CNN 10 - March 21, 2023
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2023年3月21日
- 最后更新于 2024年12月14日
- 发布于 2023年3月21日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:576
Protests In Israel; Living Seawalls; Harry Potter` Tour Heads To Tokyo As Warner Brothers Courts More Asia Fans.
COY WIRE, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hello everyone. Terrific Tuesday to you. I`m Coy Wire. This is CNN 10, and you are awesome. We have a great show for you
today, so let`s get to it. We`re going to begin with the latest news on the protests in Israel. For the past 11 weeks on Saturday nights, protesters
Israel [ˋɪzrɪəl] n. 以色列
have taken to the streets in Israel to call for a government overhaul. Roughly half a million Israelis each week voicing their opposition to the
overhaul [ˋovɚ͵hɔl] n. 彻底检修,大修
government. That`s 5% of the total population.
Protesters are angry at the government`s plans to overhaul the country`s judicial system, which would give Israeli`s parliament the power to overrule
overrule [͵ovɚˋrul] v. 统治;支配;对……施加影响
Supreme Court decisions. Critics accuse Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of pushing the legislation in order to get out of a corruption
accuse [əˋkjuz] v. 指控,控告;谴责
trial that he is currently facing.
But Netanyahu denies that, saying that the trials are collapsing on their own and that the government overhaul is necessary. On Monday, though,
Netanyahu announced a key change to part of his plans due to the massive public protests and international pressure.
The concession would give Israeli governments less power to select new judges, but still more power than it has now. About 66% of Israelis believe
concession [kənˋsɛʃən] n. 让步;让步行为
the Supreme Court should have the power to strike down laws incompatible with Israeli`s basic laws. And about the same proportion, 63% say they
incompatible [͵ɪnkəmˋpætəb!] adj. 不能和谐共存的;不相容的;矛盾的
support the current system of nominating judges.
ELLIOTT GOTKINE, JOURNALIST: As surely as night follows day, Saturday night these past eleven weeks in Israel has meant mass demonstrations
surely [ˋʃʊrlɪ] adv. 肯定地,想必,无疑地
against the government`s judicial overhaul. Protesters are concerned it will remove pretty much all checks and balances on the government, allowing
checks and balances 制衡原则; 制约与平衡原则
it to appoint allies as top judges and removing the Supreme Court`s ability to strike down laws except in very narrow circumstances.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who leads the most right wing and religiously conservative government in Israel`s history, says his overhaul
is required to restore the balance between the government and the judiciary. But the protesters don`t buy it. They worry it will erode
erode [ɪˋrod] v. 腐蚀;侵蚀
Israel`s claim to be a liberal democracy and that will damage the economy and infringe upon their freedoms of expression, worship, and the right to demonstrate.
infringe [ɪnˋfrɪndʒ] v. 侵犯;侵害[(+on/upon)]
President Isaac Herzog`s attempts to broker compromise unveiled earlier this week were rejected by the government. And though his warnings of civil
broker [ˋbrokɚ] v. 作为权力经纪人进行谈判
war seem far-fetched for now, so long as the overhaul continues its passage through parliament, the protest will continue.
far-fetched [ˋfɑrˋfɛtʃt] adj. 牵强的; 未必会的
so long as 只要...
passage [ˋpæsɪdʒ] n.(法案等的)通过
WIRE: Now for another installment of our CNN series, Call to Earth. We`re traveling to Sydney, Australia, where one organization called Living Seawalls
installment [ɪnˋstɔlmənt] n.(小说分期连载的)一节
is changing the way we think about building infrastructure in the ocean. Experts are engineering seawalls to create critical habitats that
engineer [͵ɛndʒəˋnɪr] v. 设计;建造
are more hospitable to marine life that grows there. We`re going to hear from marine experts who believe it`s just as important to save the little
hospitable [ˋhɑspɪtəb!] adj.(气候、环境等)宜人的;适宜的
creatures in the ocean as it is the big ones.
DR. ARIA LEE, LIVING SEAWALL PROJECT MANAGER: I started getting into marine science when I was in my 20s and was doing a lot of scuba
get into【口】产生对...的爱好或兴趣; 参与某事
diving. I was really interested in the tiny critters that were living in the marine environment. There`s a lot of attention with biodiversity and
critter [ˋkrɪtɚ] n. 动物; 【谑】生物
conservation around the large fish like the sharks and the whales. But you have to remember that these organisms rely on smaller organisms in order to
We really need to start at the bottom and build up a really strong base on which to build up this food web. My name is Dr. Aria Lee and I`m the
project manager for Living Seawall.
The problem in urbanized areas such as Sydney Harbor is that so much of the shoreline has been built over with artificial structures. Over 50% of the
urbanized [ˋɝbən͵aɪzd] adj. 城市化的,都市化的
shoreline in Sydney Harbor has some sort of structure built upon it, whether it be a seawall, wharf or pontoon. And these artificial structures
seawall [ˋsiwɔl] n. 海堤,海塘
wharf [hwɔrf] n. 码头;停泊处
pontoon [pɑnˋtun] n. 浮船坞;浮舟;浮筒;驳船
have taken away the sort of microhabitats like rock pools, crevices, tiny holes that you would see on a natural rocky shoreline.
microhabitat [͵maɪkroˋhæbə͵tæt]n. 微环境
rock pool(海边的)岩石区潮水潭
crevice [ˋkrɛvɪs] n. 裂缝,裂隙
So what Living Seawalls is doing is bringing back these natural habitat features to an artificial structure such as a sea wall. We, as marine
ecologists went out and identified features of a natural shoreline that are missing from a flat featureless seawall. And we`ve translated that onto a
featureless [ˋfitʃɚlɪs] adj. 无特色的;平凡
Living Seawalls panel.
The panels are designed digitally and then a prototype is 3D printed. There are currently 14 Living Seawall sites around Sydney and around the entire
world. We`ve installed over 1000 Living Seawalls habitat panels. We can certainly see the difference that the living SeaWorld panels make. The
textures can provide seaweed a really strong hold onto the surface.
And that`s extremely valuable for all the marine organisms that rely on the kelp, not just for protection and for homes, but as a food source. When
kelp [kɛlp] n. 海草;巨藻;海藻
there is a new construction, we want the designers to think about how they can design the structure to benefit both humans and the natural
Right now, seawalls are really only useful for humans. They stop erosion. They protect the property that`s behind it. What we want to do in the
future is think about what the marine environment needs as well as what humans need, and that way we can build more sustainably for the future.
WIRE: Ten-second Trivia.
The childhood home of which fictional character was located at 4 Privet Drive?
privet [ˋprɪvɪt] n.【植】水蜡树;任何类似水蜡树之树
Sherlock Holmes, Charlie Brown, Harry Potter or Katniss Everdeen?
Set mostly in a fictional Britain, Harry Potter lived at his muggle home at 4 Privet Drive.
muggle [ˋmʌg!] n. 麻瓜(不会魔法的人,语出英国童书《哈利‧波特》)
And for today`s story, getting a 10 out of 10. We`re traveling far from the British movie studios that produce the wonderful world of Harry Potter to
Japan, where fans will be able to immerse themselves in some of the series most iconic moments at our parent company`s, Warner Bros Studio Tour Tokyo,
the Making of Harry Potter. Did you know the Harry Potter book series has sold a record half a billion copies, and it`s been translated into at least
88 different languages.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You`re a wizard, Harry.
STEWART: -- is transporting to Tokyo. It`s on this massive lot where fans will see some of the series most iconic sets, like the Great Hall at Hogwarts
lot [lɑt] n. 作特定用处的)一块地
and the Forbidden Forest. It`s part of the new Warner Bros Studio, soon to open in Japan.
(On camera): What goes through your mind when you -- when you see the train, you see the sets, you see the costumes?
JEFF NAGLER, PRESIDENT, WARNER BROTHERS WORLDWIDE STUDIO OPERATIONS: Wow, I can`t believe it. And when I come here, I have to remember that I`m here
on a business trip and not to be looking at this as if I`m just a fan.
STEWART: Jeff Nagler is President of Warner Brothers Worldwide studio operations.
(On camera): Why Japan?
NAGLER: I think that was one of the easiest decisions for us, actually, because of the whole global interest in Harry Potter after the United
States and after the U.K., Japan is the third best area for Harry Potter fandom.
fandom [ˋfændəm] n. 影迷;运动迷;粉丝圈
STEWART: The Tokyo studio is modeled after the one in London and will be larger, a big draw, the Hogwarts Express train that was made in London,
draw [drɔ] n. 吸引人的事物(或人);精彩节目
transported by land and by sea to its new home here in Japan.
(On camera): It`s not just about the sets, it`s about the accessories, the costumes, the props, like the ones you`ve seen in the movies.
NOZOMI ANDO, TOU GUIDE (through translator): We normally don`t get to see what goes on behind the scenes in movies, but here we get to see how films
get made. For example, it shows us how the people who work in the costume, props, movie set departments all work as a team.
STEWART: A glimpse into movie magic far from Harry Potter`s roots in the U.K.
(On camera): Do you see Asia as a growth market for experiences like this?
NAGLER: Absolutely. We do look at China and we look at Japan. We look at South Korea. We have a big fan base in Australia and New Zealand as well.
All of that`s not Asia, it`s the whole Asia Pacific region.
STEWART: Stories of imagination appealing to audiences around the world.
WIRE: That`s all we have time for, for now. Wherever you go today, be awesome. Do everything with excellence in mind. Remember how you do the
little things that determines how well prepared you`ll be for life`s biggest moments.
My favorite part of the day now, I want to give a special shout out to Osceola High School in Osceola, Missouri. We see you, go out and be awesome
I`m Coy Wire, and we are CNN 10.
Israel [ˋɪzrɪəl] n. 以色列
overhaul [ˋovɚ͵hɔl] n. 彻底检修,大修
overrule [͵ovɚˋrul] v. 统治;支配;对……施加影响
accuse [əˋkjuz] v. 指控,控告;谴责
concession [kənˋsɛʃən] n. 让步;让步行为
incompatible [͵ɪnkəmˋpætəb!] adj. 不能和谐共存的;不相容的;矛盾的
surely [ˋʃʊrlɪ] adv. 肯定地,想必,无疑地
checks and balances 制衡原则; 制约与平衡原则
erode [ɪˋrod] v. 腐蚀;侵蚀
infringe [ɪnˋfrɪndʒ] v. 侵犯;侵害[(+on/upon)]
broker [ˋbrokɚ] v. 作为权力经纪人进行谈判
far-fetched [ˋfɑrˋfɛtʃt] adj. 牵强的; 未必会的
so long as 只要...
passage [ˋpæsɪdʒ] n.(法案等的)通过
installment [ɪnˋstɔlmənt] n.(小说分期连载的)一节
engineer [͵ɛndʒəˋnɪr] v. 设计;建造
hospitable [ˋhɑspɪtəb!] adj.(气候、环境等)宜人的;适宜的
get into【口】产生对...的爱好或兴趣; 参与某事
critter [ˋkrɪtɚ] n. 动物; 【谑】生物
urbanized [ˋɝbən͵aɪzd] adj. 城市化的,都市化的
seawall [ˋsiwɔl] n. 海堤,海塘
wharf [hwɔrf] n. 码头;停泊处
pontoon [pɑnˋtun] n. 浮船坞;浮舟;浮筒;驳船
microhabitat [͵maɪkroˋhæbə͵tæt] n. 微环境
rock pool(海边的)岩石区潮水潭
crevice [ˋkrɛvɪs] n. 裂缝,裂隙
featureless [ˋfitʃɚlɪs] adj. 无特色的;平凡
kelp [kɛlp] n. 海草;巨藻;海藻
privet [ˋprɪvɪt] n.【植】水蜡树;任何类似水蜡树之树
muggle [ˋmʌg!] n. 麻瓜(不会魔法的人,语出英国童书《哈利‧波特》)
lot [lɑt] n. 作特定用处的)一块地
fandom [ˋfændəm] n. 影迷;运动迷;粉丝圈
draw [drɔ] n. 吸引人的事物(或人);精彩节目