CNN 10 - April 27, 2020
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2020年4月27日
- 最后更新于 2024年12月31日
- 发布于 2020年4月27日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:795
Warnings Against "Immunity Passports"; Vietnam`s Coronavirus Control Efforts; A Map Of The Moon; Ice Fishing In South Korea
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Thank you for taking 10 minutes for our objective explanation of world news. This is CNN 10 and I`m Carl Azuz. Always good to
have you watching.
We start off the week with a bit of a follow up to a story we covered last week about possible herd immunity in Sweden. When there`s vaccine for a
follow up 追查…的更多情况;对…采取进一步行动
herd immunity 群体免疫
disease like coronavirus, herd immunity can occur when enough people have gotten it, recovered from it and are then immune to it.
A Swedish disease expert said there are signs of herd immunity appearing around the capital Stockholm, but one of the challenges of the new
coronavirus is that it`s still mysterious.
There`s a lot that researchers don`t know about it and the World Health Organization, which is part of the United Nations, says just because people
have recovered from COVID-19 does not mean they`re immune to it. Some governments around the world are considering giving out "immunity
passports" to people who`ve recovered from coronavirus.
This would let them continue with normal life without as many restrictions as other people might have. But the World Health Organization says that`s
not a good idea because it doesn`t have proof that surviving COVID-19 means people are safe from getting it again.
Is it possible that they are? Yes. But researchers don`t know if the antibodies people may have give complete or just partial protection from
coronavirus and they don`t know how long those antibodies will stick around in someone`s system.
These are the reasons why many health officials are telling people to continue keeping their distance from others even if they`ve had coronavirus
and made a full recovery. We`ve talked about several country`s different responses to this pandemic. In southeastern Asia, Vietnam has reported
relatively few cases of coronavirus.
Like China, Vietnam is a communist country whose government controls all of its media and limit`s the freedom of its people, but if its official
numbers are accurate Vietnam is seeing success in combating coronavirus.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Vietnam a country of 97 million people and less than 300 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and no deaths. That`s the official figure from
the government and that has caught the attention of experts and the international media.
The World Health Organization attributes Vietnam`s apparent success in beating back the virus to the communist states ability to get the public to
cooperate including mass quarantines, lockdowns, mandatory social distancing and aggressive contact tracing and testing.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE TRANSLATED: Vietnam`s strategy in the fight against COVID-19 was remote and early prevention. Even before the pandemic got complicated.
remote [rɪˋmot] adj. 遥控的
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The first two cases of the virus were detected in January. Authorities immediately suspended flights to Wuhan, then the
ground zero of the pandemic, and closed the border with China to all but essential trade and travel.
In addition, aggressive contact tracing began relying on grassroots communist party networks in neighborhoods. Here`s how one Hanoi resident
grassroots [ˋgræsˋruts] adj. 基层的,一般民众的;来自民间的
Hanoi [hɑˋnɔɪ] n. 河内(越南首都)
put it. "We go to each and every alley, knocking on each and every door. We follow the guidance from our government that fighting the pandemic is like
fighting our enemy."
Easing the restrictions came after no new confirmed case was reported in about a week but the authorities here insist the crisis is not over. In
fact, a town in the province of Ha Giang, close to the Chinese border was locked down earlier this month after one case of the virus was detected.
Restrictions also remain on two villages near the capital Hanoi according to state media. Hanoi residents welcome the easing of restrictions but this
man reminding people not to let down their guard.
let down one’s guard 放松警惕
UNIDENTIFIED MALE TRANSLATED: The social distancing has been eased but this outbreak is unpredictable. Therefore we cannot anticipate anything.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: In the mean time, many here just happy that as semblance of normality is back.
semblance [ˋsɛmbləns] n. 假象;假装
AZUZ: 10 Second Trivia. Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon. Who was the last? Eugene Cernan, Jack Swigert, Michael Collins, or
Yuri Gagarin. In 1972, Gene Cernan left the last human footprint on the moon as part of the Apollo 17 mission.
AZUZ: In the northeastern part of South Korea, there`s a county named Pyeongchang, you might remember hearing about it from the 2018 Winter
Olympics there. It was one of the coldest Olympics on record and Pyeongchang is famous for another reason that isn`t an Olympic sport but
still attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors. It typically starts in late December and runs through January and it`s the next stop in our series
of virtual vacations.
ISA SOARES, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Pyeongchang in the winter is a place of snowy revery and frigid landscapes. At an average elevation of 750
revery [ˋrɛvərɪ] n. 空想;幻想曲
meters and temperatures dropping as low as -10 degrees, this is one of the coldest regions in all of South Korea.
But that doesn`t stop people from flocking to the frozen Suhang-ri charm stream and enjoying one of the country`s most beloved wintertime activities, ice
fishing. In preparation for the fishing bonanza, some 3,800 holes are drilled into an 80 acre stretch of the frozen river. Throughout the year,
bonanza [boˋnænzə] n. 富矿带;宝藏;致富之源;意想不到的幸运
the cold and clear waters of Pyeongchang provide the ideal conditions for raising trout.
trout [traʊt] n. 鳟鱼,鲑鳟鱼
Between December and February, those farmed raised trout are released through the hole drilled into the frozen river. This year more than 40
centimeters thick. Then, anglers of all ages drop their colorful lures into the same holes and wait.
angler [ˋæŋglɚ] n. 垂钓者
lure [lʊr] n.(诱捕鸟兽用的)诱饵;鱼饵
Thirty-six year old Im Jong Sok (ph) has been going to the trout festival for just two years but he`s developed a knack for luring his speckled prey.
knack [næk] n. 本领;熟练技巧
speckled [ˋspɛk!d] adj. 有斑点的
Less than a minute after casting his bait, Im (ph) feels a telltale tug on his rod. Seems, he`s caught a beauty. A flurry of activity in an otherwise
telltale [ˋtɛl͵tel] adj. 泄露秘密的;遮掩不了的(证据物等)
tug [tʌg] n. 猛拉;强大的拉力
flurry [ˋflɝɪ] n. 慌张;混乱; 一阵忙乱
quiet part of South Korea. Young and old bundled up and in pursuit of some winter fun and perhaps some lunch too. Isa Soares, CNN.
AZUZ: It`s not uncommon for a new sports stadium to cost more than $1 billion to construct but it`s not everyday they look like this. At a
projected final cost of $1.7 billion, construction has started on what will be the world`s largest stadium devoted only to soccer. Capacity, 100,000
It will be located in southeastern China and is set to open by the end of 2022. The distinctive lotus flower design was created by an American
architect. I like that idea for U.S. college football stadiums.
For instance, you could have the Louisville Cardinal flower, the Texas "Longstem", the Mississippi "Lilly of the Valley" State. How about the
California "Golden Button" or the Georgia Tech "Yellow Sage". The Kentucky "Wildflower" and Arizona State "Sunflower" would be nice but it would be
tough to beat the Notre Dame "Fighting Iris". Woo.
All right. Tiverton High School, the Tigers are generally good sports about our puns. They`re watching from Tiverton, Rhode Island and subscribing to
our YouTube channel. I`m Carl Azuz for CNN.
follow up 追查…的更多情况;对…采取进一步行动
herd immunity 群体免疫
remote [rɪˋmot] adj. 遥控的
grassroots [ˋgræsˋruts] adj. 基层的,一般民众的;来自民间的
Hanoi [hɑˋnɔɪ] n. 河内(越南首都)
let down one’s guard 放松警惕
semblance [ˋsɛmbləns] n. 假象;假装
revery [ˋrɛvərɪ] n. 空想;幻想曲
bonanza[ boˋnænzə] n. 富矿带;宝藏;致富之源;意想不到的幸运
trout [traʊt] n. 鳟鱼,鲑鳟鱼
angler [ˋæŋglɚ] n. 垂钓者
lure [lʊr] n.(诱捕鸟兽用的)诱饵;鱼饵
knack [næk] n. 本领;熟练技巧
speckled [ˋspɛk!d] adj. 有斑点的
telltale [ˋtɛl͵tel] adj. 泄露秘密的;遮掩不了的(证据物等)
tug [tʌg] n. 猛拉;强大的拉力
flurry [ˋflɝɪ] n. 慌张;混乱; 一阵忙乱