Three Cheers for Cherry Blossoms! 春日赏樱趣

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Spring is in the air! As a warm breeze blows, birds twitter away in the trees. People shed their jackets and head outside to rejoice in the retreat of winter. In Japan though, spring hasn’t truly arrived until the sakura, or cherry blossom trees, start to bloom.



The sakura flower is not limited to the shores of Japan, but nowhere else is it so well-loved. When the Japanese think of cherry blossoms, the first thing that comes to mind is the tradition of “hanami,” literally “flower viewing.” As parks and streets across Japan are transformed by the blooming blossoms, people gather under the trees to take advantage of the picturesque scenes. Families, friends, and colleagues get together to eat, drink, and be merry, with parks full of the sound of laughing and chattering. At many popular sites, advance reservations are generally needed to secure a picnic spot, and it’s not unusual for most spots to be filled by 8 a.m.



The custom of hanami has existed in Japan for over a thousand years, since the Nara period in the 8th century. Unlike nowadays, however, it was not originally an activity for the masses. The Imperial Court, influenced by similar traditions in China, took to holding feasts under the blossoms, and short poems, or haiku, were written in praise of the beauty of these delicate flowers. By the Edo Period in the 17th century, the rest of Japanese society had joined in the fun. As long as the sakura keep blooming every spring, the hanami tradition will no doubt keep flourishing.






shed [ʃɛd] v. 脱

rejoice [rɪˋdʒɔɪs] v. 庆祝,欢乐

blossom [ˋblɑsəm] n.(尤指果树的)花

bloom [blum] v. 开花

limit to 局限于…,

come to mind 出现于某人的脑海中 to enter or appear in your thoughts

chatter [ˋtʃætɚ] v. 聊天; 闲谈; 唠叨

reservation [͵rɛzɚˋveʃən] n. 预订

secure [sɪˋkjʊr] v. 弄到,获得

masses [ˋmæsɪz] n. 平民;群众

imperial [ɪmˋpɪrɪəl] adj. 皇帝(或女皇)的

in praise of 为赞扬

delicate [ˋdɛləkət] adj. 易碎的;娇贵的

flourish [ˋflɝɪʃ] v.(植物等)茂盛,繁茂


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three cheers for 为…三欢呼 three shouts of hurrah given in unison by a group to honor someone or celebrate something

twitter [ˋtwɪtɚ] v.(鸟等)吱吱叫,啁啾

picturesque [͵pɪktʃəˋrɛsk] adj. 图画般的,美丽的

haiku [ˋhaɪku] n.(日本)三行俳句诗








Dependent on temperature, the blooming of the cherry blossoms varies by date from year to year. The milder the climate, the earlier the blossoms appear, starting off in the south of the country and spreading up to the north. For most parts of Japan, the cherry blossom season takes place around the end of March and the beginning of April, while on the northern island of Hokkaido the blossoms can bloom as late as May. Until recently, the daily weather report in Japan at this time of the year even included a segment tracking the progress of the cherry blossom front.



Apart from being appreciated for their aesthetic value, the cherry blossoms hold a deeper meaning for most Japanese. As they generally stay in bloom for just around a week, the blossoms are seen as symbolizing the beautiful yet fleeting nature of life. The moment when the petals begin to fall from the trees is inevitable, just like death, and brings about a slightly wistful mood.



While in bloom, the petals are commonly white in color with a tinge of pink, although there are other varieties, including pure white, dark pink, and yellow. The trees themselves also vary in size and shape, with one of the most beautiful being the weeping cherry tree, whose drooping branches almost touch the ground.



Cherry blossoms are generally best viewed in the daytime, although in some places the trees are lit up in the evening, producing the amazing spectacle for “yozakura,” or nighttime hanami. Whichever way you choose to view the blossoms, the hanami experience is certainly one to treasure.



by David Vickers





be dependent on 随…而定

temperature [ˋtɛmprətʃɚ] n. 温度,气温

vary [ˋvɛrɪ] v. 变化; 使不同

mild [maɪld] adj. 温暖的,暖和的

start off 开始; 出发

segment [ˋsɛgmənt] n. 片段, 部分

aesthetic [ɛsˋθɛtɪk] adj. 美学的

petal [ˋpɛt!] n. 花瓣

inevitable [ɪnˋɛvətəb!] adj. 不可避免的;必然(发生)的

bring about 引起, 造成

wistful [ˋwɪstfəl] adj. 〔尤指因心爱之物不复存在而〕惆怅的; 思念的; 依依不舍的

tinge [tɪndʒ] n. 淡淡的色调; 些许

light up 照亮; 点燃


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front [frʌnt] n.【气】锋

fleeting [ˋflitɪŋ] adj. 转瞬间的;短暂的

weeping [ˋwipɪŋ] adj. 有垂枝的

droop [drup] v. 低垂,下垂

treasure [ˋtrɛʒɚ] v. 珍藏,珍视



Reading Questions


1. Which of the following is NOT true about the cherry blossoms?

A. They grow only in Japan.

B. They signify the end of winter.

C. They are loved most by the Japanese.

D. They are usually white with a touch of pink.


2. What do we know about the hanami tradition?

A. It has been observed for nearly 1,000 years.

B. The tradition has its roots in China.

C. The tradition will probably die out soon.

D. Today, only the highest people in society may practice the tradition.


3. How do the Japanese mark hanami season nowadays?

A. By writing haiku.

B. By meditating alone.

C. By watching the weather report.

D. By getting together with loved ones.


4. Why do cherry blossoms hold a deep meaning for the Japanese?

A. They represent how quickly life passes.

B. They remind them to be thankful for spring.

C. They symbolize Japan’s beautiful countryside.

D. They are long-lasting, just like Japanese traditions.










1. ( A )

2. ( B )

3. ( D )

4. ( A )