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CNN 10 - May 14, 2019

International Tensions Boil in Middle Eastern Waters; Officials Say Some Oil Ships Were Intentionally Damaged; Grammarians Sound Off on Neil Armstrong

CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: This Tuesday on CNN 10 strains, sabotage and one small step. I`m Carl Azuz, always glad to have you watching. U.S.

strain [stren] n. 压力;紧张

sabotage [ˋsæbə͵tɑʒ] v. 破坏;从事破坏活动;  n. 破坏;妨害

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had been planning a trip to Moscow, Russia this Tuesday. Yesterday he cancelled it and instead headed to Brussels,

Belgium. That`s where the leaders of the United Kingdom, Germany and France were scheduled to discuss international tensions with Iran and the

U.S. Secretary of State decided to join them. U.S. military officials recently said they had intelligence that Iran and groups that operate

beneath its military were planning to target U.S. troops in the Middle East and at sea.

In response, America sent warships, bomber planes and other military equipment to the Strait of Hormuz, a narrow passage of water that borders

Iran. Now, U.S. intelligence indicates Iran may be putting missiles aboard small Iranian boats in the Persian Gulf and the U.S. is moving missiles of

its own to the region. An American military official says their defensive in nature but the U.S. says that the threat from Iran is still real and

credible and that America is taking it seriously. With tensions simmering between those two countries, an official with the British government is calling for a period of calm.

simmer [ˋsɪmɚ] v.(危机等)即将爆发

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We are very worried about risk of a conflict happening by accident with an escalation that is unintended really on either side but

escalation [͵ɛskəˋleʃən] n. 逐步上升;逐步扩大

hence it`s some kind of conflict. And so, we`ll be showing those concerns with my European counterparts, with Mike Pompeo.

AZUZ: As U.S. Secretary Pompeo meets with those officials in Belgium, Iran is flexing its muscles in the Middle East.

flex one’s muscles 展现肌肉;【喻】宣示武力


FRED PLEITGEN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: An Iranian naval show of force in the Persian Gulf just as the U.S. deploy an aircraft carrier to the region. A

senior Iranian revolutionary guard commander going on state TV saying American military assets are in their crosshairs.

in the crosshairs 成为……的靶子; If you are in someone's crosshairs, they intend to catch, arrest, or stop you

crosshair ['krɔshɛr] n. 十字瞄准线;交叉瞄准线

UNIDENTIFIED MALE TRANSLATED: Imagine this is their aircraft carrier he said, at least 40 or 50 aircraft are onboard and 6,000 personnel. Right

now they`re a target for us.

PLEITGEN: The U.S. says it urgently deployed the USS Abraham Lincoln to the Persian Gulf and sent both B-52 bombers and additional patriot anti- craft batteries to the Middle East.

battery [ˋbætərɪ] n. 炮台;排炮;(舰艇上的)炮组

After the U.S. said it detected Iranian military movement that could indicate a threat to U.S. bases in the

region. Before leaving for Brussels, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo with a warning for the Iranians.


U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE MIKE POMPEO: An attack on American interests from an Iranian-led force whether its an Iranian proper or it`s a - - an entity

controlled by the Iranians, we will hold the responsible party accountable.


PLEITGEN: Iran accuses the Trump Administration of escalating the situation. Tehran accusing Washington of trying to bring Iran to its knees

bring someone to their knees 迫使(某人/某事)屈服

through economic and psychological warfare. Iranian parliamentarians telling CNN talks with the Trump Administration are out of the question for now.

out of the question 不可能的

UNIDENTIFIED MALE TRANSLATED: Americans are not worth having a dialogue with.

PLEITGEN: - - this parliamentarian says.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE TRANSLATED: They can`t be trusted for talks. They`re not worth of dialogue and they lie about their intentions for meeting and

talking with us. If they want a dialogue, they wouldn`t have threatened us militarily.

PLEITGEN: With tough talk on both sides, many Iranians already suffering under tough U.S. sanctions are concerned the situation could escalate into

tough talk 狠话

an armed conflict with devastating consequences. Fred Pleitgen, CNN, Tehran.

Tehran [͵təˋrɑn] n. 德黑兰(伊朗首都)


AZUZ: Meantime, U.S. President Donald Trump is warning Iran not to take action against American interests saying quote,"if they do anything it

would be a very bad mistake. We`ll see what happens." If there is a confrontation between Iran and the U.S. the Middle Eastern country has

threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz. That could impact the global economy since about 30 percent of the worlds crude oil is shipped through

the strait. There was an incident earlier this week involving four oil carrying ships that were near the strait. They were apparently targeted by

an act of sabotage. International officials, including U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo are not saying Iran was behind it and Iran`s government called

the incident quote, "alarming and regrettable". But anxiety is high in the region.

alarming [əˋlɑrmɪŋ] adj. 令人担忧的

regrettable [rɪˋgrɛtəb!] adj. 使人悔恨的;令人遗憾的;可惜的;不幸的


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What we`re learning is that these four vessels, these commercial vessels that were sabotaged, one of them is this one the El

Mazuca, a Saudi registered vessel appeared to have had these sabotage incidents in the early hours of Sunday morning. We know - - we now know

that there were the four vessels, two of them were registered to Saudi Arabia, one registered to the Emirates and one registered to Norway. What

Emirate [ˈemərɪt] n. 酋长国

appears to have happened, what we`re understanding and learning is that a call was made in the early hours of Sunday morning saying that water was

perhaps getting into the engine room. That something out of the ordinary was happening.

And over the space of the next couple of hours, it appeared that four vessels out here in the Straits of Homuz, off the Port of Fujairah were

experiencing some sort of irregularities. The Emirate authorities begin investigating and that`s when they realized there were these incidents of

irregularity [͵ɪrɛgjəˋlærətɪ] n. 不正当的行为;违法行为; 不合常规

sabotage. Now, it`s not quite clear yet what caused these - - this sabotage, how it was perpetrated or even for that matter who perpetrated

perpetrate [ˋpɝpə͵tret] v. 做(坏事);犯(罪)

it. Emirate authorities clearly investigating but what we - - what we know is that these four vessels out here and - - and you can see across the

horizon here about 100 or so vessels parked up here. That these four different vessels that were impacted by the sabotage were not in the same


They were scattered throughout the area and of course this comes at a time when there`s rising tensions between the United States and Iran. The

Abraham Lincoln carrier battle group is on the way to the area. Her patriot missile batteries on the way to the area as well - - as - - as well

as B-52 bombers close to Iran not far away from here. So while the Emirate authorities continue to investigate and we`re awaiting the outcome of that

investigation. Not quite clear yet when it will come but while we`re waiting for the outcome of that investigation of course this - - these

sabotage incidents risk raising tensions.


AZUZ: 10 Second Trivia. What was the name of NASA`s last manned mission to the moon? Luna II, Apollo 13, Constellation or Apollo 17. The last

time a human set foot on the moon surface was during NASA`s Apollo 17 mission.

The first time someone set foot on the moon occurred 50 years ago on July 16th, 1969 as part of NASA`s Apollo 11 mission. NASA estimates that 530

million people around the world watched on TV or listened on the radio as Commander Neil Armstrong took the first steps. He also took a little bit

of heat over something he said.


NEIL ARMSTRONG: The eagle has landed.

TOM FOREMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: When Neil Armstrong stepped out to become the first man on the moon, not a soul on earth could have guessed he would

land in the middle of a cosmic controversy.

ARMSTRONG: That`s one small step for man. One giant leap for mankind.

FOREMAN: The problem, the first part of his historic sentence, that`s one small step for man is grammatically incorrect. It should have been one

small step for a man and that missing "a" has been setting off grammarians ever since.

grammarian [grəˋmɛrɪən] n. 语法学家

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Lift off. The final lift off of Atlantis.

FOREMAN: Through all the years NASA has insisted that he did say the "a" and modern microphones would have picked it up. Instead the word was lost

on scratchy old equipment operating nearly a quarter million miles away. And Armstrong, though he rarely gave interviews throughout his life agreed

scratchy [ˋskrætʃɪ] adj. 会沙沙作响的

with NASA. Many scientists have tried to analyze the recordings and breakdown the sound waves with inconclusive results. But now researchers

inconclusive [͵ɪnkənˋklusɪv] adj. 不確定的

from Michigan State and Ohio State believe they have evidence that Armstrong`s utterance might have been shaped less by space than by

utterance [ˋʌtərəns] n. 发声;表达[U];说话方式;语调

something very down to earth. The famous astronaut was an Ohio boy and these researchers studied hundreds of recordings of natives saying the

words for and "a" and they found almost 200 times the words were pushed together making a sound like "fra" so listen again.

ARMSTRONG: That`s one small step for man.

FOREMAN: Like the moon trip itself, the theory may be a long shot but it could also prove the final word on the words of the man on the moon.

long shot 成功的希望很渺茫

ARMSTRONG: Beautiful. Just beautiful.

FOREMAN: Tom Foreman, CNN, Washington.


AZUZ: Maybe you`re heard of gorillas in the mist, this video proves they don`t like the rain at least these gorillas don`t. A zookeeper recorded

gorilla [gəˋrɪlə] n. 大猩猩

this at the Riverbanks Zoo in South Carolina. The animals are apparently under an awning but where they really want to be is under their roof.

awning [ˋɔnɪŋ] n. 凉篷; 雨篷

After one of them makes the trip, its not long before the others follow suit. For the primate in that "climate" it`s high "timeit" got more

"dryit". Makes them sigh if there`s a giant storm so violent they "revialit". Wonder why it won`t be "quiet", they could "riot". They won`t

"buy it" so to "tie it up" and give the ape a break. When the weather becomes "wetter" and you don`t want "helter skelter" get a "lean to", get a

"tin roof" for "gorrilla glue" it`s shelter. I`m Carl Azuz and that`s CNN.























strain [stren] n. 壓力;緊張

sabotage [ˋsæbə͵tɑʒ] v. 破坏;从事破坏活动; n. 破坏;妨害

simmer [ˋsɪmɚ] v.(危机等)即将爆发

escalation [͵ɛskəˋleʃən] n. 逐步上升;逐步扩大

flex one’s muscles 展现肌肉;【喻】宣示武力

in the crosshairs 成为……的靶子; if you are in someone's crosshairs, they intend to catch, arrest, or stop you

crosshair ['krɔshɛr] n. 十字瞄准线;交叉瞄准线

battery [ˋbætərɪ] n. 炮台;排炮;(舰艇上的)炮组

bring someone to their knees 迫使(某人/某事)屈服

out of the question 不可能的

tough talk 狠话

Tehran [͵təˋrɑn] n. 德黑兰(伊朗首都)

alarming [əˋlɑrmɪŋ] adj. 令人担忧的

regrettable [rɪˋgrɛtəb!] adj. 使人悔恨的;令人遗憾的;可惜的;不幸的

Emirate [ˈemərɪt] n. 酋长国

irregularity [͵ɪrɛgjəˋlærətɪ] n. 不正当的行为;违法行为; 不合常规

perpetrate [ˋpɝpə͵tret] v. 做(坏事);犯(罪)

grammarian [grəˋmɛrɪən] n. 语法学家

scratchy [ˋskrætʃɪ] adj. 会沙沙作响的

inconclusive [͵ɪnkənˋklusɪv] adj. 不確定的

utterance [ˋʌtərəns] n. 发声;表达[U];说话方式;语调

long shot 成功的希望很渺茫

gorilla [gəˋrɪlə] n. 大猩猩

awning [ˋɔnɪŋ] n. 凉篷; 雨篷



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