CNN 10 - March 30, 2018
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2018年3月31日
- 最后更新于 2024年7月15日
- 发布于 2018年3月31日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:688
Malala Yousafzai Returns to Pakistan; CDC Warns About a Possible "Round 2" of the Flu; A Positive Athlete Perseveres Through A Heart Disorder
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Welcome to CNN 10 on this Friday, March 30. My name is Carl Azuz. We`re happy to see you.
For the first time in almost six years, Malala Yousafzai has returned to her home country of Pakistan. The 20-year-old winner of the Nobel Peace
Prize is known around the world as Malala.
She spent most of her life advocating for girls` rights to an education, but that`s something that the Taliban, a terrorist group that operates in
Afghanistan and Pakistan has tried to prevent. They attempted to assassinate Malala in 2012, but she survived the shooting. And afterwards,
she continued her own education, as well as her fight for children`s rights worldwide.
There was a lot of security when she visited Pakistan early Thursday. Some people there see her as a hero. Others see her as an agitator, who should
agitator [ˋædʒə͵tetɚ] n. 鼓动者;煽动者
be silenced. But here visit defied Taliban threats to attack her again and fulfill her dream of touching the ground of home.
There`d been a whirlwind of changes on and around the Korean peninsula, since the lines of communication between North and South Korea open back up
before the Olympics. April 27th is the date when North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in are scheduled to meet at the
militarized zone, the border between their nations.
It will be the first face to face between Korean leaders in more than a decade and it follows this week`s surprise visit by North Korea`s dictator
to China. That`s a nation whose relationship with North Korea has been significant if not always harmonious.
ANDREW STEVENS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It just to be said that the relationship between China and North Korea was as close as lips and teeth.
China has always been North Korea`s staunchest ally since Kim Jong-un`s granddaughter Kim Il-sung established the totalitarian state back in 1948.
staunch [stɔntʃ] adj. 坚固的;坚定的,可靠的
totalitarian [to͵tæləˋtɛrɪən] adj. 极权主义的
It has provided economic life support, ideological backing and support for North Korea on the international stage. In return, communist North Korea
has served Beijing as a buffer between China and South Korea, saving China from the prospect of U.S. troops on its land border.
serve [sɝv] v. 对待
buffer [ˋbʌfɚ] n. 起缓冲作用的人(或物)
But the relationship has been fraying since Kim Jong-un assumed power in 2011. He has repeatedly angered Beijing with nuclear bomb and ballistic
fray [fre] v. 使(神经等)紧张
missile test that led to a dangerous, potentially military confrontation with the United States.
Beijing`s calls for restraint and dialogue were largely ignored by Kim. Indeed some of North Korea`s test looked like they were deliberately provocative to Beijing.
provocative [prəˋvɑkətɪv] adj. 气人的;挑拨的
But the recent frosty relations are starting to thaw. Diplomacy is now front-and-center on the Korean peninsula. The isolated Kim needs the
thaw [θɔ] v.(冰,雪等)融化,融解;解冻
front-and-center [͵frʌnt ænd ˋsɛntɚ] adj.【美】非常重要的
support of Beijing and reportedly says he`s ready to put denuclearization on the table.
His country has been hit hard by international sanctions. And with more than 90 percent of North Korean`s foreign trade, including its life blood
oil going through China, Kim needs their backing.
For China, it wants to assert its role in any future negotiations on the Korean peninsula. Beijing`s bottom line remains denuclearization, but it
assert [əˋsɝt] v. 维护,坚持;主张拥有
also wants to see Kim`s regime stay intact. The alternative is unthinkable -- a collapsed North Korea with millions of refugees flooding into the
country. Or a reunited Korea with U.S. influence stretching right up to its border. There`s too much at stake for either side to walk away from
each other.
AZUZ (voice-over): Ten-second trivia:
In what year was an estimated one-third of the global population infected by a severe flu virus?
1918, 1957, 1968, or 2009?
The flu pandemic of 1918, also known as the Spanish flu, infected an estimated 500 million people worldwide. It was the worst in recent history.
pandemic [pænˋdɛmɪk] n. 流行病
AZUZ: As far as this year`s flu virus goes, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control is warning that a second wave maybe on the way. What sickens so
many people this winter, making it the worse season for flu outbreaks in years, was caused by a type of flu called influenza A.
Officials believe those outbreaks have peaked and are now decreasing. But they`re warning about another type of the flu called influenza B. At this
time, those viruses are more frequently being reported in America. It`s possible to get one flu after you`ve already had the other.
This year`s vaccine was mostly ineffective against influenza A. Experts think it might be more effective against influenza B. With or without it,
most people do not die from the flu, but there are some groups that face higher risks.
ELIZABETH COHEN, CNN SENIOR MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: It`s always scary when you hear of someone dying from something as common as the flu.
There are four main ways the flu can turn deadly.
The first and most common cause is pneumonia. The influenza virus can directly cause viral pneumonia. When someone has the flu, it can weaken
their immune system so much that another virus or bacteria can enter the lungs. Infected lungs filled with fluid making it difficult to breathe, so
oxygen can`t get to the rest of the body which can lead to death.
Sepsis is the second way the flu can become lethal, especially in healthy and younger adults and children. Sepsis occurs when a person`s immune
sepsis [ˋsɛpsɪs] n. 败血病,腐败作用
system goes into overdrive trying to fight the flu. This causes inflammation which can lead to a cascade of symptoms that ultimately ends in organ failure.
overdrive [ˋovɚˋdraɪv] n. 加倍努力(或紧张)
cascade [kæsˋked] n. 一连串的东西
A third way the flu can kill is by increasing your risk of heart attack. Experts say an adult`s risk of heart attack increases six-fold in the seven
days following a flu diagnosis.
The fourth way the flu can kill is by dehydration, particularly among infants and young children. The flu often causes vomiting and diarrhea
which can quickly become life threatening if fluids aren`t replaced in the body.
So, if you get the flu, when should you be worried?
Some people have a higher risk for serious complications from the flu, including the elderly, children under the age of 5, pregnant women and
those with chronic health problems.
If this is you, make sure you see a doctor. If you`re a healthy older child or adult, watch out for sudden dizziness, severe or persistent
vomiting, difficulty breathing, pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen, and flu-like symptoms that improve, then return with a fever or worse
AZUZ: It`s Major League Baseball season in America. Opening day was yesterday. Twenty-six teams went head to head and the first of the one 162
games they`ll play throughout the summer. And while they`re focused on fields with diamonds, today`s positive athlete is focused on one with goalposts.
goalpost [ˋgol͵post] n.(足球等的)球门柱,球门
Kendall Brest was diagnosed with a heart disorder, he and his coach, who`s also his dad, found another way Kendall could stay in the game.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We had a home game here on a Friday and Kendall, you know, was getting ready for school.
KENDALL BREST, POSITIVE ATHLETE: I stood up and I stretched up and really dizzy, I started falling over and got numb on one side of the body, my
speech was all slurred and I had no clue what`s going on.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I took him for a CAT scan at the local hospital and we literally walked back into the school and my cellphone rang, and they
said, you need to bring him back to the ER because he had a stroke.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We were in shock, we are in disbelief.
BREST: They diagnosed with LVNC which stands for left ventricular noncompaction. They just in the end ruled out playing physical contact
left ventricular noncompaction 左室心肌致密化不全
rule out 排除...的可能性
sports, because taking a hit to the chest could result in bad things.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The conversation basically revolved around, your playing days are over. If there`s something ahead that will be bigger and
better and you don`t even know what that is right now.
BREST: We`re so close to our doctors down in Pittsburgh and we decided we want to give back for so much they did for us. So, we decided there`s a
camp for kids that have heart ailments like I do, and we decided to give back.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And the inspiration was having a #kendallstrong game.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Honestly, in my heart, I thought, I want to raise $1,000. But secretly, I was hoping for $5,000. I never believed it would
be $10,000.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Make sure at half-time, you talk to the centers --
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Kendall got into coaching because he wanted to be a part of the program.
BREST: It`s just the number one thing I knew I can do because I`m finding new things about coaching football.
Jake, Jake, you`re ready, you`re ready.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s his junior year. That was the longest season of my life, and one of the greatest thrills was as a dad, after winning
championship his junior year was hugging him.
BREST: It just felt like such a special season, and setbacks and the great story, and we just gave each other a big hug afterwards.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And he said, we did it, dad. And I`ll never forget that.
AZUZ: Aurora borealis, the Northern Lights, get a lot of coverage in the media. But how about aurora australis? Just as incredible, just as
incredible to see, just in another hemisphere.
These pictures come to us from a photographer named Brad Phipps. He was one of the passengers who flew from New Zealand to the Antarctic Circle
where he was able to capture the southern lights from his airplane window and then put together this time lapse video.
So, if you thought the northern lights were the only game in town, australisten up. The green glow over the Antarctic is every bit as
aurorable. Sure, some might make light of it, or say it`s not boreali-the- same but scientifically speaking, the only difference between them is their pole position.
I`m Carl Azuz. Hope you have a great Easter weekend and we`re looking forward to seeing you again on Monday.
agitator [ˋædʒə͵tetɚ] n. 鼓动者;煽动者
staunch [stɔntʃ] adj. 坚固的;坚定的,可靠的
totalitarian [to͵tæləˋtɛrɪən] adj. 极权主义的
serve [sɝv] v. 对待
buffer [ˋbʌfɚ] n. 起缓冲作用的人(或物)
fray [fre] v. 使(神经等)紧张
provocative [prəˋvɑkətɪv] adj. 气人的;挑拨的
thaw [θɔ] v.(冰,雪等)融化,融解;解冻
front-and-center [͵frʌnt ænd ˋsɛntɚ] adj.【美】非常重要的
assert [əˋsɝt] v. 维护,坚持;主张拥有
pandemic [pænˋdɛmɪk] n. 流行病
sepsis [ˋsɛpsɪs] n. 败血病, 腐败作用
overdrive [ˋovɚˋdraɪv] n. 加倍努力(或紧张)
cascade [kæsˋked] n. 一连串的东西
goalpost [ˋgol͵post] n.(足球等的)球门柱,球门
left ventricular noncompaction 左室心肌致密化不全
compaction [kəmˈpækʃən] n. 压实; the exertion of force on something so that it becomes more dense
rule out 排除...的可能性