Newsworthy Clips: More families move in together 愈来愈多家庭同住在一起
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年8月13日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2009年8月13日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:394
More families move in together 愈来愈多家庭同住在一起
The weak economy – which has brought surging foreclosures, sinking property values, vanishing home equity and mounting job losses – is playing a major role in family dynamics, pulling relatives under the same roof to pool their resources and aid relatives who’ve lost their homes.
Siblings are moving in with one another to help pay the mortgage. Adult children who’ve lost homes to foreclosure are moving back home with mom and dad. Even spouses in the throes of divorce are putting off separating, living together in awkward cold wars because they can’t sell their homes.
That’s in large part because those losing homes often have nowhere else to go. Many live paycheck to paycheck: Nearly 61 percent of local and state homeless coalitions are seeing an increase in homelessness since the foreclosure crisis began in 2007, according to a 2008 study by the National Coalition for the Homeless. Only 5 percent said they hadn’t seen an increase. The survey found that more than 76 percent of homeowners and renters who must move because of foreclosures are staying with family and friends.
Many are affected. Foreclosure filings surpassed 3 million in 2008, according to a recent report by RealtyTrac. The report also shows that one in 54 homes received at least one foreclosure filing during the year.
“If you have someone you love, and they’re in need, and they come to you and say, ‘Can I stay with you awhile?’ – of course, you’ll say, ‘Yes.’ But there are risks,” says Debra Yergen, author of the Creating Job Security Resource Guide. “Maybe they have pets, maybe they go out to eat, and that causes friction. There are all kinds of family dynamics. That’s not to say it’s not worth it, but you have to think it through so that no one feels taken advantage of.”
-by Stephanie
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foreclosure [forˋkloʒɚ] n. 丧失抵押品赎回权
equity [ˋɛkwətɪ] n. 抵押资产的净值
mounting [ˋmaʊntɪŋ] adj. 增长的; 加剧的
family dynamics 家庭动态 the ways in which members of a family interact with each other and in relation to the group as a whole
pool [pul] v.(为共同目的)合出(资金,物资,想法等);合办,联营to put together for general use
mortgage [ˋmɔrgɪdʒ] n. 抵押借款
throes [θroz] n. 阵痛;痛苦的挣扎
to live paycheck to paycheck 靠薪水度日 to spend all that one earns without saving anything
file [faɪl] v. 提出申请;提起诉讼
awhile [əˋhwaɪl] adv. 片刻;少顷
dynamics [daɪˋnæmɪks] n. 动态; 动力
think through 彻底地想清楚
Brain scans reveal possible source of woman’s super memory 女性超级记忆力来自何处,脑部扫描告诉你
MRI scans on Jill Price, the 43-year-old Los Angeles religious school administrator who was the first confirmed to have a “super-memory” in 2006, reveal two abnormally large areas in her brain. That discovery could lead to breakthrough clues on how memories are formed and kept, says Larry Cahill, a neuroscientist at the University of California-Irvine.
The two magnified areas in Price’s brain are the caudate nuclei – typically used for memory when forming automatic habits – and a part of the temporal lobe that stories facts, dates and events, Cahill said.
These two areas of the brain may be working together, in a way unknown before, to make detailed recall of every day as automatic as remembering to brush your teeth in the morning or put on a seat belt, the research team speculates.
In addition to Price, the team also has verified the super-memory gift in three men. Unlike Price, the men are left-handed, and they’re not troubled by their rare ability, Cahill says. Price feels tormented by her onslaught of memories. She sees daily life in a kind of “split-screen,” with present-day events, songs, smells, even TV programs cuing her back to detailed memories that she can’t squelch. Gender differences in the brain could account for the differences, Cahill believes.
The larger areas in Price’s brain almost certainly explain her rare gift, which was probably present at birth, says Brian Levine, a memory expert at the University of Toronto.
Scientists now need to find out how the two large brain areas are connected so they can work together. “This may be a key piece of the puzzle as to how memory works,” says Levine, “and that can be used in future research to help people with memory disorders.”
-by Marilyn Elias
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caudate nucleus 尾状核
caudate [ˋkɔdet] adj. 有尾的
temporal lobe 颞叶
temporal [ˋtɛmpərəl] adj. 太阳穴的
verify [ˋvɛrə͵faɪ] v. 证明,证实
cue [kju] v. 向…发出指示信号
The Obama fashion stimulus plan 欧巴马的时尚振兴方案?
Jason Wu and Isabel Toledo’s clothes might not be hanging in many households yet, but, thanks to their contributions to inaugural fashion, their labels are becoming household names and a target for look-alikes.
Web queries for “Jason Wu” and “Isabel Toledo” shot up as soon as Michelle Obama modeled Wu’s asymmetrical white gown at the official Inaugural Balls and Toledo’s chartreuse coat and sheath at the swearing-in ceremony. On January 20, Wu landed at No. 11 on Google Hot Trends’ list of the 100 fastest-rising searches, while Toledo snagged the 70th spot. The next day, Wu spiked to No. 4.
EDressMe began offering a version of Wu’s white ballgown (it costs $320). The e-tailer has seen a spike in sales of one-shoulder and strapless red dresses, which CEO Joanne Stoner attributes to Obama and Jill Biden, who wore a strapless, red Reem Acra gown.
New York’s Bergdorf Goodman has “definitely” seen an increased interest in Wu and his collection, both from customers in store and those inquiring by phone, says company spokeswoman Teril Turner. “There’s just so much more awareness now.”
Even for those Obama-chosen brands that were already well known, the inauguration has provided a boost. On the day following the inauguration, visitors to experienced “intermittent delays,” says creative director Jenna Lyons, thanks to a “very unusual amount of traffic.” Although Sasha and Malia Obama’s swearing-in ensembles weren’t available then, J.Crew will be carrying them come fall, in addition to the green leather gloves their mom wore during the daytime festivals.
“It’s exciting for us because we’re hoping people who maybe didn’t think of J. Crew before” – or who thought they’d outgrown it – “maybe this has changed people’s minds,” says Lyons.
-by Olivia Barker
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inaugural [ɪnˋɔgjərəl] adj. 就职的
look-alike [ˋlʊkə͵laɪk] n.【美】【口】外形酷似之人(或物)
query [ˋkwɪrɪ] n. 询问;请求
shoot up 迅速上升 to increase dramatically in amount
model [ˋmɑd!] v. 做模特儿展示(服装等)
asymmetrical [͵esɪˋmɛtrɪk!] adj.【数】非对称的
chartreuse [ʃɑrˋtruz] adj. & n. 淡黄绿色(的)
sheath [ʃiθ] n. 女子紧身服装
swearing-in 宣誓就职的 the act of making formal promises to fulfill the duties it involves
land [lænd] v.【口】弄到,捞到
snag [snæg] v. 抓住;抢先获得 Informal to catch unexpectedly and quickly
spike [spaɪk] v. 冲上 manifest a sharp increase n. (价格、数量的)突然上升,剧增
ballgown [ˋbɔlgaʊn] n. 长舞服,长舞裙
e-tailer 网络零售商 one that sells goods or commodities to consumers electronically, as over the Internet
one-shoulder 单肩型的; 单肩带的
strapless [ˋstræplɪs] adj. 无带的;无肩带的
inquiry [ɪnˋkwaɪrɪ] v. 询问,打听
inauguration [ɪn͵ɔgjəˋreʃən] n. 就职;就职典礼
ensemble [ɑnˋsɑmb!] n. 整套服装
outgrow [ˋaʊtˋgro] v. 长大了便不再适用
Vocabulary Focus
sibling [ˋsɪblɪŋ] n. 兄弟姊妹 a brother or sister
coalition [͵koəˋlɪʃən] n.(政党、国家等)临时结成的联盟 the union of different political parties or groups for a particular purpose, usually for a limited time
friction [ˋfrɪkʃən] n. 摩擦;不和;冲突 disagreement caused by people having different opinions
take advantage of 利用; 占便宜 to treat someone badly in order to get something you desire from them
torment [tɔrˋmɛnt] v. 使痛苦,折磨;烦扰 to cause great mental suffering
onslaught [ˋɑn͵slɔt] n. 猛烈打击; 猛烈抨击 a very powerful attack
squelch [skwɛltʃ] v. 制止; 压制; 遏制; 限制 to quickly end something that is causing you problems
boost [bust] n. 提高;增加 an increase in something
intermittent [͵ɪntɚˋmɪtnt] adj. 间歇的;时断时续的 not happening regularly or continuously; stopping and starting repeatedly or with periods in between
Michelle Obama’s Jason Wu’s Dress
Michelle Obama’s Isabel Toledo Inauguration Dress
Jill Biden inauguration dress