Finca Bellavista: More than a Leafy Suburb 美丽净土:绿野庄园
In most cities and towns, getting around involves fighting traffic or sitting on a crowded bus or train. But in Finca Bellavista, even the morning commute can be a thrill. Imagine watching the lush rainforest sail by 150 feet below you as you take a zip line to school or work. That was the dream of Matt and Erica Hogan when they founded Finca Bellavista, the world’s first treehouse town.
Back in 2006, Matt was on a surfing trip with his buddies in southern Costa Rica. Right from the start, he was drawn to the rural beauty and Zen-like calm of the place. Later, he and Erica planned to go to Costa Rica together. They dreamed of finding their own quiet piece of paradise either in the rainforest or near the beach to settle down.
On Erica’s 29th birthday, they found an enormous piece of land in the rainforest, just a few miles from the Pacific Ocean, and fell in love with it. The only problem was that it was far too big for them to afford. Then, one night, when they were trying to think of a way they could buy it, Erica came up with the idea of building a tree house. Maybe, she thought, other people would share their dream of living among the trees. Today, the ambitious development is starting to take shape. Erica and Matt are inviting others to join them to live a more environmentally sustainable and delightful lifestyle in the rainforest.
finca ['fɪŋkɑ] n. 种植园,庄园,地产 A rural property, especially a large farm or ranch, in Spanish America.
commute [kəˋmjut] v.(购用月票或季票)通勤
thrill [θrɪl] n. 引起激动的事物
sustainable [səˋstenəb!] adj. 能长期保持的; 能长期维持的; 能持续的
delightful [dɪˋlaɪtfəl] adj. 令人愉快的,令人高兴的
get around 可以四处走动; 旅行 to travel from place to place
settle down 定居, 成家过安定的生活 to begin living a stable and orderly life
take shape 实现, 成形 to take on a distinctive form
Finca Bellavista – “bella vista” is Spanish for “beautiful view” – is actually named after Rio Bellavista, one of two white water rivers that flow through the property. Half a century ago, the area was entirely bare, as loggers had cut down all the trees. To date, the residents of Finca Bellavista have planted over 1,000 trees to take back the land.
Finca Bellaviista中的bella vista在西班牙文有「美景」之意。「绿野庄园」其实是依Rio Bellvista命名。这条河是流经此地的两条河之一。半世纪前,这地方还是一片不毛之地,因为伐树工人把树都砍光了。迄今,「绿野庄园」的居民已种植超过1,000颗的树,并恢复土地最初的面貌。
The idea of living in harmony with nature is central to the philosophy of Finca Bellavista. Electricity is provided by solar panels that capture the power of the sun’s rays. There are also plans for a hydroelectric facility to be built on one of the rivers. Each tree house is also equipped with a rainwater catch system to give people an eco-friendly source of water. Even the waste people create is put to good use. It is run through something called a biodigestor, and turned into fertilizer for the farm.
If you think living out in the jungle means giving up all creature comforts, you’re wrong. Even in this remote place, Matt and Erica have set up a satellite dish that gives residents a wireless Internet service. With Internet phone services like Skype. People here can get away from it all, but still keep in touch with friends and family. In addition, there are plans for a wellness center where people can take yoga or massage therapy classes. So, if you always dreamed of living like Robinson Crusoe, but still want to enjoy modern conveniences, maybe you should plan your own trip for Finca Bellavista.
-by Joe Henley
bare [bɛr] adj. 光秃秃的
logger [ˋlɔgɚ] n. 樵夫,伐木工
hydroelectric [͵haɪdroɪˋlɛktrɪk] adj. 水力电气的;水力发电的
biodigestor 生化分解机
fertilizer [ˋfɝtl͵aɪzɚ] n. 肥料
satellite [ˋsæt!͵aɪt] n. 人造卫星
wellness [ˋwɛlnɪs] n. 健康
convenience [kənˋvinjəns] n. 便利,方便
put to good use 从...中获益; 善用... employ to the best advantage
live out 过(某种生活); 不住在工作场所 to live outside one's place of domestic employment
creature comforts 物质享受 material things or luxuries that help to provide for one's bodily comfort
get away from it all 【口】到异地度短假 to take a vacation; give oneself time alone; you go somewhere to escape from your usual daily routine
Reading Questions
1. Which of these statements about Matt Hogan is NOT true?
(A) He helped bring Internet access to Finca Bellavista.
(B) He fell in love with the peacefulness of Costa Rica.
(C) He went to Costa Rica more than once.
(D) He planted more than 1,000 trees in Finca Bellavista.
2. Why are Erica and Matt inviting others to join them in Finca Bellavista?
(A) To spread the cost of buying the land.
(B) To create a community of people to keep them company.
(C) To give others the chance to save the planet.
(D) To help with the construction of the treehouse village.
3. Which of the following is probably MOST important to the residents of Finca Bellavista?
(A) Fast food restaurants.
(B) Convenience stores.
(C) Recycling programs.
(D) Sport stadiums.
4. Which of these people might be happy to live permanently in Finca Bellavista?
(A) A celebrity who needs to get out of the limelight for a little while.
(B) A Ph.D. student who is writing a thesis on Central American tourism.
(C) A recently retired single man with a passion for nature and outdoors.
(D) A big city businessman who occasionally likes to go hiking.
Finca Bellavista - a treehouse community
Finca Bellavista
1. ( D ) |
2. ( A ) |
3. ( C ) |
4. ( C ) |