Headlines on a Diet 健康新闻玄机多
Recently, headlines across the media informed us that reducing fat in our diets had no major benefits. For those who had been trying to eat properly, this certainly seemed to be bittersweet news. For many years, science said that cutting fat was beneficial for a wide range of reasons. The health-conscious people accordingly stopped eating their favorite foods in favor of good health. Now, it appears that those were years wasted and we are allowed to enjoy the fattiest delights.
This is not the first time that science has reversed its stance on dietary health. First eggs would put your health at risk, but now they are considered relatively good. The same situation has happened to everything from nuts to wine. Even chocolate is said to have hidden health benefits that were previously poorly understood.
The scientific community’s apparent inconsistency on issues of health is leaving many frustrated and confused. It seems that health advice is rather arbitrary and often contradictory. However, the reality is complex and answers are not always clear.
Much of the problem stems from the public’s desire for instant information. We like to have our information condensed into an efficient bundle that is easy to absorb. Media agencies working to satisfy this desire publish results of studies as they come out. Details that lack excitement are sifted out in order to get the main point of the information across. Therein lies the difficulty.
beneficial [͵bɛnəˋfɪʃəl] adj. 有益的
reverse [rɪˋvɝs] v. 彻底改变
relatively [ˋrɛlətɪvlɪ] adv. 相对地
arbitrary [ˋɑrbə͵trɛrɪ] adj. 武断的
contradictory [͵kɑntrəˋdɪktərɪ] adj. 矛盾的
stem from 起源于 originate
condense [kənˋdɛns] v. 压缩;浓缩; 减缩(文章等)
absorb [əbˋsɔrb] v. 汲取,理解(知识等)
sift out 挑选出; 筛选
get something across 将〔想法﹑信息〕传达给某人 to successfully communicate something
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bittersweet [ˋbɪtɚ͵swit] adj. 苦乐参半的
accordingly [əˋkɔrdɪŋlɪ] adv. 因此;于是
in favor of 支持……;有利于…… because you prefer something
delight [dɪˋlaɪt] n. 乐事,乐趣 something that gives great pleasure or enjoyment
stance [stæns] n. 立场;态度
inconsistency [͵ɪnkənˋsɪstənsɪ] n. 不一致
In science, the details are important and small changes vital. Science is a strict process. Studies are carefully performed and critically evaluated by the scientific community. In the past, studies were rarely a cause for headlines. Instead, advice on health was based on trustworthy research.
Nowadays, though, in the rush to get information to the public, the media more often than not reports rashly. Uncertain findings are presented in the headlines, with problematic details buried in the text, if they are mentioned at all.
Here is a case in point. Not long ago researchers said that chocolate reduced cholesterol by four percent. Chocolate lovers might have felt compelled to celebrate, until they noticed the details. There were only 23 test subjects, and it was funded by a PR group for chocolate companies.
As for the study about fat, the details make the headlines look absurd. It involved a subject group of women aged 50 to 79. The focus of the study was the effect of fat on breast cancer. The test also proceeded on the assumption that the women followed a proper diet for up to eight years. This renders the results particularly doubtful.
Consequently, articles on the newest health findings should be taken with a grain of salt. Pay attention to the details, and decide for yourself if the study sounds reliable. And before you make any drastic decisions, consult your doctor.
−by Alan Campana
evaluate [ɪˋvæljʊ͵et] v. 评估﹐评价
more often than not 多半; 大多数时候 usually
rashly [ˋræʃlɪ] adv. 鲁莽地,轻率地,仓促地
a case in point 恰当的例子, 佐证
absurd [əbˋsɝd] adj. 荒谬的
assumption [əˋsʌmpʃən] n. 假定,设想
render [ˋrɛndɚ] v. 造成; 致使
take with a grain of salt 对…半信半疑;对…持保留态度; 不完全相信 if you take what someone says with a grain of salt, you do not completely believe it
drastic [ˋdræstɪk] adj. 激烈的; 突然的
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vital [ˋvaɪt!] adj. 极其重要的,必不可少的
trustworthy [ˋtrʌst͵wɝðɪ] adj. 值得信赖的,可信的
problematic [͵prɑbləˋmætɪk] adj. 有问题的; 不确定的
cholesterol [kəˋlɛstə͵rol] n.【生化】胆固醇
compel [kəmˋpɛl] v. 使不得不; 强迫
PR group 公关团体
PR public relations 公共关系
as for 至于 with regard to
proceed [prəˋsid] v. 继续进行﹐继续做
consequently [ˋkɑnsə͵kwɛntlɪ] adv. 因此
Reading Questions
1. Which best describes the scientific community’s performance on issues of health?
A. Their studies are always consistent and informative.
B. Once they make their minds up about something, they stick to it permanently.
C. The information they present is often just plain false.
D. The advice they offer sometimes seems to go against previous advice.
2. What is a major cause of the problems related to health advice?
A. People don’t like to read through dense reports and lengthy stories.
B. Consumers will always want to eat fatty foods no matter what experts say.
C. People no longer trust so-called health experts.
D. Proper diet is no longer considered as important as it once was.
3. How has the media contributed to bad health advice?
A. They only report studies issued by PR groups.
B. They publish studies long after they have been completed.
C. They report findings that have not been proven yet.
D. They always present false information to the public.
4. What can we infer from this article?
A. We should always believe health advice we get from the media.
B. When we see or hear health stories in the news, we should be cautious.
C. There is no reason to pay any attention to health advice in the media.
D. Soon there will be a perfect way to present health studies in the media.
1. ( D ) |
2. ( A ) |
3. ( C ) |
4. ( B ) |