Don’t Worry, Be Gloomy 如果梵谷不忧郁……

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Few would argue with the claim that happiness is our preferred state of being. Given the choice, most of us would surely choose pleasure over pain. However, could it be that we are getting too much of a good thing when it comes to happiness? In recent years, there has been an increasing movement putting forward the case for a little bit of sadness in our lives.



While gloominess hasn’t had much of a history of people supporting its cause, the promotion of happiness has been big business. It was in the 1990s that the movement really took off, when researchers found evidence of happy moods having many positive effects on the body and mind. Subsequently, a host of writers and entrepreneurs took advantage of this discovery, flooding the market with books and magazine articles promising to make people happier. An entire industry of success coaches and motivational speakers sprang up to assist those pursuing the elusive goal of true happiness.



Now, though, there is some good news for those who are fed up with being told to smile all the time. After years of being seen as a feeling to avoid, sadness is making somewhat of a comeback.






gloomy [ˋglumɪ] adj. 忧郁的

evidence [ˋɛvədəns] n. 证据

subsequently [ˋsʌbsɪ͵kwɛntlɪ] adv. 随后,接着

motivational [͵motəˋveʃənəl] adj. 激发积极性的

comeback [ˋkʌm͵bæk] n. 重整旗鼓; 东山再起; 复原


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being [ˋbiɪŋ] n. 存在;生存

given the choice 如果可以选择  short form of “When we are given the choice….”

too much of a good thing 好事过头反成坏事 if you have too much of a good thing, something pleasant becomes unpleasant because you have too much of it

put forward 提出; 推荐 to offer for consideration

gloominess [ˋglumɪnɪs] n. 阴暗;忧郁

cause [kɔz] n. 理由,根据; 原因

big business 大生意 important business activity that makes a lot of money

effect [ɪˋfɛkt] n. 影响

entrepreneur [͵ɑntrəprəˋnɝ] n. 企业家;事业创办者

coach [kotʃ] n. 教练

elusive [ɪˋlusɪv] adj. 难以理解的; 难捉摸的

be fed up 感到厌烦的  Informal annoyed, discontented, or bored

somewhat of 几分, 一点  a bit of








The pro-sadness supporters are basically reacting to the excesses of this drive for constant happiness. Rather than saying that being miserable is preferable to being merry, they believe that feeling “down in the dumps” is simply a natural part of life.



Eric Wilson, a professor of English at Wake Forest University, is one such advocate. He originally jumped aboard the happiness bandwagon, but it wasn’t long before he decided to jump off. He tried grinning more and using more enthusiastic expressions in conversations as he’d been told, but it just didn’t feel right. Now, having embraced his melancholy side, he has published a book entitled “Against Happiness.” In it, he argues that this obsession with happiness, particularly in America, has caused a widespread “disregard for the value of sadness.”



Looking back, without gloomy feelings, many of the world’s greatest artists would have been deprived of their muse. Beethoven, for example, composed much of his most celebrated music in a less-than-joyful state of mind. And without experiencing tragedy and heartbreak, the great painter Vincent van Gogh would unlikely have created so many of his masterpieces. Clearly, the world would be a considerably duller place without at least some of us suffering our fair share of misery.






excess [ɪkˋsɛs] n. 过量; 过度

miserable [ˋmɪzərəb!] adj. 凄惨的;悲哀的

advocate [ˋædvəkɪt] n. 提倡者;拥护者

enthusiastic [ɪn͵θjuzɪˋæstɪk] adj. 热情的;热心的

deprive [dɪˋpraɪv] v. 剥夺,从……夺走;使丧失[(+of)]


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drive [draɪv] n. 驱动, 动力; 欲望

rather than 而不是...; 与其…instead of

preferable [ˋprɛfərəb!] adj. 更合意的[(+to)]

down in the dumps【口】沮丧的; 抑郁的 unhappy; depressed

jump on the bandwagon 赶时髦 to support something that is popular

grin [grɪn] v. 露齿而笑

melancholy [ˋmɛlən͵kɑlɪ] n. 忧郁

obsession [əbˋsɛʃən] n. 摆脱不了的思想(或情感)[C][(+about/with)]

disregard [͵dɪsrɪˋgɑrd] v. 漠视; 不理会

muse [mjuz] n.【古】沉思,冥想

dull [dʌl] adj. 乏味的,单调的

have fair share of 得到(超过)通常得到的或期望得到的数量  to have a lot or more than enough of something bad








Results of recent research help to back up the view that a moderate does of negativity is not necessarily a bad thing. A worldwide survey was conducted, in which over 100,000 people were asked to rate their happiness on a scale of 1 to 10. Those who rated themselves happiest, at 9’s and 10’s, were on average not as successful, in terms of career or education, as those who rated themselves as an 8. This suggests that, for those near the top of their profession, a certain amount of dissatisfaction goes a long way. Instead of being happy with their lives, they drive themselves on to achieve more. On the other hand, those who feel totally satisfied with their lives lack this kind of motivation.



The message to take home from this whole happiness versus sadness debate is not that there is anything wrong with feeling happy, of course. It’s more a case of striking a balance between a healthy dose of cheer and a little bit of sorrow. So the next time you’re feeling down, look on the bright side and remember that sadness isn’t all bad. In the grand scheme of things, it brings its own benefits and adds a creative color to our lives.



by David Vickers





moderate [ˋmɑdərɪt] adj. 适度的

survey [ˋsɝve] n. 调查

career [kəˋrɪr] n.(终身的)职业; 生涯

profession [prəˋfɛʃən] n.(尤指受过良好教育或专门训练者,如律师,医生,教师的)职业

versus [ˋvɝsəs] prep. 对; 与……相对


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back up 支持 to support or assist

on average 平均, 通常

in terms of  就...方面来说  regarding something; concerning something

dissatisfaction [͵dɪssætɪsˋfækʃən] n. 不满;不平

go a long way 大有帮助  If you say that something goes a long way towards doing a particular thing, you mean that it (something) is an important factor in achieving that thing.

take home from something:  牢记在心; 获得的结论 to take a thought, idea, or concept away [to one's home] from something…..

strike a balance 调和折衷  to make a compromise

in the grand/great scheme of things  宏观而言 if you say that in the grand scheme of things something is not important, you mean that it is not important when compared to much more serious things