CNN 10 - November 14, 2017
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2017年11月15日
- 最后更新于 2024年7月31日
- 发布于 2017年11月15日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:657
An Earthquake Strikes Iran; U.S. Conducts a Show of Force in the Pacific; Coral Spawns in the Great Barrier Reef; Technology May Change Shopping
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: The Middle Eastern nation of Iran is observing three days of mourning after a major earthquake shook the region on Sunday.
That`s our first story today on CNN 10. Thank you for watching.
There aren`t many earthquakes each year that have a magnitude greater than 7.0. This one was magnitude 7.3. The U.S. Geological Survey says that
makes it capable of considerable damage in every building and severe damage in structures that aren`t well-built.
The tremors struck near Iran`s western border with Iraq on Sunday night and it was felt hundreds of miles away, in countries like Pakistan and Turkey.
The quake`s epicenter, the point on the earth surface directly above its focus was in a rural area, but it was only about 14 miles deep, which is
considered shallow and potentially more destructive. An aid worker in the region says more than 500 villages were damaged.
Authorities in Iran and Iraq say at least 452 people were killed, the vast majority in Iran. And hundreds of others were injured.
Iranian government officials have told aid agencies and rescue workers to do everything they can to help the people who`ve been affected. The
aftershocks that follow the quake shook people across the Middle East. This is the deadliest earthquake to hit worldwide this year. It`s not the
deadliest every to hit Iran. Scientists say the country sits on a major fault line between plates and that some previous earthquakes have killed tens of thousands.
fault line 断层线
SUBTITLE: Five things you should know about earthquakes.
CHAD MYERS, AMS METEOROLOGIST: Number one, an earthquake occurs when two blocks of the Earth slip fast each other. Now, for most of the time, those
blocks are together with friction. But they are building up energy because they are moving in different directions. When one block decides to slip,
all of a sudden, that energy is released by seismic waves, kind of like ripples on a pond, creating the earthquake.
seismic [ˋsaɪzmɪk] adj. 地震的;因地震而引起的
Number two, an earthquake can occur very near the surface of the Earth. Those earthquakes are typically very destructive, or as deep as 400 miles
down into the crust. Now, where the shaking actually happens, that`s called the hypocenter. But directly above it, on the surface, that`s called the epicenter.
hypocenter [͵haɪpoˋsɛntɚ] n.(核子爆炸等之)震源
epicenter [ˋɛpɪ͵sɛntɚ] n.【地】震央,中心;集中点
Number three, the power of an earthquake is called magnitude. Now, the intensity of he shaking can vary depending on the geography, the topography,
topography [təˋpɑgrəfɪ] n. 地形;地形学
or even the depth of the quake. Now, the USGS says there are 500,000 detectable quakes every year. One hundred thousand can be felt and 100 will create damage.
Number four, earthquakes themselves actually don`t kill that many people. It`s the natural and manmade structures that fall to the ground during the
shaking that injure and kill.
Number five, the majority of all earthquakes and volcanoes happen along plate boundaries. The largest is the Pacific plate and its series of
boundaries all along the Pacific Ocean known as the Ring of Fire.
Ring of Fire 环太平洋火山带
SUBTITLE: Three U.S. Navy aircraft carriers put on a show of force in the Western Pacific Ocean.
put on 演出(戏剧); 举办(展览等)
The USS Ronald Reagan, USS Theodore Roosevelt, and USS Nimitz sailed side- by-side.
This was the first time these three ships sailed together in a decade.
This is seen as a signal to North Korea that the U.S. will not be intimidated.
Pyongyang has continued testing of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles.
President Donald Trump has called for an end to North Korea`s nuclear program.
The state-run Korean Central News Agency said the presence of the three carriers was part of Washington`s "sinister intention to maintain military hegemony in the region".
hegemony [hiˋdʒɛmənɪ] n. 霸权;领导权
AZUZ (voice-over): Ten-second trivia:
Which of these landmarks would you find near the Australian state of Queensland?
Great Barrier Reef, Sydney Opera House, Ayers Rock, or the Great Ocean Road?
The Greet Barrier Reef can be found off the coast of Queensland, which also manages the reef`s marine park.
AZUZ: Scientists are keeping a close eye on an event that looks like an underwater snow storm in the Great Barrier Reef.
We reported on recent coral bleaching events in the reef, when the coral gets stressed and losses its vibrant color. Bleaching events occurred in
bleach [blitʃ] v. 变白;脱色,变淡
1998, 2002, 2016, and 2017. This can happen when water temperatures get too warm or too cold and it`s a bad sign for the coral`s health.
This, by contrast, is a good sign. It`s the annual event of coral spawning, when the colonies reproduced. It starts after a full moon, Queensland saw
spawn [spɔn] v. 产(卵);生育
one of those on November 4th, and it lasts several nights.
Like coral bleaching, spawning is also dependent on water temperatures. They have to be warm enough to help adult coral mature. Biologists say
they`re encouraged by the amount of reproductive activity they`re seeing this time around.
From sea to store. Next story brings together business, fashion and technology.
We`ve reported a lot this year on how many U.S. retail companies are closing stores or going at a business, and how that`s partly because more
Americans are doing their shopping online. But one strike against that is that it doesn`t usually allow you to try on clothes before you buy them, to
see how they`d actually look on you.
Well, some companies are turning to A.R., augmented reality, and V.R., virtual reality, to bring you a step closer to that. What people see are
augmented reality 扩增实境
virtual reality 虚拟现实
increasingly realistic simulations of actually trying something on.
RACHEL CRANE, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): In the future, getting dressed may involve a lot more tech than you ever expected.
NEHA SINGH, FOUNDER & CEO, OBSESS: So, this is very -- you know, you can see like it`s really for the realistic quality, even though it`s 3D.
CRANE (on camera): I see the fur like moving.
CRANE (voice-over): First up, Amazon`s Echo Look. They call it a style assistant. So, we put it to the test --
(on camera): Alexa, take a picture.
(voice-over): -- against an actual stylist.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I want to see. Oh my gosh, that`s crazy.
CRANE (on camera): And there we go.
Let`s do a style check.
(voice-over): It`s review take some time, but when it`s done, it ranks which one it likes the best.
(on camera): According to Alexa, I am supposed to wear the light blue daytime outfit.
Oh, they say the colors fit (ph) for you. The outfit shape works better for you.
(voice-over): Amazon`s algorithm doesn`t stop at telling you what looks good. it also tries to sell you clothes. But its suggestions are hit or miss.
algorithm [ˋælgə͵rɪðm] n.【数】互除法;算法
hit-or-miss 无计划的;随意的;漫不经心的
And while the Echo Look may help you decide between two looks, it can`t take into account the nuance of where you`re going.
nuance [njuˋɑns] n.(色調,音調,意義,見解等的)細微差別
(on camera): When you hear about the development of all these advanced technology, do you worry about the future of your job?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: For me, I personally don`t. I think with, you know, the future of technology and fashion I think will benefit like production
and retail. As a stylist, there are just that, you know, interpersonal communication that you can`t replace.
interpersonal [͵ɪntɚˋpɝsən!] adj. 人与人之间的
CRANE (voice-over): Since the emergence of e-commerce, how we shop is moving away from stores. Some tech companies are trying to enhance the
digital shopping experience by introducing A.R. and V.R.
(on camera): How do you see A.R. and V.R. changing the shopping experience?
SINGH: We see it changing completely. Like if you think about e-commerce, every brand and every product essentially looks the same online. That
doesn`t encapsulate like what the brand is about. So, we are building the technology that will enable any brand and retailer to create amazing,
encapsulate [ɪnˋkæpsə͵let] v. 包含; 概括
immersive discovery-based shopping experiences. I think --
CRANE: Is it really that much better than online shopping as currently?
SINGH: It`s a lot better. Yes, just try it.
Under this technology, we are getting closer and closer to the real world, because the real world is three dimensional. It`s all around us. It`s
around us.
CRANE: Right.
SINGH: So, whatever technology can get us closer to the real world, like that`s going to be the next thing.
Eventually, this will be young, because that`s the Holy Grail for fashion.
holy grail【喻】终极目标;最终梦想
CRANE: Right.
SINGH: It`s like I want to see how I look in this. Not only we need a 3D model, but you need the physics, built into those models to see how this
fabric flows, like it`s going to stretch --
CRANE: Stretches, right.
SINGH: Yes. So, all of that like is going -- is becoming possible. We are not quite there yet.
CRANE: If A.R. and V.R. want to change how we shop, digital avatars need to actually look and move like humans.
avatar [͵ævəˋtɑr] n.【电脑】(术语)指在虚拟现实中互动地呈现一个人; 化身
Researchers from a Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems created cloth cap, which captures how clothing moves on the digital avatar. It can
also estimate how clothing looks on different body types.
It will be years before we`re shopping in our bedrooms in A.R. and V.R. But technology is getting smarter, and so might our style.
AZUZ: Last year, near a lava flow in Hawaii, a GoPro camera recorded its own demise.
lava [ˋlɑvə] n.【地】熔岩
demise [dɪˋmaɪz] n. 死亡;终止
Eric Storm (ph), the tour guide who owns the camera says he got distracted after putting it down and forgot about it. The lava kept coming,
eventually melting the outside of the camera, but the thing kept recording, and somehow the video survived on the device`s SD card. What`s amazing is
that just when you think the video and camera are finished, it just keeps going.
Storm used a rock hammer to free the camera, after it got caught between a rock and hot place. And while some skeptics didn`t belava the story, they
say he cooked it up, Storm says uh-uh, this is not a pahoehoe, just an accident that heated up an online debate.
I`m Carl Azuz for CNN 10.
fault line 断层线
seismic [ˋsaɪzmɪk] adj. 地震的;因地震而引起的
hypocenter [͵haɪpoˋsɛntɚ] n.(核子爆炸等之)震源
epicenter [ˋɛpɪ͵sɛntɚ] n.【地】震央,中心;集中点
topography [təˋpɑgrəfɪ] n. 地形;地形学
Ring of Fire 环太平洋火山带
put on 演出(戏剧); 举办(展览等)
hegemony [hiˋdʒɛmənɪ] n. 霸权;领导权
bleach [blitʃ] v. 变白;脱色,变淡
spawn [spɔn] v. 产(卵);生育
augmented reality 扩增实境
virtual reality 虚拟现实
algorithm [ˋælgə͵rɪðm] n.【数】互除法;算法
hit-or-miss 沒準的,碰運氣的;随意的;漫不经心的
nuance [njuˋɑns] n.(色調,音調,意義,見解等的)細微差別
interpersonal [͵ɪntɚˋpɝsən!] adj. 人与人之间的
encapsulate [ɪnˋkæpsə͵let] v. 包含; 概括
Holy Grail【喻】终极目标;最终梦想
avatar [͵ævəˋtɑr] n.【电脑】(术语)指在虚拟现实中互动地呈现一个人; 化身
lava [ˋlɑvə] n.【地】熔岩
demise [dɪˋmaɪz] n. 死亡;终止