Newsworthy Clips: Around-the-world trip to a changed life 改变生命的环球之旅
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年3月15日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年3月29日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:324
Around-the-world trip to a changed life 改变生命的环球之旅
What would you do if someone handed you $8,500 and told you to go on a trip around the world? Gabrielle Kleber, 21, from Michigan State University, got that chance.
She wasn’t part of a study-abroad program. She went completely alone. She didn’t spend her time in crowded luxury cities. She went to out-of-the-way beaches, often staying with local people she contacted ahead of time or happened to meet.
She was a one-woman research project, analyzing and measuring trash on the beaches of the world. And she came back a changed person, not just because of her research, which will help her as a chemical/environmental scientist, but because of the experience of traveling alone, finding her way as she went, dealing with the complex logistics of the venture.
“What she’s done is exactly what we hoped,” says John Carroll, president of the Michigan Circumnavigators Club. “Things like this do change people’s lives.” Every two years, the club awards a grant to a college junior for an around-the-world trip.
Kleber’s project, “Global View of Marine Debris,” was unusual in that it took her to less touristy areas of the world, such as Male, the crowded capital of the Maldives, and Groote Eylandt, an island off the north coast of Australia.
Although she knew that an estimated 100,000 tons of trash are in the oceans, she was astonished at the story beaches told. The trash included shoes, a rifle, plastic bits, wrappers, diapers, old tangles of fishing net, bottles, a Barbie doll, a couch and more.
Mostly, she was astonished at how much she matured, even though she had done several study-abroad experiences before.
“I felt like the trash ambassador,” Kleber says. “When you travel alone, you really grow.
−by Ellen Creager
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out-of-the-way 偏僻的
logistics [loˋdʒɪstɪks] n. 物流; 后勤,运筹 (引申为统筹管理) the careful organization of a complicated activity so that it happens in a successful and effectively way
circumnavigator [sɝkəmˋnævəgetɚ] n. 周游世界者
award [əˋwɔrd] v. 授予,给予
grant [grænt] n. 奖学金,助学金,补助金
junior [ˋdʒunjɚ] n. 三年级生; adj.【美】(四年制大学或中学中)三年级(生)的
debris [dəˋbri] n. 垃圾,碎片
touristy [ˋtʊrəstɪ] adj. 观光客喜欢的
Maldives [ˋmɔldaɪvz] n. 马尔代夫(群岛)(亚洲岛国)
wrapper [ˋræpɚ] n. (尤指用于食品的)包装纸, 包装塑料, 包装用金属薄纸
tangle [ˋtæŋg!] n. 乱糟糟的一团
Patients often turn first to ‘Dr. Google’ 病患往往最先求助于「谷歌医生」
Late last October, the search term “H1N1 vaccine dangers” hit Google’s top 10 searches. It’s driving doctors crazy, as they insist the vaccine is safe and anti-vaccine preachers are plain wrong.
去年十月下时,「H1N1 vaccine dangers」(新流感疫苗注射的危险)跻身谷歌前十大热门搜寻字符串,这简直快把医生们气疯了,因为医界坚称疫苗安全无虞,认为那些大声疾呼反对疫苗注射的人根本大错特错。
But the H1N1 story is evidence of a broader trend: The public’s appetite for Internet health information has fundamentally altered the doctor-patient relationship.
Doctors are no longer perceived as the only authority on health information.
Almost all U.S. physicians said in a survey that at least some patients bring to appointments health information they found online, according to the Manhattan Research Group, a company that researches health care trends.
“There’s such a fine line between somebody who’s well-informed and somebody who’s misinformed,” said Diane Chan, a pediatrician at Kaiser’s Roseville, California, Medical Center. “Because then I have two jobs: One, to convince you you don’t have a disease that you think you do, and then to diagnose you with the right thing.”
Sixty-one percent of Americans look online for health information, the majority of whom say their last research had an impact on medical decisions, according to a 2009 survey from Washington, D.C.-based Pew Research Center. The research group dubbed them “e-patients.”
Roughly two-thirds of doctors think online health research is a good thing, according to the Manhattan Research Group.
When harnessed in the correct way, doctors say, the Internet makes the patient a partner, not a passive bystander. If a patient already has researched a specific condition, it means a physician can bypass the basics and get right down to real questions.
“I’ve heard anecdotally that specialists who care for people with chronic diseases are more welcoming of e-patients” said Suzanne Fox, one of the Pew study authors. “This patient is hitting the ground running and therefore the doctor can jump to the next level.”
−by Anna Tong
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preacher [ˋpritʃɚ] n. 鼓吹者;宣传者
perceive [pɚˋsiv] v. 把…看作
appointment [əˋpɔɪntmənt] n.(会面的)约定; 预约
well-informed [ˋwɛl ɪnˋfɔrmd] adj. 见多识广的;消息灵通的
misinformed [͵mɪsɪnˋfɔrmd] adj. 被告知错误消息的; 被误导的
pediatrician [͵pidɪəˋtrɪʃən] n. 小儿科医师
because then 因为那样
bystander [ˋbaɪ͵stændɚ] n. 旁观者
anecdotal [͵ænɪkˋdot!] adj. 传闻的
care for 照料 provide treatment for
Committed dads lead to safer babies 老爸尽责能确保婴儿的安全
Babies have fewer serious accidents if their male parent is seriously committed to fatherhood, according to an analysis by a specialist of Japan’s National Institute of Public Health.
About 42,000 people were surveyed by Takeo Fujiwara, chief of the institute’s behavioral science section, and the results were announced in a British journal specializing in epidemiology.
Based on data from a 2001 Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry survey of 50,000 6-month-old infants, Fujiwara analyzed the self-evaluated degree of the father’s involvement in six child-rearing activities, including baby-feeding and changing diapers.
Fujiwara divided the families into three groups – positive, ordinary and negative – and examined the correlation with accidents, targeting about 42,000 people who were likely candidates for a one-year follow-up study.
Fujiwara found incidents of accidental ingestion were 21 percent lower in families with fathers who were actively involved in child-rearing, compared to families with fathers who made a “negative” contribution. Incidents of drowning were lower by 20 percent. The rate was 9 percent lower for accidents in general.
The ratio was considerably lower in families with fathers who took their babies along when going out for a walk, with 34 percent fewer incidents of accidental ingestion and 24 percent fewer accidents in general.
−by The Yomiuri Shimbun
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committed [kəˋmɪtɪd] adj. 尽心尽责的; 忠诚的; 坚定的
fatherhood [ˋfɑðɚ͵hʊd] n. 父亲的身份
specialize [ˋspɛʃəl͵aɪz] v. 专攻;专门从事
epidemiology [ˋɛpɪ͵dimɪˋɑlədʒɪ] n. 流行病学 the field or medical science that focuses on the causes, transmission, and control of disease within a population
rear [rɪr] v. 饲养
incident [ˋɪnsədnt] n. 事件;事变
ingestion [ɪnˋdʒɛstʃən] n. 吞入;食入
Vocabulary Focus
astonished [əˋstɑnɪʃt] adj. 惊讶的;惊愕的 very surprised
alter [ˋɔltɚ] v. 改变 to cause the characteristics of something to change
fine line 分界线 if there is a fine line between one thing and another, they are very similar although the second thing is bad; a subtle distinction between two concepts or situations
passive bystander 被动的旁观者;消极的旁观者 a person who sees something happening but does not react to what happens, or does not take part in it
bypass [ˋbaɪ͵pæs] v. 越过; 绕过 to avoid something by going around it
hit the ground running 很快就能进入状况; 积极做到最好 to immediately work very hard and successfully at a new activity
child-rearing 养育子女,抚养子女 the practice of looking after children until they are old enough to look after themselves
correlation [͵kɔrəˋleʃən] n. 相互关系,关联 a connection between two or more things, especially the influence one thing has on another
MSUToday presents: Spartan Sagas (Gabrielle Kleber)