introduce a particular Japanese cultural tradition.

C. To explain why 20 is the age of becoming an adult in Japan.

D. To outline the responsibilities of Japanese adulthood.


Japanese Kimono Klad Kuties: Seijin-no-Hi




1. ( C )

2. ( D )

3. ( B )