Newsworthy Clips: A new twist on tornado study 飓风研究出现新转折
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年9月14日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2009年9月14日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:336
A new twist on tornado study 飓风研究出现新转折
Funny thing about tornadoes: When they ought to drop out of the sky, they usually don’t. Despite all the radars looking for them, no one quite knows when or where they’ll appear.
Researchers are out to change that; the largest tornado research project in history hit the road [in May]. More than 100 meteorologists and students in more than 40 vehicles roamed the Great Plains for five weeks, bringing a panoply of storm-detecting devices to bear on one of the most elusive, dreaded and least understood weather phenomena. The ultimate aim is to extend the average warning time for tornadoes, now at about 13 minutes in the United States.
不过,一批研究人员已经出动,准备扭转局势,他们自五月起已经展开了史上最大规模的飓风研究计划(译注:hit the road指动身、展开,由于该研究实际上会四处奔波追踪飓风,因此也有出发上路的双关意)。超过一百名气象学家和学生分别搭乘四十多辆车,在大草原(译注:从美国中西部一直延伸到加拿大部分省分的区域)上漫游五周,他们全副武装地携带着各式侦测暴风的器材,志在探索飓风这种最难以捉摸、令人心惊胆战、而且外界对其所知不多的气象现象;而研究的终极目标是希望能加长飓风预警的期间,目前美国已能在飓风出现前的十三分钟左右发出预报。
VORTEX2 (which stands for Verification of the Origins of Rotation in Tornadoes Experiment) is the younger but bigger brother of VORTEX1. That effort, in 1994 and 1995, determined that downdrafts trailing a supercell thunderstorm and even air circulation close to the ground may be critical factors in tornado formation. But it didn’t reveal why less than 20 percent of supercell thunderstorms, which generate tornadoes, actually do.
VORTEX 2号(全名为验证飓风旋转起源的实验)算是VORTEX 1号的小弟,但规模却比1号更大。1号研究于一九九四年及一九九五年间展开,结果发现,超大胞雷雨拖曳的向下气流,甚至连地面附近的气流,都有可能对飓风的形成扮演举足轻重的角色;只不过,这项实验对于为何只有不到二成的超大胞雷雨最后会形成飓风,却无法解释原因。
Todd Krause. Meteorologist for the National Weather Service, wondered, “There are times when you’ve got two thunderstorms that look identical on radar, but one produces a tornado and the other one doesn’t. Why is that?”
VORTEX1 saw the first use of a truck-mounted radar, the so-called “Doppler on Wheels.” But there was only one such unit. The “fully nomadic” CORTEX2 employs 14 radar-equipped vehicles along with mobile and stationary weather sensors, weather balloons and photographers.
在VORTEX 1号上首度使用了架设在卡车上的雷达,被称为「机动性的都卜勒雷达」,但目前仅有一套这种装置。堪称「持续在游走行进的」VORTEX 2号则配备有十四辆架设了雷达的车辆,外加机动和固定的各种气象传感器、气象探测气球以及摄影人员。
Brad Smull, an associate program director with the National Science Foundation, said the key is collection of both broad and fine-scale views of tornadoes, in addition to data on temperature changes and close-to-the-ground wind speeds near the funnels.
-by Bill McAuliffe
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twist [twɪst] n. 意外转折; 重大转机
meteorologist [͵mitɪəˋrɑlədʒɪst] n. 气象学者
Great Plains 大草原 the vast, relatively flat region of land in central North America that stretches from northeastern Canada to southern Texas
panoply [ˋpænəplɪ] n. 全套; 全副盔甲
elusive [ɪˋlusɪv] adj. 难以理解的,难以记起的
dreaded [ ˈdrɛdɪd ] adj. 可怕的,令人畏惧的
verification [͵vɛrɪfɪˋkeʃən] n. 确认;证明;核实
downdraft [ˋdaʊn͵dræft] n. 向下之气流或风
trail [trel] v. 拖,曳 to drag (the body, for example) wearily or heavily
supercell thunderstorm 超大胞雷雨(雷雨依型態可分為單胞、多胞、颮線和超大胞等。超大胞雷雨不但規模比其他雷雨大,可達數十公里,而生命期也比其他雷雨長,可達數小時甚至半天以上)a lightning storm that is characterized by a strong, continuously rotating upward air current; also known for causing violent tornadoes and large hail
supercell [ˋsupɚsɛl] n. 超级单体, 是雷暴的一种,拥有深厚、持续旋转上升气流的中气旋
wonder [ˋwʌndɚ] v. 纳闷;想知道[(+about)]
Doppler [ ˈdɑplɚ] n. 都卜勒(利用声光电波因相对运动所引起的振动频率变化,即可测得飞行体的方向和速率)
nomadic [noˋmædɪk] adj. 游动的; 游牧的流浪的
funnel [ˋfʌn!] n. 漏斗
Tech industry looks to turn down the cost 科技业亟思压低成本之道
Data centers churn out the goods and services of the digital world, processing online bank transactions, delivering e-mail, uploading photos, and streaming video to Internet users around the world. These centers suck massive amounts of energy. Reducing energy costs has made building a greener data center the environmental [goal] of the tech industry.
“We think it’s possible to double computing while driving down energy consumption,” said Rob Bernard, chief environmental strategist at Microsoft, one of the largest data-center players in the world. The company has been experimenting with clean energy, recycling wastewater, turning off the air conditioning and turning to open-air cooling at data centers, with the goal of reducing the company’s carbon footprint by 30 percent by 2012.
Microsoft’s servers power Hotmail, search engines and other online products, including Windows Media Player. The company also is building Azure, a network to deliver services online, also known as “cloud computing.”
「微软」的服务器肩负着Hotmail电子邮件信箱、搜索引擎和包括窗口Media Player等在线产品的营运大任。该公司同时还正建立Azure「云端运算」平台,以作为透过网络传送服务的网络(译注:「云」常用来代表网际网络,因为云朵能传神地表达网际路的浩瀚、漫无边际,以及网络连线架构的错综复杂又充满不确定性。而云端运算的概念,则是以网际网络为基础的运算系统架构,整个运算系统极为复杂庞大,但使用者不须拥有专业知识,也无须知道进行运算的大量服务器资源究竟在哪里、如何运作,只要把想运算的数据抛给系统,系统自然会迅速回传结果,省时、省钱又省力,如Google搜寻就利用到云端运算的技术)。
Microsoft is preparing to open what it calls a Gen 3 – third generation – data center in the Chicago area. Instead of putting racks of servers in rooms, the company asked vendors to build a server and cooling system designed to operate in a shipping container, which can be trucked to the building and plugged in.
“What happens now is we essentially have created [a] plug-and-play environment, where all we provide is a power plug, a cooling plug with water in it and a data plug,” said Christian Belady, power and cooling architect with Microsoft. The number of servers can then grow and shrink depending on needs.
Eventually, the company imagines doing away with the building entirely and just having a large parking lot, surrounded by a chain-link fence and barbed wire, filled with these containers.
-by Sharon Pian
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suck [sʌk] v. 吸收(水分);吸取(知识)
rack [ræk] n. 架子
chain-link 钢丝网眼的
barbed [bɑrbd] adj. 有刺的
Tiny cameras have big market 小型相机市场大
Having earned a reputation helping other companies make smaller and faster semiconductors, San Jose-based Tessera now hopes to use its miniature camera technology to revolutionize how a wide array of gadgets interact with people. Founded in 1990, Tessera primarily has been known for its widely used semiconductor-packaging technology. But about four years ago, executives at Tessera – which earns most of its revenue by licensing its technology to others – decides to branch out, and the camera market seemed promising.
While most cell phone cameras have 40 or so components and tend to be bulky, cameras made by Tessera’s method consist simply of a tiny lens module bonded with a tiny image sensor, with no moving parts. The technology also enables scores of cameras to be manufactured together on a sheet of silicon and then individually cut out for placement in phones or other devices.
The camera’s diminutive size and assembly process reduce the materials and costs of production, Tessera CEO Henry “Hank” Nothhaft said. He added that making a camera with his company’s technology costs about half of what it does to make the larger versions.
Nothhaft envisions the cameras being built someday into a vast assortment of devices, including vending machines. The Fujitaka company in Japan is developing a vending device that uses a camera to count the wrinkles on a customer’s face to determine their age, in response to a new Japanese law forbidding vending-machine operators from selling tobacco to anyone under 20.
To prevent unwanted frowns from showing up in photographs, cameras using Tessera’s technology already can determine when the subject is smiling and, thus, when it’s OK to snap the picture.
“This is just emerging,” Nothhaft said. “We’re here on ground zero and so it gives us a chance to be a real market leader.”
-by Steve Johnson
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semiconductor [͵sɛmɪkənˋdʌktɚ] n.【电】半导体
array [əˋre] n.(排列整齐的)一批;一系列;大量[S][(+of)]
semiconductor-packaging 半导体封装
bulky [ˋbʌlkɪ] adj. 体积大的,庞大的;过大的
silicon [ˋsɪlɪkən] n.【化】矽 a common chemical element that is used in electronic devices, such as computers, and in making materials such as glass, concrete and steel
add [æd] v. 补充说[Y][+that]
assortment [əˋsɔrtmənt] n. 各种各样
frown [fraʊn] n. 皱眉,蹙额;不悦之色
Vocabulary Focus
hit the road【口】上路; 出发 to start a journey or begin something new
bring to bear 把某事物应用于(某人/某事物)[+on] making a concentrated effort in order to change a situation
churn out 大量生产;【口】大量生产某物(通常质量恶劣); 粗制滥造 to produce large amounts of something
plug-and-play 即插即用(计算机业界的一种标准,让硬设备能在安装时自行辨识,而不必由使用者设定)having the ability to add something new to an existing computer system and then having it work automatically without the need for technical support or manual input
do away with (something) 废除, 停止 to get rid of something
revolutionize [͵rɛvəˋluʃən͵aɪz] v. 彻底改革,在……方面实现突破性大变革 to completely change something so that it is much easier
branch out 扩大业务范围; 向新的方向扩展自己的活动或兴趣 to start to do something different from what you usually do, especially in your job
bond [bɑnd] v. 结合 to connect two or more things in some way
scores [skorz] n. 大量,许多[P][(+of)] large numbers of something
diminutive [dəˋmɪnjətɪv] adj. 小的,微小的 small
ground zero 开始; 起点 the center and starting point of the rapid development of something
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