CNN 10 - May 8, 2018
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2018年5月08日
- 最后更新于 2024年7月08日
- 发布于 2018年5月08日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:624
A Recent Volcanic Eruption in Hawaii; The Reasons Behind a Rise in Global Oil Prices
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: We`re returning to daily news coverage today on CNN 10. I`m Carl Azuz, explaining events from around the world.
It`s been five days since Hawaii`s Kilauea volcano started erupting again, but a lot of the destruction is occurring miles from the mountain summit.
This is all started Thursday on Hawaii`s big island. Kilauea, which means both spewing and much spreading, lived up to its name.
live up to 实践; 遵守, 坚持; 无愧于
First, molten rock and sulfur dioxide shot into the air. Then, cracks formed in the earth miles to the east of the volcano, an entire communities
of hundreds of people were told to get out of their homes. A 6.9 magnitude earthquake hit Friday, and by the end of the weekend, 10 fissures openings
fissure [ˋfɪʃɚ] n.(尤指岩石上的)裂缝
in the earth had appeared and dozens of homes had been destroyed as lava sipped out and consumed them.
It`s not just the molten rock that`s a threat. The vents are releasing toxic fumes that aren`t safe to breathe. And though first responders have
vent [vɛnt] n. 火山口
masks that help them protect them, Hawaii`s department of health says these masks aren`t available to the public. So, the best thing they can do is
leave when police or fire officials tell them to.
The Red Cross has set up two shelters where those who`ve evacuated can stay. Public schools on the big island are still open. But education
officials says no one who`s had to evacuate will be penalized for missing class.
penalize [ˋpin!͵aɪz] v.【律】对……处刑; 使不利; 处罚
The Kilauea volcano has been erupting continuously since 1983. Encyclopedia Britannica describes it as the most active volcanic mass in
the world. Its previous eruptions have lasted for months or even years, so this activity isn`t new and it`s also not predictable.
REPORTER: The eruption seemed incessant. A cluster of fissures spewing molten rock and devouring all that`s in its path, including more than two dozen structures.
incessant [ɪnˋsɛsnt] adj. 不停的,连续的,持续不断的
From a helicopter, we can see the destruction is dynamic. At the head of the churning lava, a curtain of fiery red visible to a veil of smoke and
fiery [ˋfaɪərɪ] adj. 火的;火一般的;燃烧般的
volcanic ash. Earlier in the day, this molten march glowed brightly in the predawn light. Now, it`s clear more buildings, likely homes, are lost.
predawn [priˋdɔn] adj. 黎明前的
So, that right there is devastation. You can see it looks like at least three structures that are on fire there, where the lava has flowed deep
around basically the like around multiple sides of the building.
These volcanic vents continue to ravage the community of Leilani Estates, opening unpredictably along the lower east rift zone of the Kilauea
There is the circular house where you can see where the lava first broke out. You can see that it`s still smoldering, surrounded by the dead trees
smolder [ˋsmoldɚ] v.(无火苗地)闷烧,熏烧;闷燃烧尽[(+out)]
that were burn there.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The fissures are actually breaking open further up the ridge zone right now, and so pretty much every morning I come out, it`s
been a little bit higher up.
REPORTER: The destruction snakes across the landscape in waves of black. We had about 15 miles to the source.
snake [snek] v. 曲折前进(或延伸)
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That big crater, that is Puu Oo.
REPORTER: All of this begun when to the southeast, the Puu Oo vent of Kilauea collapsed.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So that used to be the most flat up top, two craters up there, it almost collapsed into one big hole.
REPORTER: You saw the collapse up here, it just burst all of that magma all around and now, that`s why we see this outbreak.
An outbreak that continues to threaten thousands of Hawaiians, with eruptions, earthquakes and toxic emissions. But while scientists know what
is happening, they don`t know how long it will last.
AZUZ (voice-over): Ten-second trivia:
Crude oil, also known as petroleum, is made up primarily of what element?
Hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon or oxygen?
While crude oil contains all of these elements, it`s mostly made up of carbon.
JOHN DEFTERIOS, CNNMONEY EMERGING MARKETS EDITOR: Just a few years ago, the fallen oil prices was so dramatic, tumbling more than 75 percent. But
tumble [ˋtʌmb!] v. 使坠落
crude is staging a comeback, rising about 20 percent in the past year.
So, what is driving the rise?
First, demand is much higher than anticipated, especially from countries like China, India, Japan and South Korea. World consumption is expected to
cross 100 million barrels per day in the coming months. And when it does, it will be the first time in history.
Second, supply is limited, even though the United States is flooding the market with crude, the most in 40 years, other major players are doing
exactly the opposite. The two largest oil exporters, Saudi Arabia and Russia are taking millions of barrels off the market to drive up prices.
And other big suppliers, like Venezuela, Libya and Nigeria are dealing with economic and political crises at home. That`s limiting how much they can
Then there`s the unknown. Yemeni missile launches into Saudi Arabia, ongoing tensions with regards to the Iran nuclear agreement, U.S.
Yemeni [ˋjɛmənɪ] adj. 也门的;也门人的
involvement into Syria. All these forces combined have the market worried and driving up that price of crude.
AZUZ: We first reported on Khali Sweeney last September. He was making news as a 2017 CNN hero for his work with the downtown boxing gym youth
program. It uses the sport of boxing to help motivate and bring a sense of family to hundreds of students in Detroit, Michigan. Today`s follow-up
follow-up [医]定期复查,随访; 跟踪
follows Sweeney as he meets with the students several states away in New Hampshire who hadn`t trained with Sweeney but was inspired by his work.
KHALI SWEENEY, CNN HERO: Dear Mr. Sweeney, as a part of my eight grade assignment, I was directed to choose someone who I believe represented a
hero. As you probably can tell --
VALARIA RAMOS, STUDENT: As you probably can tell, I have chosen you, because I believe you`re a great representation of a hero. I admire for
starting a program after coming out of hard times. You didn`t just come up with the idea and put it off for another time, or wait for someone else to
come up with the idea.
SWEENEY: You get yourself out of your situation and started building on an idea that you believe could change the lives of innocent children.
RAMOS: If I`m being honest and I was researching, I hadn`t been expecting a boxing program to change many people`s lives.
SWEENEY: But I`m not too much a fan of boxing and that might have influenced my thinking.
RAMOS: But you prevent children from making a mistake that changes their lives completely, and coming from a student in Alton, New Hampshire, that`s
good enough for me.
SWEENEY: You know, to the kids who come and thank me, I say to those guys, like, you know, as much as you think I helped you, you help me more because
before I didn`t have a purpose, and now, this gives me a purpose to live and so forth.
And so, a young girl to write me a letter, I feel like it`s pushing me forward. I got to meet her in person, I got to tell her "thank you".
in person 亲身; 亲自; 本人
RAMOS: As a child, Khali was abandoned, so he turned to the other things he know, the streets of Detroit. People he turned to provided protection
and a sense of family he needed, but as he had said, it came at a price.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I`ll talk with you for a second. Remember we said that he wanted to speak with us?
LAURIE GRISS, SOCIAL STUDIES TEACHER: He decided to do a little more than that. Can I introduce Mr. Khali Sweeney from Downtown Boxing Gym Youth
Program from Detroit, Michigan?
RAMOS: I was so, I was really shocked. I was not expecting that at all.
GRIGGS: How could I ever expect someone to respond that way to, you know, an assignment that I gave?
SWEENEY: Hello, everybody. How you guys doing?
CROWD: Great.
SWEENEY: This young lady right here, she inspired me. Every day, people call me a hero, but they don`t know that I have bad days too. I was really
stressed out one week and I got a letter from her, and it picked up my spirit. It made me feel good.
RAMOS: Had you expected to change so many lives?
SWEENEY: That was her first question. My goal was to touch as many people as possible but I never knew that it would grow this fast, because I was
just one person.
RAMOS: I was so honored to meet him, somebody like Khali Sweeney who changes lives every single day.
AZUZ: For our "10 Out of 10" today, it`s one thing to stop and smell the roses, but if you see one of these, you`ll want to hold your nose and pass
on by. It`s technically a titan arum, but it`s called a corpse flower because it smells like decaying flesh or rotting meat. It`s incredibly
rare, but several of them are growing in a Pennsylvania man`sporch. He says he didn`t know what exactly the plants were until they started
porch [portʃ] n. 门廊;入口处;阳台,走廊
When he caught a leaf, it all made sense. It planted a titanic aruma. When flowering is overpowering and it doesn`t take long to nose something
is not bouquet.
That`s best way to make puns about a corpse flower, deadpan.
deadpan [ˋdɛd͵pæn] adj. 毫无表情的;不动声色的
I`m Carl Azuz for CNN 10.
live up to 实践; 遵守, 坚持; 无愧于
fissure [ˋfɪʃɚ] n.(尤指岩石上的)裂缝
vent [vɛnt] n. 火山口
penalize [ˋpin!͵aɪz] v.【律】对……处刑; 使不利; 处罚
incessant [ɪnˋsɛsnt] adj. 不停的,连续的,持续不断的
fiery [ˋfaɪərɪ] adj. 火的;火一般的;燃烧般的
predawn [priˋdɔn] adj. 黎明前的
smolder [ˋsmoldɚ] v.(无火苗地)闷烧,熏烧;闷燃烧尽[(+out)]
snake [snek] v. 曲折前进(或延伸)
tumble [ˋtʌmb!] v. 使坠落
Yemeni [ˋjɛmənɪ] adj. 也门的;也门人的
follow-up [医]定期复查,随访; 跟踪
in person 亲身; 亲自; 本人
porch [portʃ] n. 门廊;入口处;阳台,走廊
deadpan [ˋdɛd͵pæn] adj. 毫无表情的;不动声色的