CNN 10 - May 28, 2020
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2020年5月29日
- 最后更新于 2024年10月05日
- 发布于 2020年5月29日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:733
When Are Professional Sports Coming Back And What Will Be Different?; Where Is The Great Blue Hole?; What Is Freediving?
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Welcome to CNN 10 on this Thursday, May 28th. I`m Carl Azuz outside the CNN Center, happy to have you watching our penultimate
penultimate [pɪˋnʌltəmɪt] adj. 倒数第二的
program of the season. Yesterday`s show started with weather, today`s show starts with sports. Fans want to see them.
Teams want to play them. Venues want to profit from them but health officials say crowds and the threat of coronavirus don`t mix. So countries
around the world are looking for ways to say game on without contributing to the spread of the disease. It`s a different picture everywhere you look.
The Summer Olympic Games in Japan, as we`ve told you about, had been postponed until next year. Major soccer events in South America have been
cancelled. Spring marathons in France and Spain were postponed but baseball season is in partial swing, anyway, in places like South Korea.
Though the fans have to watch all the action from home. And in Japan with the nationwide state of emergency lifted, sports teams are looking to
practice again. The Reuters News Agency reports that the Nippon Pro Baseball league will play ball on July 19th and soccer may kick off not long after that.
Reuters [ˋrɔɪtɚz] n. 路透(通讯)社
Without fans in the stands, the environment for players would be a lot quieter but there may be an app for that. At least one company has a
stand [stænd] n. 看台;看台观众
program that would allow fans watching from home to tap, cheer, boo or chant buttons from their phones and the corresponding sounds would be
tap [tæp] v. 轻拍,轻叩
boo [bu] v. 发出嘘声
chant [tʃænt] v. 反复(单调)地唱歌(或说话)
played over loud speakers in the stadium.
It`s one of several attempts to recreate a crowded atmosphere in a place where there are no crowds. Though not all the efforts have worked out. In
the United States, NASCAR events have started their engines and charity golf matches have teed off. Here`s a look at where other sports stand.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The Brooklyn Nets become the first New York based major sports franchise to return to practice but with strict limitations from the
state and the league. Only four players can work out at a time. One player under each basket. Coaches can`t be there.
work out 做大运动量的锻炼
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The notion of a team practicing, it`s more individuals who are practicing. It`s -- it`s a small step that`s all it is.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The NBA is now in talks with the Walt Disney Company about resuming its season in late July with all the teams possibly playing
resume [rɪˋzjum] v. 重新开始,继续[+v-ing];恢复;重返
at Disney`s Wide World of Sports Complex near Orlando.
Orlando [ɔrˋlændo] n. 奥兰多市(美国佛罗里达州)
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s almost like you`re running one season right into the season. And for something like the NBA or the NHL, that becomes
incredibly problematic because whether the players take a break --
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Earlier today the National Hockey League announced it`s going straight to a 2014 play-off tournament in two yet to be named cities.
play-off [ˋple͵ɔf] n.(比赛平局之后为决定冠军而举行的)最后决赛;加时比赛;季后赛
Major League Baseball is planning return to action around the 4th of July weekend with the season cut in half. No fans in the stands.
Baseball previously had a plan to play all its games in Arizona. Now the plan is to play in teams’ home stadiums but only in jurisdictions where the
jurisdiction [͵dʒʊrɪsˋdɪkʃən] n. 管辖权
local governments and health officials would allow it. The NFL is preparing to start its season on time with fans but might have to make adjustments.
The Miami Dolphins owner is optimistic.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think right now today, we`re planning on every fans in the stadiums.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But from a health standpoint, is it all too much too soon?
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: In order for teams to be able to get back online, you would have to have excellent testing protocols, planning for what happens
if somebody gets sick. How they`re going to be able to manage it? Will they shut down if somebody gets sick?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All considerations that the sports leagues are still trying to figure out. The dangers posed by players constantly running into
pose [poz] v. 造成,引起
each other, breathing on each other are evident enough. But even if the leagues play in only one or two locations each, what about the risks of
players` interactions with people like hotel staffers who come in and out?
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It means that they`re going to have to be testing all of the hotel staff on a regular basis as well. And that hotel staff should
be wearing masks, everybody should be wearing masks when in common areas.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Analysts say the country has been desperate for a return to sports since an NBA game was cancelled right before tip-off in early
desperate [ˋdɛspərɪt] v. 极度渴望的[F][(+for)][+to-v]
tip-off : an act of starting play at the beginning of a period with a jump ball
March when a player tested positive for coronavirus.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: -- Game tonight has been postponed.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It sounds great right now to say we`ll have NBA games in July and we`ll have Major League Baseball games in July and maybe
college football in the fall. That sounds great and it`s optimistic and it`s a fun thought but there`s no way for sure to know if any of them can
AZUZ: 10 Second Trivia. The giant sink hole known as the Great Blue Hole is located nearest to what country? China, Egypt, Costa Rica, or Belize. It`s
Belize [bɛˋliz] n. 贝里斯(中美洲一国家)
on the Central American nation of Belize that you`ll find the Great Blue Hole.
And it`s often that you`ll find people who want to dive into it. The marine sink hole is almost 1,000 feet across and more than 400 feet deep. The
renowned explorer Jacque Cousteau made it famous in the early 1970s.
And it`s been explored by submersibles and divers for decades. That includes free-divers, people who literally take a deep breath and then swim
down as far as they can go without an oxygen tank. It`s dangerous. It could lead to lung damage, losing consciousness or dying. But for people who love
the sport, like the man you`re about to meet, free diving is a deeply unique experience.
JONATHAN SUNNEX, FREE DIVER: I`d be lying if I said I`ve never been scared. I`ve had two occasions where I sort of thought you`re not going to make it
but as long as you keep your composure. Everything seems to work out. My name is Jonathan Sunnex. I`m 30 years old from New Zealand. Here on Long
composure [kəmˋpoʒɚ] n. 平静,镇静,沉着
Island in the Bahamas at the beautiful Dean`s Blue Hole. I`m a professional freediver. Competitive free diving is where we compete to see who can swim
Bahamas [bəˋhɑməz] n. 巴哈马(位于西印度群岛)
the furthest, deepest or their breath for the longest.
SUNNEX: We`ve achieved things that doctors once thought were impossible. We`re exploring the capabilities of the human body. Pushing ourselves to
see what the human body can really do. I feel like I`m just getting started. We couldn`t have designed anything better. This is like the
freediving mecca. People come from all over the world.
mecca [ˋmɛkə] n. 许多人想去的地方
It is the place to dive. One of the things that lured me into this sport was the whole science behind it. Before I dive, I go through a whole
lure [lʊr] v. 引诱,诱惑
preparation and that will include stretching of the body, stretching of the lungs, the diaphragm, intercostal muscles.
diaphragm [ˋdaɪə͵fræm] n.【解】横膈膜
intercostal [͵ɪntɚˋkɑst!] adj. 【解】肋间的
Packing is adding extra air to your already full lungs while using the mouth as a pump. I would estimate that I would pack at least an extra liter
into my lungs. And then I`ll come down to the beach. I`ll visualize my dive. Whilst I`m making my deepest dives, what goes through my mind is
visualize [ˋvɪʒʊə͵laɪz] v. 想象
whilst [hwaɪlst] = while
always positive thoughts, positive energy.
It`s like a form of meditation. It`s a very deep within yourself. The physical sensation I get through diving, it touches on all senses what you
can see, what you can hear or maybe even it`s the lack of noise. During dives, your heart rates drop down to below 30 beats per minute. When we`re
going down to depths where we`ve got basically a length of a football field above us.
It`s not the sort of place where you want to have any negative thoughts. When I make it to the surface after a big dive, it’s almost a spiritual
experience. There`s quite a famous quote. A scuba diver will dive in the water to look around and the free diver will go underwater to look
inside himself.
AZUZ: Still making waves in today`s last segment, splash. Seoul, South Korea is about 20 miles away from the Yellow Sea but this 3D billboard is
bringing the ocean to the city. Even though it looks like a giant tank full of water, it`s actually a dry digital image that took four months to design
and finish.
And it can be seen making a splash for one minute of every hour. People were split on whether this is relaxing or stressful. But there`s nothing
split [splɪt] v. 分担;分享;分得
boring about a "born". It simply cannot be ignored for making waves like water "poured".
Through it "eludafured" join tourists who are "allured". But anchored like a ship that`s "moored" watching 3D waves that "roar". Going back and
splashing forward. Watch out if your guard is lowered. Because when you see that sight to see when on land and not at sea.
It`s intimidating to see waves so inundating. Mountain Ridge High School maybe in a landlocked state but it`s great to see our viewers in Herriman, Utah today.
inundate [ˋɪnʌn͵det] v. 浸水;泛滥
I`m Carl Azuz for CNN.
penultimate [pɪˋnʌltəmɪt] adj. 倒数第二的
Reuters [ˋrɔɪtɚz] n. 路透(通讯)社
stand [stænd] n. 看台;看台观众
tap [tæp] v. 轻拍,轻叩
boo [bu] v. 发出嘘声
chant [tʃænt] v. 反复(单调)地唱歌(或说话)
work out 做大运动量的锻炼
resume [rɪˋzjum] v. 重新开始,继续[+v-ing];恢复;重返
Orlando [ɔrˋlændo] n. 奥兰多市(美国佛罗里达州)
play-off [ˋple͵ɔf] n.(比赛平局之后为决定冠军而举行的)最后决赛;加时比赛;季后赛
jurisdiction [͵dʒʊrɪsˋdɪkʃən] n. 管辖权
pose [poz] v. 造成,引起
desperate [ˋdɛspərɪt] v. 极度渴望的[F][(+for)][+to-v]
tip-off: an act of starting play at the beginning of a period with a jump ball
Belize [bɛˋliz] n. 贝里斯(中美洲一国家)
composure [kəmˋpoʒɚ] n. 平静,镇静,沉着
Bahamas [bəˋhɑməz] n. 巴哈马(位于西印度群岛)
mecca [ˋmɛkə] n. 许多人想去的地方
lure [lʊr] v. 引诱,诱惑
diaphragm [ˋdaɪə͵fræm] n.【解】横膈膜
intercostal [͵ɪntɚˋkɑst!] adj. 【解】肋间的
visualize [ˋvɪʒʊə͵laɪz] v. 想象
whilst [hwaɪlst] = while
split [splɪt] v. 分担;分享;分得
inundate [ˋɪnʌn͵det] v. 浸水;泛滥