Newsworthy Clips: How social games make money 社群游戏赚钱之道
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年8月12日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年7月03日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:338
How social games make money: lessons from Farmville 社群游戏赚钱之道,「农村游戏」教你(译注:Farmville也和开心农场一样,属于农场游戏的一种,但Farmville是英文的游戏)。
The web is fantastic at many things – e-mail, e-commerce, e-vites, for example. But unless your name is Amazon or Google, making money there has proved elusive.
But Brian Reynolds, chief game designer for the company that made the social game Farmville, shed a little light on how to get people to buy the farm online during the Design, Innovate, Communicate, Entertain Summit in February.
To start with, Reynolds threw out some bare-bones data: 雷诺斯首先告诉我们一些基本数字:
Social games cost between $100,000 to $300,000 to make.
Between 3 percent and 5 percent of people who play social games pay money for virtual goods in the game or sign up for advertising “offers” that generate cash for the developer.
Farmville is played by about 31 million people every day.
Now let’s suppose that, given these ballpark figures, each person who plays a social game generates, on average, a penny a day. Multiply that penny by the number of days in a year, 365, and you get an average of $3.65 generated per year per person.
Reynolds did not disclose how many pennies per day Farmville generates. But if it’s a penny, one could conclude that it’s a $100 million-a-year game.
Now let’s say you were especially clever and you figured out ways to get each person to generate two pennies a day. The numbers then begin to look even more compelling.
Reynolds talked about a couple of tricks Farmville uses to get players to part with their cash. The first is to sell items that let players differentiate themselves from the crowd (flamingo-shaped topiaries, which need to be purchased, have been especially popular on Farmville). The second is to let players pay to advance faster in the game, thereby saving time, which is, after all, money.
−by Alex Pham
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elusive [ɪˋlusɪv] adj. 难以获得的; 难以实现的 difficult to catch
shed light on 阐明…; 使…清楚地显出 to make something clearer
ballpark [ˋbɔlpɑrk] n. 约略估计的数目
compelling [kəmˋpɛlɪŋ] adj. 难以抗拒的; 令人信服的
part with something 放弃,交出,卖掉(贵重物品或舍不得的东西)give up, abandon, discard
flamingo [fləˋmɪŋgo] n. 红鹤, 火鹤
topiary [ˋtopɪ͵ɛrɪ] n. 林木造型艺术; 林木造型 the art of cutting bushes into attractive shapes
Monarchs no longer rule: butterflies battered by bad weather 坏天气作梗,帝王蝶大驾不光临
The monarch population is typically measured by the number of acres of pine trees the butterflies fill. This year, scientists found the smallest area of monarchs overwintering in the 16 years they have been looking – down to 4.7 acres from an average of 18.3 acres, says Chip Taylor, a professor of entomology.
Lincoln Brower, a zoologist and monarch specialist, inspected one of the principal colonies, which had been 1.2 acres in size. “All we found was two trees with butterflies in them.”
Each female flies 1,000 miles or more on her way north from Mexico, depositing her eggs along the way only on milkweed leaves. She dies, but her eggs hatch and her offspring continue the migration.
It can take three to four generations for the monarchs to reach Canada, Taylor says. Then in the fall, that final generation begins its migration back to Mexico, and those butterflies live for eight months.
Monarch populations have fallen dramatically because of three things, says Brower: 布饶尔指出,帝王蝶数目急遽减少的原因有三:
Illegal logging in Mexico has destroyed the butterflies’ mountain habitats.
Climate change is causing severe weather.
There has been a significant increase in the planting of corn and soybeans in the Midwest that have been genetically engineered to be herbicide-resistant. This allows farmers to spray weed killer without hurting the crops, but it also means almost no milkweed survives in the fields.
“They’ve literally eliminated 100 percent of the milkweed of what once was prime breeding habitat of the butterflies,” Brower says.
Monarch Watch has begun a milkweed-planting campaign to encourage the certain of monarch way stations across the nation.
Monarchs are beautiful, but creating habitats where they can thrive also benefits humans, Taylor says. Those habitats also “protect other insects, the little guys whose life’s work is to pollinate our nuts, our fruits and our vegetables.”
−by Elizabeth Weise
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monarch [ˋmɑnɚk] n. [动]黑脉金斑蝶; 帝王蝶
overwinter [͵ovɚˋwɪntɚ] v. 过冬 to spend the winter in a particular place
entomology [͵ɛntəˋmɑlədʒɪ] n. 昆虫学
deposit [dɪˋpɑzɪt] v. 存放; 寄存
milkweed [ˋmɪlk͵wid] n.【植】马利筋属植物;乳草;野参类 a flowering plant that secretes a milky sap and has pods that split open to allow silky-tufted seeds to be released
logging [ˋlɔgɪŋ] n. 砍伐 the activity of cutting down trees for wood
herbicide [ˋhɝbə͵saɪd] n. 除草剂 a chemical which is used to destroy plants, especially weeds
way station 中途站;中转站 a station between principal stations on a route, as of a railroad
At 35, Hello Kitty has earned untold millions 三十五岁的凯蒂猫赚进无数财富
Lina Garcia remembers her first Hello Kitty purchases at age 15: a wallet, a trash can and alarm clock, all with the image of the sweet-faced feline, three whiskers sprouting from each round cheek and a bow over her left ear. Twenty years later, she’s buying Hello Kitty for her daughter.
Sanrio, which is making the 35th anniversary of its top-selling brand, has marketed thousands of Hello Kitty products and built a following that extends far beyond the tween set. The Japanese company, which won’t break out Kitty figures, reports annual retail sales of $5 billion.
“She really goes from 4 to forever,” said Janet Hsu, president of Sanrio Global Consumer Products. “She’s always represented friendship, love, all of those good things. Every consumer interprets her in a different way.”
Hello Kitty got her start in 1974 with her image on a change purse. She moved onto pens and pencils, stationery and T-shirts, created to make people “feel good and smile,” Hsu said. “She only continues to get stronger.”
Given her staying power, Kitty has a “thin backstory,” said Ken Belson, a New York Times reporter. “Really she has no voice. She’s just an image.”
Christine Yano, an anthropology professor at the University of Hawaii has been studying Hello Kitty for more than a decade.
“She’s narrativeless in effect,” Yano says. “In my mind she’s pure product. They’ve made a few cartoons. They’ve given her a backstory about her family in London, but none of that is critical to her purchase. I’m guessing a lot of people who buy Hello Kitty don’t know and don’t care that much.”
Sanrio has placed its best-selling character on almost every product imaginable, from toasters to cars, bathroom scales, shoelaces and fruit baskets. She’s gone upscale with a Sanrio Luxe store in Manhattan and appearances at New York’s Fashion Week.
−by Jennifer Lebovich
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untold [ʌnˋtold] adj. 数不清的;无限的;无法形容的
whisker [ˋhwɪskɚ] n.【古】小胡子
sprout [spraʊt] v. 长出; 使发芽
following [ˋfɑləwɪŋ] n. 一批追随者(或拥护者、部下等)
tween [twin] n. 吞世代 a child, usually between 8 and 12 years old, considered too old to be a child and too young to be a teenager
interpret [ɪnˋtɝprɪt] v. 诠释
stationery [ˋsteʃən͵ɛrɪ] n. 文具;信纸
anthropology [͵ænθrəˋpɑlədʒɪ] n. 人类学
narrativeless [ˋnærətɪvlɪs] adj. 缺乏故事的 devoid of narrative
in effect 在功效方面;实际上 in essence
scale [skel] n. 秤盘; 天平; 秤; 磅秤
shoelace [ˋʃu͵les] n. 鞋带
luxe [lʊks] n.【法】华美;奢侈
Vocabulary Focus
bare-bones adj. 梗概,本质,不加渲染的 the most basic parts of something, without any detail
ballpark figure 大约,大略估计 a number which is only approximate, but which should be near to the correct number
differentiate [͵dɪfəˋrɛnʃɪ͵et] v. 区别,区分 to make someone or something different
time is money 时间就是金钱 said to emphasize that one should not waste time, but rather use it to earn money
batter [ˋbætɚ] v. 捣毁,打碎 to damage something by hitting it forcefully and repeatedly
pollinate [ˋpɑlə͵net] v. 给……授花粉 to carry pollen, a powder that makes other flowers produce seeds, from a male part of a flower to the female part of another flower of the same type
break out 爆发;突然发生 to cause something to be known, especially to the public
staying power (想法或产品)长期受欢迎,经久不衰 the ability to always manage to endure or last
backstory [ˋbæk͵storɪ] n.(电影、小说等的)幕后故事,故事背景 a narrative that provides a history for a fictional character; a story that tells what led up to the main story or plot
upscale [ˋʌp͵skel] adv. 面向高端消费者地 describes goods and products that are of very high quality and intended to be bought by people who are quite rich
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