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Watching Your Every Move 谁在网络记录你的一举一动?








Are retailers going too far tracking our web habits?  零售业者这样大肆追踪消费者的网络习惯,会不会太超过了?


Companies have been monitoring our online behavior for almost as long as there’s been an Internet, often using our online footsteps (cookies) whenever we search, browse or buy online. Tracking technology has advanced so much that everything can be collected and stored on individual profiles. Our profiles are numeric descriptions, not our real names, but in some cases, it’s not hard to determine personal information behind the numbers.



Privacy concerns abound, and several privacy and consumer groups are urging Congress to enact laws on what can and can’t be collected and for how long.



But the tracking continues in earnest, in few places more avidly than among retailers. Retailers are increasingly turning to the web for answers – and sales. Even retailers beating the odds find their online growth far surpasses that in their brick-and-mortar stores.

只不过,在这期间,各家公司仍持续认真地进行网络追踪,而且少有其他业界的急切程度比得上零售业者。零售商愈来愈转向网络来寻求答案──以及销售量。即使是突破不景气而业绩长红的(译注:beat the odds指克服[困难、难关、经济不景气等颓势]而成功)零售业者,也发现网络销售成长率远超出实体商店(译注:直译为砖块和灰泥砌成的商店)的成绩。


Why track web habits?  为何追踪网络习惯?


By monitoring the browsing and buying behavior of consumers who visit their websites, stores are able to better target online and e-mailed promotions to what consumers are most likely to buy. They occasionally adapt their home pages to the shopper. And as Amazon has been doing for years, they also can use what products other shoppers have purchased to knowledgeably recommend additional purchases.



The e-commerce marketing company Coremetrics says consumers are 50 percent more likely to open and click through a targeted e-mail than a generic one. And targeted e-mails generate 50 percent more revenue than generic e-mails, the company has found.



“It’s a double-edged sword,” says Joseph Davis, CEO of Coremetrics. “The more …. data you can get about the person, the more successful you will be, [but] some don’t want the data to be used.”






More Information

footstep [ˋfʊt͵stɛp] n. 足迹

profile [ˋprofaɪl] n. 数据图表,量变曲线; 档案数据(pl.)

enact [ɪnˋækt] v. 制定(法律);颁布(法案)

in earnest [ˋɝnɪst] 认真(地); 并非开玩笑(地) with a purposeful or sincere intent

beat the odds 获得出乎意料的成功;战胜命运 succeed although there are great difficulties

surpass [sɚˋpæs] v. 胜过;优于;大于

brick-and-mortar(与virtual 相对)实际存在的,实体的,(公司等)有厂房和店铺的

adapt [əˋdæpt] v. 改编,改写

knowledgeably [ˋnɑlɪdʒəblɪ] adv. 很有见识地; 知识渊博地










Successful but controversial  成功但具有争议性


Retailers and the consultants who work on their online marketing insist most use the information they collect on their sites only for advertising and other pitches for the site it was gathered from. That’s unlike the networks of advertisers and other marketers that share data across sites. Under pressure from government officials and privacy groups, retailers are also increasingly disclosing what they are doing and letting consumers opt in or out.

进行网络营销的零售业者和咨询顾问都坚称,大多数业者都只会把自家网站上所搜集到的资料,用来在同一个网站上做广告和其他营销之用(并不会用在其他网站);而这个做法就和其他广告业者及营销业者组成网络联盟以便在不同网站上共享数据的做法迥异。如今零售业者于受到来自政府官员和隐私权团体的压力,因此也愈来愈愿意揭露公司的实际做法,并提供消费者自行选择接受或拒绝的机会(译注:opt in指消费者选择参加广告营销的活动,或是容许商家发送电子邮件给他们,而opt in则是拒绝参与)。


A 2009 survey of 1,000 consumers released by professors from the University of Pennsylvania and the University of California-Berkeley found almost 70 percent were opposed to online behavioral tracking by advertisers, and even more were opposed after they were told how the tracking was done.



Concerns need to be addressed  必须设法解决的疑虑


But the National Retail Federation says that whatever concerns shoppers may have, they’re not avoiding online shopping because of them. In a 2009 survey of 2,600 consumers, NRF asked for the primary reasons why shoppers might not be increasing their online spending this year. Privacy concerns and worries about “online tracking” were named by only 0.1 percent of shoppers, the smallest factor. The cost of shipping, on the other hand, was the biggest concern, with almost 23 percent citing it.



Critics argue that people aren’t more worried because they don’t understand how sweeping the tracking can be, while industry officials argue those who worry often don’t recognize the upside.



“Retailers could do a better job explaining the benefits of letting them capture some information about you,” says David. “If people say, ‘I just want to opt out,’ they don’t find out about the sale and don’t get coupons for discounts.”



by Jayne O’Donnell





More Information

consultant [kənˋsʌltənt] n. 顾问

opt in  决定参加 express permission by a customer, or a recipient of a mail, email, or other direct message to allow a marketer to send a merchandise, information, or more messages

opposed [əˈpəʊzd] adj. 强烈反对的

name [nem] v. 列举;陈说

cite [saɪt] v. 引用;引……为证;举出

upside [ˋʌpˋsaɪd] n. 好的一方面;有利的一面






Vocabulary Focus

abound [əˋbaʊnd] v. 大量存在; 丰富; 充沛 to exist in large numbers

avidly [ˋævɪdlɪ] adv. 贪婪地;贪心地; 热衷地 in an extremely eager or interested manner

generic [dʒɪˋnɛrɪk] adj. 一般的,总称的 typical of a whole group of similar things, rather than any particular thing.

double-edged sword 双刃剑 describes something that acts in two ways, often with one negative and one positive effect

pitch [pɪtʃ]【口】叫卖,推销 an act that attempts to persuade someone to buy or do something

disclose [dɪsˋkloz] v. 揭发;透露;公开[+that] to provide information that was not previously known

sweeping [ˋswipɪŋ] adj. 广阔的;广泛的;全面的;彻底的 having great effect or range



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