Scientific American: Herald of the Future 科技前哨站《科学人》杂志

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On the night of December 7th, 1877, Thomas Edison popped into the office of Scientific American and placed a weird gadget on the desk. A crowd gathered and watched as Edison turned a crank, and much to their amazement, sounds came out of the machine’s amplifier. ___1___ It was one of many inventions that the magazine introduced to the world.



Scientific American is one of the oldest magazines published in the U.S. and has been in circulation since 1845. But don’t let this magazine’s age fool you. ___2___ Writers at Scientific American believe that science is not only studied in a lab, but also intricately woven into everyone’s daily lives.



___3___ Each issue is jam-packed with the most up-to-date information, covering technology, health, space discoveries and nature. For example, needle-phobic readers will definitely have an interest in their article about edible vaccines. ___4___ To increase fun and interaction, there is also a section called “Ask the Expert,” as well as games like “Sci-Doku,” their own version of Sudoku, which tests scientific knowledge.



With a circulation of over one million worldwide in fifteen languages, including Chinese, Scientific American wields a powerful influence passing on the latest knowledge. ___5___ You’ll be amazed at how entertaining science can be!



by Jamie Blacker


A.   Scientific American covers the most exciting topics and trends in modern science in an entertaining and fun way.

B.   And those hoping to stay young without surgery will enjoy reading the article about anti-aging pills.

C.  What makes Scientific American unique is its ability to cater to different interests.

D.  Soon after, Scientific American issued a report on Edison’s cylinder phonograph, the first recorder.

E.   Pick up a copy or check out their website,





herald [ˋhɛrəld] n. 先驱,使者

gadget [ˋgædʒɪt] n. 小机件

intricately [ˋɪntrəkɪtlɪ] adv. 复杂地

interaction [͵ɪntəˋrækʃən] n. 互动

version [ˋvɝʒən] n.(同一作品的不同)版本

wield [wild] v. 行使(权力);施加(影响)

cater to  为...服务; 迎合

issue [ˋɪʃjʊ] v. 发行;发布

pick up  拿起; 拾起


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pop into 急急走进…to come or go into some place, such as a store, shop, etc., for a moment

crank [kræŋk] n. 曲柄,曲轴

amplifier [ˋæmplə͵faɪr] n. 扬声器;扩音器

circulation [͵sɝkjəˋleʃən] n.〔数据﹑货币等的〕流通

weave [wiv] into 交织

jam-packed [ˋdʒæmˋpækt] adj. 挤满的,塞紧的

up-to-date  最新的;包含最新信息的

phobic [ˋfobɪk] adj. 恐怖症的,恐惧症的

vaccine [ˋvæksin] n. 疫苗

section [ˋsɛkʃən] n.(文章等的)节

Sudoku 数独(源自日语,一种填数字益智游戏)

pass on 传递 to give something to someone

cover [ˋkʌvɚ] v. 采访,报导

topic [ˋtɑpɪk] n. 主题,要旨

cylinder [ˋsɪlɪndɚ] n. 圆柱;圆筒;圆柱状物

phonograph [ˋfonə͵græf] n.【美】留声机




1. ( D )

2. ( A )

3. ( C )

4. ( B )

5. ( E )