Newsworthy Clips: Germs are everywhere; most aren’t too harmful 虽然到处都有细菌,但其实大部分都并无大碍
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年10月12日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2009年10月12日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:401
Germs are everywhere; most aren’t too harmful 虽然到处都有细菌,但其实大部分都并无大碍
Germs can kill you, but they probably won’t. That’s the reassuring news from Dr. Gordon Dickson, chief of infectious diseases at the University of Miami School of Medicine.
Germs are everywhere, in and on virtually everywhere we touch. In reality, when we say “germs” in reference to things we fear, we’re talking about infectious agents like bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa and parasitic worms. Still other germs protect us from those infectious agents.
The distinction is important, considering that in the weeks after swine flu grabbed the spotlight, Dickinson heard from plenty of “germaphobes” afraid of what they might catch from the things they touch and the air they breathe. He offers an oddly comforting thought, recalling part of an answer he gave a friend who asked if it was OK to stick with a long-planned trip to Mexico the week after swine flu broke out: “We live in a microbial world. That’s not going to change.”
In spite of the recent hype, some of the worst bad-germ places aren’t in public at all, but rather in our homes and office spaces – baskets of clean laundry (when washed only in cold water; water must be at least 140 degrees [Fahrenheit] to kill dangerous bacteria), kitchen rags and sponges, bathroom doors, toothbrushes, hot tubs (where dangerous bacteria can stew), computer keyboards and remote controls.
Dickinson offers his reassurance while sitting in a Metrorail train. His seat, he notes, “was probably occupied by several people before me today. …. Could I pick up a germ on the seat of my pants? Yes. Can it travel with me to my office and be transferred to another chair that I sit in? Yes.”
But could he die from it? Could he get serious ill?
“Not likely,” Dickinson says.
-by James Burnett
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reassuring [͵riəˋʃʊrɪŋ] adj. 令人宽慰的; 令人放心的,令人欣慰的
in reference to 关于, 与….有关 in connection with someone or something
protozoa [͵protəˋzoə] n.【动】原生动物类;单细胞动物类
parasitic [ˌpærəˈsɪtɪk] adj. 寄生的
swine [swaɪn] n. 猪
germaphobe [ˋdʒɝməˌfob] n. 有洁癖的人 This is an abnormal mental condition in a person characterized by an inflated or irrational fear of catching disease. People who go to extreme lengths to protect themselves from catching disease are said to be "germaphobic" .
oddly [ˋɑdlɪ] adv. 奇特地,古怪地
comforting [ˋkʌmfɚtɪŋ] adj. 令人欣慰的
microbial [maɪˋkrobɪəl] adj. 微生物的;细菌的
rag [ræg] n. 破布,碎布;抹布
reassurance [͵riəˋʃʊrəns] n. 安心, 放心, 再保证
Pure new wool 纯净新羊毛
For centuries, the inhabitants of Scotland’s Outer Hebrides have hand-woven Harris Tweed, a dense woolen fabric, to keep out the biting North Atlantic wind and rain. By the mid-1960s, the foot-powered Hebridean looms were producing as much as 7.6 million meters of cloth every year. Then came the slump. As customers switched to lighter, more modern fabrics, annual output in 2008 sank to just 500,000 meters.
But a start-up is weaving a profitable future for the sagging sector, with a client list that ranges from design giants Ralph Lauren, Vivienne Westwood and Alexander McQueen to cool up-and-comers like Glasgow’s Deryck Walker.
The turnaround began in November 2007, when a new company called Harris Tweed Hebrides (HTH) bought and reopened a mothballed mill, and launches a bold, design-driven campaign to restore the cloth to popularity.
So the company reached out to Walker, a 32-year-old Scottish rising star in fashion. Walker, who has worked at Versace and Boudicca believes that, with the right marketing and designer backing, Harris Tweed could become a luxury brand. So Walker commissioned four new patterns – including a black, blue, and yellow herringbone and a vibrant mustard and – black check – for his 2009/2010 autumn/winter menswear collection. His tweed pieces start at $750.
HTH has also teamed up with the Glasgow design consultancy Graven Images to develop home furnishings. The items, including a lampshade and a jumbo beanbag chair, premiered at last November’s 100% Design show in Tokyo.
The fabric is “incredibly easy to accessorize,” says Graven Images director Ross Hunter. That’s because the yarn in Harris Tweed is spun from a blend of five or six differently dyed wools – a brown thread can contain speckles of indigo, orange, or mossy green. “You can put something bright in front of the tweed, and because the bright colors are already in there, it will really stand out,” he explains.
-by Theunis Bates
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keep out 抵御
loom [lum] n. 织布机
slump [slʌmp] n. 暴跌;下降;不景气
sagging [ˈsægɪŋ] adj. 衰退的; 低落的; 减弱的 weakening
turnaround [ˋtɝnə͵raʊnd] n.(经济等的)突然好转;突然转坏
reach out 接洽; 试图沟通; 伸出求助之手 attempt to communicate
herringbone [ˋhɛrɪŋ͵bon] adj. 鲱骨式的,鱼脊形的,人字形的
mustard [ˋmʌstɚd] n. 芥末色,深黄色
check [tʃɛk] n. 方格图案;格子布
tweed [twid] n. 花呢套装
lampshade [ˋlæmp͵ʃed] n. 灯罩
beanbag [ˋbin͵bæg] n. 游戏用的装了豆子的小袋
accessorize [əkˋsɛsəraɪz] v.(以配件、装饰品等)补充,附加;给…装配附件
yarn [jɑrn] n. 纱,纱线
speckle [ˋspɛk!] n. 斑点;斑纹
indigo [ˋɪn͵dɪgo] n.【化】靛蓝,靛青;靛蓝染料
mossy [mɔsɪ] adj. 似苔的,苔状的
stand out 突出, 显着 to be distinctive or conspicuous
Chemical compound could transform computing 可望改造运算界的化合物
Physicists at Stanford University have identified an important new trait of a chemical compound that could become an heir to silicon, perhaps transforming the computing industry. The researchers found that electrons in a chemical compound called bismuth telluride have a unique property: They can travel without resistance, losing no energy. This suggests that there might be a new way to carry more information than silicon-based chips can handle.
It is one of many competing ideas in the search for new tools that could accelerate the development of even smaller, cheaper and more powerful computers.
“We’re at the very beginning of understanding this new class of materials,” said lead investigator Yulin Chen of Stanford Institute for Materials & Energy Science. “The next step is to apply what we’ve learned – to see if it can be fabricated and made functional.”
The new discovery uses electronic spin to carry information, part of a new field called spintronics. Spintronics takes electronics down to the quantum level. Because electrons don’t just carry charge – they also carry an “up” or “down” spin, which can be read as a binary pattern, they can be used to store information.
When voltage is put on top of Stanford’s new material, electronics flow without resistance. This approach to energy flow means lower power use, and makes it possible for smaller devices to process information.
However, the material – shiny, reflective and black, grown in special campus furnaces – can only carry small currents so is not yet applicable. But it could pave the way for a paradigm shift in microchip development, according to team member Xiaoliang Qi.
“This could lead to new applications of spintronics, or using the electron spin to carry information,” Qi said. “I’m optimistic it can lead to new devices, transistors and spintronics devices.”
-by Lisa Krieger
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bismuth [ˋbɪzməθ] n.【化】铋
telluride [ˋtɛljʊ͵raɪd] n.【化】碲化物
fabricate [ˋfæbrɪ͵ket] v. 制造;组装
electronics [ɪlɛkˋtrɑnɪks] n. 电子学
quantum [ˋkwɑntəm] n.【物】量子
binary [ˋbaɪnərɪ] adj. 二元的;二进制的
furnace [ˋfɝnɪs] n. 火炉;熔炉; 加热器
pave the way for 为……铺路
paradigm [ˋpærə͵daɪm] n. 范例
transistor [trænˋzɪstɚ] n.【电】晶体管
Vocabulary Focus
infectious [ɪnˋfɛkʃəs] adj. 传染的;传染性的 able to pass a disease to someone or something else
stick with 坚持(做…) to do as you had planned and not change to something else
hype [haɪp] n. 大肆宣传;天花乱坠的公开宣传 discussion about something in newspapers, on television, etc…, in order to attract everyone’s interest
stew [stju] v. 在闷热潮湿的环境中滋生 to form, through a long, slow simmering process, usually in a hot and humid environment
up-and-comer 有进取心的人,有前途的人; 处于上升期的新人 someone who is becoming more and more successful in a job
mothball [ˋmɔθ͵bɔl] v. 把(计划、设备等)束之高阁,暂停 to stop work on an idea, plan or job, but leave it in such a way that you can start on it again at some point in the future; put into long-term storage
commission [kəˋmɪʃən] v. 委托制作(或做等)to have a special piece of work done
premiere [prɪˋmjɛr] v. 初次上演 to make the first public performance
trait [tret] n. 特征,特点,特性 a particular characteristic that can produce a particular type of behavior
heir [ɛr] n.(传统、才能、性格等的)继承者 one that receives something that is passed along, such as a tradition or characteristic
resistance [rɪˋzɪstəns] n.(导体的)电阻; 阻力 the degree to which a substance prevents the flow of electricity through it
paradigm shift 范式转移; 典范转移 a change in the usual and accepted way of doing or thinking about something
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