CNN 10 - April 17, 2017
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2017年4月18日
- 最后更新于 2024年7月26日
- 发布于 2017年4月18日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:681
Special "Star Wars" Edition
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Great to have you watching the special edition of CNN 10. I`m Carl Azuz at the CNN Center.
We`re covering a subject today that`s both fascinating and alarming -- a potential war in space. Unlike modern international conflicts that have
involved air, land and sea, troops, weapons, and artillery, the next major world war, if there ever is one, could be held at a place distant from
artillery [ɑrˋtɪlərɪ] n. 火炮;大炮
anywhere on Earth, potentially killing no one but affecting almost everyone -- a war unseen with a naked eye but felt across the nation.
CNN`s Jim Sciutto takes us to the battlefield that`s miles over our heads.
Is the U.S. at risk of losing?
SCIUTTO: In outer space.
GEN. WILLIAM SHELTON, FORMER COMMANDER AIR FORCE SPACE COMMAND: Looks like a communications satellite, when in actuality, it is also a weapon.
SCIUTTO: Threats of a potential World War III.
DEANNA BURT, COMMANDER OF 50TH SPACE WING: I think it`s an inevitability over time.
SCIUTTO: Unimaginable weapons.
So, you could kidnap another satellite?
SCIUTTO: Designed to bring America to its knees.
bring someone to one’s knees 迫使(某人)屈服
LT. GEN. DAVID BUCK, COMMANDER JOINT FUNCTIONAL COMPONENT COMMAND FOR SPACE: Our satellites are at risk. And our ground infrastructure is at
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Standby! Data building in Florida.
standby [ˋstænd͵baɪ] adj. 待命的
SCIUTTO: What can the U.S. possibly do to prevent this catastrophe?
SCIUTTO: To find out, we go inside and underground.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So, this is the global operations.
SCIUTTO: With rare access to the places and the people preparing for "War in Space: The Next Battlefield".
As the sun sets and the nation goes to sleep, the battle for supremacy in space is about to begin. One final night before Americans wake up to a new
supremacy [səˋprɛməsɪ] n. 优势; 主权
and daunting reality. 10 a.m. New York, 7:00 a.m., Los Angeles cities normally buzzing with the morning rush suddenly stall. TV networks start
stall [stɔl] v. 使陷入泥潭;使动弹不得
to go dark. Internet connections run slow. ATMs begin to malfunction.
There`s confusion. No panic, not yet, as stealth cyber attacks are racing through the U.S. at the speed of light.
stealth [stɛlθ] n. 秘密行动;鬼鬼祟祟
SINGER: Then you have the question of is it a cascading effect or not?
cascade [kæsˋked] n. 瀑布状的东西;一连串的东西
SCIUTTO: By noon in New York and 9:00 a.m. in Los Angeles, financial markets, dependent on exact timing provided by GPS, are frozen. Mobile
phone services already patchy, fail. Confusion gives way to growing fears this is much more than a simple cyber glitch.
patchy [ˋpætʃɪ] adj. 不调和的;不匀称的
give way to 为…所代替
glitch [glɪtʃ] n.【电】短暂的电磁波干扰,短时脉冲波干扰
Many traffic lights and railroad signals also timed by GPS default to red, bringing transport to a standstill. Commercial air traffic is grounded, as
default [dɪˋfɔlt] v. 不履行; 回复到默认值
pilots lose navigation and weather data. Power stations and water treatment plants begin to stop functioning.
SINGER: This feels like utter science fiction, and yet it`s not.
SCIUTTO: By now, Americans know the country is under some kind of attack. And they look to the Armed Forces to spring into action.
spring into action 付诸行动
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Stand by! Data building in Florida.
SCIUTTO: But the world`s greatest military is struggling to respond. Military pilots and drones lose contact with the ground. GPS-guided smart
bombs are rendered dumb. Warships lose contact with commanders.
render [ˋrɛndɚ] v. to cause to become
dumb [dʌm] adj. 【主美】【口】愚笨的
This is the nightmare scenario, chaos on earth, as our adversaries launch a massive cyber attack on key infrastructure and disable and destroy our
adversary [ˋædvɚ͵sɛrɪ] n. 敌手;敌人
satellites in space, the first shots in the first space war.
SINGER: Explosions in space, that no one will hear.
SCIUTTO: Peter Singer wrote about this dire scenario in his book, "Ghost Fleet," and he now advises the Defense Department on just this type of
dire [daɪr] adj. 可怕的;悲慘的
SINGER: You are now in World War III. So, besides losing your ability to take out money from an ATM, your nation is in World War III.
SCIUTTO: This is not fantasy. This is the future, a future for which the U.S. is now urgently preparing.
GEN. JOHN HYTEN, COMMANDER, U.S. STRATEGIC COMMAND: If you say, is it inevitable and the answer is probably yes.
SCIUTTO: General John Hyten, until recently the head of U.S. Space Command, has now been promoted to lead strategic command -- charged with
crucial missions ranging from commanding nuclear warfare to cyber warfare to war in space.
Anytime human beings have come to new territory and contested it, conflict has followed.
HYTEN: Human beings forever have wanted to explore what`s beyond the hill, the horizon, and as we go out there, there`s always been conflict.
Conflict in the Wild West as we moved into the West, conflict twice in Europe, for its horrible world wars.
So, every time human beings actually physically move into that, there`s conflict. And in that case, we`ll have to be prepared for that.
SCIUTTO: This new contested territory, however, is mind-boggling, 73 trillion cubic miles.
mind-boggling [ˋmaɪndˋbɑg!ɪŋ] adj. 令人极为惊讶的
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The space surveillance network has been transmitting observations.
SCIUTTO: And the early signs by U.S. leaders` own admissions are disturbing for life as Americans know it. In 2015, the Pentagon expressed
grave concern that America was not ready for war in space. It was proven right when month`s later, U.S. Space Forces were overwhelmed in war games
overwhelm [͵ovɚˋhwɛlm] v. 击败
that targeted U.S. space assets.
HYTEN: It does get ugly in a hurry. If it goes kinetic, it gets ugly really bad.
ugly [ˋʌglɪ] adj. 难看的
kinetic [kɪˋnɛtɪk] adj. 活躍的
SCIUTTO: Kinetic warfare, meaning that shots are fired in space, would cause permanent damage and destruction to the fragile satellites that
control much of our life on earth. Like a space-age Paul Revere, General William Shelton, heightens immediate predecessor at Space Command, has been
sounding the alarm.
Did action, though, start quickly enough?
SHELTON: You`re talking to a guy that was looking to really precipitate action and I would say the answer was no. Could we by an active defense of
precipitate [prɪˋsɪpətɪt] adj. 突如其来的,突然的
our own satellites? The answer is no.
SCIUTTO: You could not today defend satellite assets we have?
SHELTON: Not, certainly not on orbit. Clearly, there are things you can do on the ground. But space to space, no.
SCIUTTO: Perhaps worst of all, American adversaries know it, that the U.S. is not prepared. And that the U.S., more than any other nation, depends on
SINGER: Our ability to be this sort of unique 21st century kind of power depends on space being a sanctuary for us but also, it means there`s an
incentive to take that away from us.
SCIUTTO: Who are those adversaries? They will sound familiar from standoffs down here on earth, Russia and China.
standoff [ˋstænd͵ɔf] n.【美】僵持;均衡
HYTEN: We have very good surveillance and intelligence capability, so we can see the threats that are being built.
SCIUTTO: And that`s China in particular.
HYTEN: China in particular. Russia is also working on those capabilities.
SCIUTTO: But that`s something you`re preparing for. So, I imagine, nothing is off-limits, in effect?
HYTEN: We`re developing capabilities to defend ourselves. It`s really that simple.
SCIUTTO: And so, the U.S. finds itself in a new, more ominous space race.
ominous [ˋɑmɪnəs] adj. 不祥的; 威胁的
Is the U.S. at risk of losing a war?
SINGER: I think so. We`d be silly to say it`s not a possibility. That`s what any defense planner will tell you, is don`t look for the ideal
outcome, plan for the worst day, so that you can survive it.
SCIUTTO: Coming up.
SHELTON: The wake-up call really was January of 2007when the Chinese tested their anti-satellite weapon.
wake-up call 引起警觉的事
SCIUTTO: The first shots in space have already been fired.
AZUZ: Well, that`s all for the special sort of "Star Wars" edition of CNN. Thanks for watching. I`m Carl Azuz.