High Line on the Skyline 都会中的空中花园──High Line公园

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In Manhattan, a unique park located on the former site of an elevated railway line is providing those living in the heart of the city with a welcome dose of green space


Downtown Manhattan is a bustling hub of commerce, urban living, and pedestrian and commercial traffic. But in the midst of all this chaos ___1___ an oasis of calm and serenity. Not lie, exactly – it is actually elevated three stories above the city streets. It’s called High Line Park, and there’s no ___2___ place in New York City to find a few minutes of peace.

曼哈顿城区是一处集商业贸易、都市生活、行人及商业运输业于一地的繁忙热闹的地方。然而在这一团混乱当中,却有着一小片平静祥和的宜人乐土。其实,这片乐土并不在地面上,而是在架离城市街道三层楼高的地方。这片乐土名为High Line公园,在纽约市若想得到片刻宁静,没有比这里更好的地方了。

(A) all but

(B) better

(C) anticipation

(D) views

(E) crossing

(F) land

(G) lies

(H) saved

(I) followed

(J) actually


High Line Park’s history goes back to 1934, when the High Line was ___3___ a cargo railway line that ran above Manhattan’s industrial district. Train tracks ___4___ busy city intersections had quickly become a recipe for disaster, leading to many unfortunate deaths. Putting the tracks high over people’s heads was an ambitious way to avoid such tragic incidents.

High Line公园的历史可追溯至1934年,当时High Line其实是越过曼哈顿工业区的货运铁路。列车轨道穿过各个交通繁忙的交叉路口,很快地就成为灾难的源头,导致许多人死于非命。而将铁路设置在高过人们头顶的地方是一个为避免悲剧事件发生而耗时费力的方法。

(A) all but

(B) better

(C) anticipation

(D) views

(E) crossing

(F) land

(G) lies

(H) saved

(I) followed

(J) actually


For a few decades, the High Line thrived, but by 1980, expansion of the trucking industry had made it ___5___ obsolete, and it was shut down for good. In the years that ___6___, the industrial district transformed into an area of art galleries and upscale shops, making the ___7___ very valuable. People owning property below the High Line called for its destruction in ___8___ of earning a tidy profit.

High Line铁路蓬勃发展了几十年,但是到了1980年,卡车运输业的拓展使High Line铁路面临淘汰终至走向永久关闭的命运。而后几年,工业区逐渐转型,成为艺廊与高档精品店林立的地区,致使土地大幅增值。拥有High Line铁路下方房地产的民众要求拆除High Line铁路,以期出售房地产获取庞大利益。

(A) all but

(B) better

(C) anticipation

(D) views

(E) crossing

(F) land

(G) lies

(H) saved

(I) followed

(J) actually


However, a group called Friends of the High Line successfully lobbied for it to be ___9___, and it has since been turned into the elevated park we see today. Inside, visitors can enjoy walking among lush plant life and public artwork while taking in stunning ___10__ of the surrounding cityscape and the Hudson River, all in the heart of the city.

然而,一个名为「High Line铁路之友」的团体四处游说,要将它保留下来,才会转变成我们今天看到的High Line公园。身处其境,游客们可以一边尽情徜徉在各种植物与公共艺术品之间,一边欣赏周遭美不胜收的城市街景与哈德森河影──尽在这处城市之心。

(A) all but

(B) better

(C) anticipation

(D) views

(E) crossing

(F) land

(G) lies

(H) saved

(I) followed

(J) actually


by Joe Henley





lead to 导致...后果

unfortunate [ʌnˋfɔrtʃənɪt] adj. 不幸的

ambitious [æmˋbɪʃəs] adj. 有雄心的; 有抱负的

incident [ˋɪnsədnt] n. 事件;事变

expansion [ɪkˋspænʃən] n. 扩展;扩张

transform into 把…改变成…

property [ˋprɑpɚtɪ] n. 房地产; 资产

call for 要求 to require; demand

destruction [dɪˋstrʌkʃən] n. 破坏;毁灭

stunning [ˋstʌnɪŋ] adj. 令人惊奇的; 令人震惊的


More Information



bustling [ˋbʌs!ɪŋ] adj. 繁忙的; 热闹的

hub [hʌb] n.〔地域﹑系统的〕中心; 枢纽

oasis [oˋesɪs] n.【喻】(困境中的)令人宽慰的事物或处所; 〔沙漠中的〕绿洲

serenity [səˋrɛnətɪ] n. 宁静

elevate [ˋɛlə͵vet] v. 提高;提升

intersection [͵ɪntɚˋsɛkʃən] n. 道路交叉口;十字路口

thrive [θraɪv] n. 兴旺,繁荣

obsolete [ˋɑbsə͵lit] adj. 废弃的,淘汰的

shut down(使)〔公司﹑工厂等〕关闭; (使)〔机器〕停止运转

for good 永远, 永久 forever; permanently

upscale [ˋʌp͵skel] adj. 高档的

tidy [ˋtaɪdɪ] adj.【口】相当大的;相当多的 Informal substantial; considerable

lobby [ˋlɑbɪ] v. 对(议员等)进行游说

lush [lʌʃ] adj. 苍翠繁茂的

take in 观赏 to look at thoroughly; view

cityscape [ˋsɪtɪ͵skep] n. 都市风景

all but 差不多, 几乎  almost



Street View strolls down the High Line Park



High Line Park: Walking above the West Side in NYC





1. ( G )

2. ( B )

3. ( J )

4. ( E )

5. ( A )

6. ( I )

7. ( F )

8. ( C )

9. ( H )

10. ( D )