CNN 10 - May 9, 2022
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- 创建于 2022年5月14日
- 最后更新于 2024年12月02日
- 发布于 2022年5月14日
- 作者:Mike Lee
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The U.S. Jobs Report Is A Bright Spot In An Otherwise-Mixed Economic Picture; A Nationwide Shortage Leaves Store Shelves Empty Of A Staple For Many Families.
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Jobs shortages and cave art factor in to our first show of the week.
Happy to have you watching. I`m Carl Azuz.
The reason the U.S. economy gets so much media coverage especially in even-numbered years is because those are election years and the economy is often
even number 双号
one of if not the top issue on the minds of American voters. A new economic indicator came out last Friday, it`s the government`s monthly jobs report.
It gives a snapshot of the U.S. employment picture from the previous month.
snapshot [ˋsnæp͵ʃɑt] n. 简要印象
And for April, the Bureau of Labor Statistics says 428,000 jobs were added. That`s the same number that was added in March. Each month this year, the
economy`s grown by more than 400,000 new jobs and more than 700,000 in February.
There`s also a low unemployment rate. The new report says the percentage of American workers who don`t have a job is 3.6 percent. It was also the same
in April as it was in March, and it`s only one-tenth of a percentage point higher than it was in before the COVID pandemic hit.
America still has 1.2 million fewer jobs than it did before coronavirus, but the economy has been closing the gap since almost 22 million jobs were
lost during the shutdowns of 2020.
There are challenges though. America`s gross domestic product surprisingly shrank in the first three months of the year. That`s not a good sign.
Inflation`s been a persistent problem since 2021. Soaring gas and grocery prices have put a dent in people`s budgets.
put a dent in 削弱 (支出,花费); to reduce an amount of money
Last week`s decision by the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates by half a percentage point could eventually help bring down inflation, but it`ll
make it more expensive for Americans to borrow money for a house, pay down credit cards, pay back student loans and borrow money for cars and
businesses. The stock market, another economic indicator took a hit last week. It was at its lowest point of the year on Friday.
In the midst of these mixed economic messages, we`ve reported on the Great Resignation. Record numbers of Americans leaving their jobs. Some are
finding their way back to the positions they left.
JIM KLIMAS, BOOMERANG EMPLOYEE: I am officially a boomeranger.
boomeranger [ˋbumə͵ræŋɚ] n. 回锅员工,回归员工(离开后又因种种原因回到原来公司任职的员工)
VANESSA YURKEVICH, CNN BUSINESS AND POLITICS CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): And so are millions of other American workers today. A boomeranger, someone
who left an employer before choosing to return. Boomerangs, like Jim Klimas made up 4.3 percent of all U.S. job switches last year, up from 3.3 percent
pre-pandemic according to LinkedIn.
Was there any resistance on your end initially?
KLIMAS: Definitely. Just being concerned that it would feel like a step backward.
a step backward: going back to a worse or less developed state
YURKEVICH (voice over): Klimas worked in HR at Adobe, but in 2020, he left for a new opportunity. Last year, he returned to Adobe after just 18
months. The average time Americans boomerang back is down from 22 months to 17 months.
KLIMAS: Part of it was during the pandemic it was harder to sink roots into a company. I missed some of the colleagues and the confidence that I
could do important work and add value and have impact was the most important thing.
YURKEVICH: Boomeranging often carries a negative connotation, but that is changing, likely due to the more than 11.5 million unfilled jobs in the
connotation [͵kɑnəˋteʃən] n. 言外之意
U.S. While a record 4.5 million Americans quit in March. The balance of power has shifted to the employee.
LAURA MAZZULLO, FOUNDER, EAST SIDE STAFFING: Historically, boomeranging was not seen as a positive thing. And I think it`s the first time we`ve
seen employers really welcoming that trend as well to say, we`d love to have you back here.
YURKEVICH: But is it desperation too?
MAZZULLO: Of course. Part of it is that they`re so aware of the competition and they don`t want to lose out.
YURKEVICH (voice over): Will Staney, CEO of Proactive Talent, recruiting firm, says he has three boomerangers working at his 50 person company and
calls them the best untapped secret.
untapped [ʌnˋtæpt] adj. 未发掘的
WILL STANEY, FOUNDER AND CEO, PROACTIVE TALENT: They`ve gone and gathered other skill sets elsewhere with the context of what they learned at your
company. The on boarding is smoother. You know, the training, the culture fit is already determined. I think it`s a great, low cost and high quality
way of hiring.
YURKEVICH: It`s also a gut check on the company`s value and culture.
gut check 全面检查;试胆
STANEY: A boomerang represents that we`re achieving our goals as a company, that we`re scaling and improving and growing.
YURKEVICH: Like many Americans, Klimas had option when he was looking for his next move. But, ultimately, the familiarity of Adobe, the impact he
familiarity [fə͵mɪlɪˋærətɪ] n. 熟悉;通晓
felt he could make and remote work helped him seal the deal.
seal the deal 谈妥条件;达成交易
Were you surprised that you ended up back in Adobe?
KLIMAS: Yes. Yes. And a lot of it goes back to the worry or the being careful not to feel like I was taking a step backwards. So, when I -- when
it felt right, it was a surprise.
AZUZ (voice-over): Ten-second trivia:
German chemist Justus von Liebig is credited with creating what?
Soda water, baby formula, plastic or fertilizer?
In the 1860s, von Liebig made patented and marketed a powdered commercial baby formula.
AZUZ: His invention was considered the first of its kind. It contained just a few ingredients, milk, malt and wheat flour and potassium bicarbonate.
malt [mɔlt] n. 麦芽;麦芽酒
wheat flour 小麦面粉
Within 20 years, there were reportedly dozens of different brands of baby formula available. And today, even the organic formulas
contain dozens more ingredients than von Liebig`s invention.
But there`s a problem, baby formula is getting harder and harder to find in America. In most states, between 40 and 50 percent of the top selling
formula brands was sold out in recent weeks. That`s according to grocery research group Date Assembly, and it says in several states, more than half
of their formula stocks are unavailable.
This apparently started with supply chain problems that welled up in the wake of the COVID pandemic, and when it comes to formula, the issue has
well up 冒出;迸发
only gotten worse because of a massive recall by one of America`s largest suppliers. It doesn`t just make major brands. It also distributes specialty
formulas needed by babies with allergies or sensitive stomachs.
JACQUELINE HOWARD, CNN REPORTER, CNN HEALTH: Joy Greene in Springfield, Ohio, is one of the parents impacted by this. Her five-month-old baby
Weston had grown accustomed to a particular Similac formula as many babies do. But a few months ago, Joy started noticing it was really hard to find
Weston`s formula.
That`s because in February, Abbott Nutrition, one of the biggest baby formula producers in the country, recalled several lots of its Similac,
Alimentum and EleCare. Those recalled lots were linked to bacterial infections and a preliminary assessment from the FDA determined that Abbott
did not take steps to prevent products from becoming contaminated during manufacturing. This had made shortages of the formula even worse.
Here`s Joy on what her family is going through right now.
JOY GREENE, MOTHER: It`s been scary to like walk down the aisles and see empty shelves and honestly not be able to find the exact formula that we
need. We have been trying different off-brands, store brands, things like that and some of them he`s tolerating okay and some of them he`s not. But
off-brand 非名牌的;商标未注册的
really it`s just been overwhelming and scary.
overwhelming [͵ovɚˋhwɛlmɪŋ] adj. 难以忍受的
HOWARD: So here`s what Abbott says they`re doing to help alleviate the situation. The company says they are increasing production at other
alleviate [əˋlivɪ͵et] v. 减轻;缓和
manufacturing sites, and they`ve started releasing some specialty formulas on a case-by-case basis.
case-by-case 个别的
In the meantime, Abbott says parents can go to their website and enter their zip code to find their preferred formula closest to their area.
Now, the FDA says Abbott didn`t take steps to prevent contamination at their plant in Michigan. Abbott says they tested the formula before
distributing and did not find any bacteria or salmonella. They say they are working closely with the FDA to restart operations at that Michigan plant.
salmonella [͵sælməˋnɛlə] n. 沙门氏菌
AZUZ: Ancient Native American cave art has been found somewhere in Alabama. You can`t go there to see it. Researchers are keeping the location
a secret so people won`t vandalize it. And even if you could go, you can`t really see the drawings anyway. They`re practically invisible to the naked eye.
vandalize [ˋvænd!͵aɪz] v. 任意破坏
They were drawn on a very low ceiling that`s hidden from sunlight. Scientists studying the cave had taken thousands of photos of these
ceilings and three-dimensional images of those photos revealed five previously unknown cave drawings. They`re believed to date back over a
thousand years.
The biggest drawing is 11 feet long. Researchers say it appears to show a diamondback rattlesnake. But exactly who drew these, why they were drawn,
diamondback ['daɪəməndˌbæk] adj. 有菱形斑纹的; n. 菱形斑纹
rattlesnake [ˋræt!͵snek] n. 响尾蛇
the style they were drawn in, it all remains a mystery.
It sure ain`t nouveau or neon. It`s not performance or pop. It`s way pre- pre-impressionism and you could never call it modern. But even if it`s far from precisionism, there`s nothing avant-garde about its expression. The
nouveau [nuˈvo] adj. 新近到达的,新近产生的;「新的」、「新兴的」
precisionism 精确主义(立体主义的变种
art decorates the cave with someone`s favorite concepts that still pop in post post-modern times.
Today`s shout-out goes out to Locust Grove Middle School in Locust Grove, Virginia.
We can now mention middle schools but you`ve got to be at least 13 years old to make a request, and the only place we look for those requests is I`m Carl Azuz.
even number 双号
snapshot [ˋsnæp͵ʃɑt] n. 简要印象
put a dent in 削弱 (支出,花费); to reduce an amount of money
boomeranger [ˋbumə͵ræŋɚ] n. 回锅员工,回归员工(离开后又因种种原因回到原来公司任职的员工)
a step backward: going back to a worse or less developed state
connotation [͵kɑnəˋteʃən] n. 言外之意
untapped [ʌnˋtæpt] adj. 未发掘的
gut check 全面检查;试胆
familiarity [fə͵mɪlɪˋærətɪ] n. 熟悉;通晓
seal the deal 谈妥条件;达成交易
malt [mɔlt] n. 麦芽;麦芽酒
wheat flour 小麦面粉
well up 冒出;迸发
off-brand 非名牌的;商标未注册的
overwhelming [͵ovɚˋhwɛlmɪŋ] adj. 难以忍受的
alleviate [əˋlivɪ͵et] v. 减轻;缓和
case-by-case 个别的
salmonella [͵sælməˋnɛlə] n. 沙门氏菌
vandalize [ˋvænd!͵aɪz] v. 任意破坏
diamondback ['daɪəməndˌbæk] adj. 有菱形斑纹的; n. 菱形斑纹
rattlesnake [ˋræt!͵snek] n. 响尾蛇
nouveau [nuˈvo] adj. 新近到达的,新近产生的;「新的」、「新兴的」
precisionism [prɪ'sɪʒnɪzəm] n. 精确主义(立体主义的变种)