It’s About Time: The Story of the Calendar 日历的故事

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Calendars are a part of our lives that we all take for granted. They tell us what time of the year it is, and what to expect from the future. But as simple as it seems, our modern calendar has been evolving for thousands of years.



Every early civilization needed a calendar to judge when to plant crops, and plan religious festivals. But most early civilizations had difficulty putting together an accurate calendar. Many of their calendars were based on the lunar cycle, which has nothing to do with the changing seasons. The Egyptians were the first people to realize that the sun and the stars were the key. As early as 2400 B.C., they had developed the 365-day year that represents the Earth making one full trip around the sun.



The Romans, who came later, developed on a far more primitive system. Their calendar was based on a four-year cycle where each year had around 355 days. Over the years the lost days began to add up, confusing the calendar. In order to correct this problem, the Roman High Priest was given the power to lengthen or shorten the year as he saw fit. But this just made the problem worse, since the priests quickly began to abuse this power. When an official whom the priests did not like was elected, they would simply shorten the year until that person’s term had expired!






evolve [ɪˋvɑlv] v. 逐步形成;发展;进化

lunar [ˋlunɚ] adj. 月球的; 阴历的

primitive [ˋprɪmətɪv] adj. 原始的

abuse [əˋbjus] v. 滥用

expire [ɪkˋspaɪr] v.(期限)终止



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take for granted 想当然认为  to expect something to be available all the time and forget that you are lucky to have it

Egyptian [ɪˋdʒɪpʃən] n. 埃及人

High Priest  主教;大祭司








By the first century B.C., the Roman calendar had become so off that autumn occurred in January. But all that changed after Julius Caesar’s celebrated love affair with Queen Cleopatra. After Caesar discovered the Egyptian calendar, he ordered its adoption throughout the Empire. By then, the calendar had been further modified to include the leap year, so every fourth year would have 366 days.



But still, this system was not completely accurate, and was off by about one day every century. The error was noticed in the 16th century, much to the alarm of the Catholic Church. The Catholics were afraid that the shifting calendar would alter the dates of important feasts like Christmas and Easter, which were based on the solar year. To correct these faults, Pope Gregory XIII commissioned the Gregorian calendar, which is still in use today.



Unfortunately, not everybody believed the Pope. The Catholic Church at that time was being split apart by the Reformation. Some claimed that the Pope had been sent by the devil to distort the celebration of holidays, rather than correct them. In fact, many Christians in European nations such as Greece and Ukraine continue to use the old Julian calendar despite its inaccuracies.



It has taken thousands of years to develop, but the modern calendar is a thing of wonder. Civilizations may rise and fall, but the length of a year will always stay the same.



by Michael Karanicolas





modify [ˋmɑdə͵faɪ] v. 修改

alter [ˋɔltɚ] v. 改变

solar [ˋsolɚ] adj. 太阳的

commission [kəˋmɪʃən] v. 委任,委托

distort [dɪsˋtɔrt] v. 扭曲



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off [ɔf] adj. 偏离的

Julius Caesar [ˋsizɚ] 尤利乌斯•凯撒(罗马共和国末期杰出的军事统帅、政治家)

Cleopatra [kliəˋpetrə] n. 克利欧佩特拉(古埃及艳后)

leap year 闰年〔每四年一次﹐二月份有29天而不是28天〕

alarm [əˋlɑrm] n. 惊慌,恐惧,担忧

shift [ʃɪft] v.〔想法﹑做法等的〕改变

Easter [ˋistɚ] n.(基督教)复活节

Gregorian [grɛˋgorɪən] calendar  格里高里历,公历(教皇格里高里十三世于1582年颁行)

split [splɪt] v. 分裂;断绝关系

Reformation [͵rɛfɚˋmeʃən] n.(大写)(十六世纪欧洲的)宗教改革运动

Julian calendar  西泽历,儒略历(西泽大帝于公元前46年制定的历法)

civilization [͵sɪv!əˋzeʃən] n. 文明



Reading Questions


1.   Which of the following is NOT true about the Egyptian calendar?

A.  The sun and the stars were used to make the calendar.

B.  It was based on the lunar cycle.

C.  It had 365 days in a year.

D.  It was developed around 2400 B.C.


2.   What role did the High Priest play in making the Roman calendar?

A.  He came up with an advanced system to make the calendar.

B.  He commissioned the best scholars to make the calendar.

C.  He planned religious festivals based on the calendar.

D.  He made the year shorter or longer based on his preference.


3.   Why was the Gregorian calendar adopted by the Catholic Church?

A.  Because autumn took place in January before then.

B.  Because they were enemies of Julius Caesar and Queen Cleopatra.

C.  Because the previous one didn’t include the leap year.

D.  Because they did not want to change the dates of religious celebrations.


4.   What is the main purpose of this article?

A.  To tell the history of the calendar.

B.  To illustrate the importance of using a calendar.

C.  To explain how to properly use a calendar.

D.  To give examples of different kinds of calendars.




1. ( B )

2. ( D )

3. ( D )

4. ( A )