Ads Everywhere 无所不在的广告
In the U.S., eggs are being stamped with the names of television shows, motion sickness bags bear ads for airlines, and subway turnstiles peddle insurance. Advertisements have permeated our everyday lives in unprecedented ways by turning up in some seemingly strange places, going beyond the normal mediums of TV, radio, print, and the Internet. Advertisers are now adopting a strategy of a complete flooding of the senses: ubiquity over exclusivity. It seems that we can’t turn our heads without seeing an advertisement for something.
The attention span of the modern consumer is not as long as it was 10 years ago. Because we are perpetually bombarded with information, our brains have adapted to filter out what isn’t important. Therefore, advertisers have learned that to get through, they have to cover everything we see with ads.
Thirty years ago, a person living in a city would see an average of 2,000 advertisements a day. Today, that number has skyrocketed to 5,000. Billboards with digital screens, video monitors in elevators and buses, and even interactive displays involving changing projected images are becoming more and more prevalent.
Not surprisingly, people are starting to feel that enough is enough, and a backlash against excessive advertising has begun. This is forcing advertisers to consider which is better: being everywhere, or exercising some restraint? It is a slippery slope the advertisers walk between selling products and alienating potential buyers. As Bill Bean, director of trade insight at Miller Brewing Company said, “No one wants to annoy the consumer. However, there are annoying ads that sell products, and it’s very difficult to tell what annoys one consumer and what pleases another.”
−by Joe Henley
peddle [ˋpɛd!] v. 叫卖,挨户兜售
permeate [ˋpɝmɪ͵et] v. 浸透;充满
unprecedented [ʌnˋprɛsə͵dɛntɪd] adj. 空前的; 前所未有的
attention span 注意力持续时间
bombard [bɑmˋbɑrd] v. 不断攻击;使大量面对[(+with)]
filter out 滤除
skyrocket [ˋskaɪ͵rɑkɪt] v.【非正式】急升; 猛升; 剧增; 剧涨
prevalent [ˋprɛvələnt] adj. 盛行的;普遍的
backlash [ˋbæk͵læʃ] n.〔对重大事件的〕强烈反应, 反弹
alienate [ˋeliə͵et] v. 使疏远
More Information
stamp [stæmp] v. 压印于;打上(标记等)[(+on/with)]
motion sickness【美】晕动病〈如晕车﹑晕船等〉
bear [bɛr] v. 携带
turnstile [ˋtɝn͵staɪl] n. 十字转门
turn up 出现, 被发现 to happen unexpectedly
ubiquity [juˋbɪkwətɪ] n. 无所不在,普遍存在
exclusivity [ɛkskluˋsɪvətɪ] n. 独享;独有
adapt to 适应于
get through 完成(任务);到达(某人处) to penetrate something
slippery slope【口】易导致失败(或灾难等)的情况
annoying [əˋnɔɪɪŋ] adj. 讨厌的
Reading Questions
1. Which of the following is true about modern day advertisements?
A. They are only directed towards online shoppers.
B. They really understand the personal needs of consumers.
C. They can be seen all around you.
D. They are completely non-invasive.
2. What does the phrase “a slippery slope” refer to in the last paragraph?
A. The floor is so wet that one can slip and fall.
B. It has just rained so the hill is hard to climb.
C. It is a metaphor indicating how careful advertisers must be.
D. There is an invisible fight between advertisers and insurance companies.
3. Which of the following would be a proper title for this article?
A. Advertising Always Sells
B. Consumers Fight Back
C. The More Ads The Better
D. Advertising: Walking a Fine Line
Walking a Fine Line 小心行事 to balance two competing ideas or groups
1. ( C ) |
2. ( C ) |
3. ( D ) |