Newsworthy Clips: Lu is an unlikely tennis sensation 另类网球明星卢彦勋
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年10月27日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年8月02日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:351
Lu is an unlikely tennis sensation 另类网球明星卢彦勋
Yen-Hsun Lu’s euphoria was written all over his face when he beat Andy Roddick, the 2003 U.S. Open winner, on June 28. The 27-year-old has the distinction of being the only Asian to make it to the top 8 at Wimbledon in 15 years. As the son of a chicken farmer, Lu did not have the most promising background for sports, so this stunning match surprised the world.
Accompanied by his father, Lu used to watch his brother play tennis and was inspired to emulate him. He joined the tennis team as soon as he started elementary school at the age of eight and received his first gold medal in the second grade, surpassing his elder brother. Soon Nobel Prize-winning chemist Yuan Tseh Lee, who played occasionally at the elementary school, noticed him. Seeing a diamond in the rough, Lee helped the young athlete realize his potential and opened up many opportunities for him. Lu openly thanked Lee when he reached the top sixteen at the 2010 Wimbledon Championships.
A turning point in Lu’s tennis career occurred on December 4, 2000, when Lu’s supportive father suddenly passed away right after talking to National Taiwan Sport University’s tennis coach about Lu’s future. After the loss of his father and the family’s income, Lu had to give up the possibility of studying abroad. Instead, Lu entered the National Taiwan Sport University and headed straight into the professional tennis realm.
That year, Lu ranked among the best Asian junior singles players and was featured on the cover of Tennis Asia magazine. Since then, his career has continued to flourish. But Lu refuses to take all the credit. As a Christian, he has said that God guides his every match. According to Lu, it is his faith that gives him the courage and confidence to face every challenging opponent.
−by Judy Leu
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unlikely [ʌnˋlaɪklɪ] adj. 不像是真的 unbelievable; incredible
distinction [dɪˋstɪŋkʃən] n. 不同点; 特征
promising [ˋprɑmɪsɪŋ] adj. 有希望的,有前途的,大有可为
turning point 转折点,转折点
take the credit 居功
A new way of experiencing video 在线观影新体验
In the age of YouTube, watching videos online has never been easier. However, two problems remain. First, many people still prefer viewing video content on TV, on bigger screens and without the hassle of a mouse and keyboard. Second, with millions of clips being uploaded every day, it is often difficult to find the best quality videos or the right content for a particular topic.
Cloud TV promises to solve these problems in a novel way. In order to bring the TV viewing experience to web videos, Cloud TV aims to make your computer more like a TV – operated by a simple remote control – or to display web content on your TV through a separate stand-alone unit. With the click of a button, users can activate Cloud TV and flip through multiple internet videos with ease. To enhance users’ viewing experience, videos are cached on servers (called “cloud”), and not streamed online, so they are viewable in high-definition and do not lag or require loading.
To address the problem of content, Cloud TV allows users to select up to 81 high-quality channels. Each channel is managed by a curator and can be on subjects as specific as “Italian cooking” or as wide-ranging as “independent films.” These curators filter through the universe of YouTube and web videos to provide users with a lineup of the very best video content on that particular topic. Rather than having centralized programming like regular TV, Cloud TV harnesses the power of social media: Users can curate their own channels and recommend videos to others.
Cloud TV is not trying to replace television, say its developers at 9x9, a technology company, but to deliver the best videos from the web to TV audiences. By doing so, they hope to enhance an old medium by offering a new way of experiencing video.
−by Stephen Hsia
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stand-alone [ˋstændəˋlon] adj.【计算机】独立的
cache [kæʃ] v. 储存在高速缓存 to hide or store in a cache; to store computer memory in an area where information that is often in use can be stored temporarily and obtained especially quickly
stream [strim] v. 使用串流技术(不必先行下载文件,直接在在线收听或收看) to listen or watch sound or video on a computer directly from the Internet rather than downloading it and saving it first
curator [kjʊˋretɚ] n. 管理者 a person in charge of a collection, as in a museum or library
universe [ˋjunə͵vɝs] n. 领域,范围
lineup [ˋlaɪn͵ʌp] n. 电视节目时间表; 阵容
Vocabulary Focus
euphoria [juˋforɪə] n. 心情愉快; 兴奋 extreme happiness, sometimes more than is reasonable in a particular situation
emulate [ˋɛmjə͵let] v. 效仿; 模仿 to copy something achieved by someone else and try to do it as well as they have
diamond in the rough 未经琢磨的钻石; 璞玉 someone with great potential, but whose good qualities are hidden
realm [rɛlm] n. 界; 领域; 范围 an area of interest or activity
hassle [ˋhæs!] n.【美】麻烦;困难;问题 a situation causing difficulty or trouble
lag [læg] v. 走得慢;落后;延迟 to stall or delay information that is being passed to a computer, sometimes causing servers to briefly lose and then reestablish contact
filter through 过滤 to go through something carefully, selecting only what is useful or desired
centralized [ˋsɛntrəl͵aɪzd] adj. 集中的, 集中式的 organized at one place instead of several
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