Beatlemania Is Back 披头四抢搭电玩列车
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年2月22日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年3月16日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:320
The Fab Four get back to where they once belonged 披头四(译注:fab是歌迷对技头四合唱团的昵称,代表fabulous,指极好的、难以置信的)透过数位科技复出!
Beatlemania 2.0 looks and sounds a lot like the ‘60 prototype. Only crisper, clearer, shinier. 技头四2.0狂热(译注:指透过Web 2.0的先进科技把披头四的音乐数位化和电玩化)无论是外观或音质都酷似六0年代的本尊,只不过,重制的新版音乐更加清脆悦耳、清澈纯净,和嘹亮明朗。
The shrieking girls, the shaggy Mop Tops and their scores of indelible pop hits are digitally reborn in The Beatles: Rock Band video game, which hit store shelves in 2009 along with the band’s newly remastered catalog, a long-awaited sonic upgrade of 14 album titles.
“We’re quite fussy,” says Paul McCartney; explaining why fans had to wait so long for the refurbished sounds of the iconic band that broke up nearly 40 years ago. “It’s not as if we were going to … sell out.”
The masses remain mesmerized because “the music stands up,” Ringo Starr says. “It’s not the silly haircuts or the shoes or the suits. New generations of musicians and fans are still talking about that music.”
The Beatles (McCartney, Starr and the late John Lennon and George Harrison) have never lost their standing as the world’s most influential and popular band. They’ve sold more records than any act in U.S. history, with 170 million shipped, according to the Recording Industry Association of America. They’ve sold 57.7 million albums since SoundSacn began tracking U.S. sales in 1991.
We Can Work it Out 「问题定能迎刃而解」
These new projects required the blessings of Apple Corps “shareholders” Starr, McCartney and Beatles widows Yoko Ono and Olivia Harrison, each of whom has veto power over any band output.
The video game, a montage of animated performances that traces the group from its beginnings in Liverpool to its bittersweet final performance on a London rooftop in 1969, “appealed to me because it’s a different way of presenting The Beatles’ music,” says McCartney, 67.
“We were very involved,” McCartney says. “The only stipulation we made was that we get it right and be the best.”
“Even in the ‘60s, we were looking for new stuff, so the technology was no problem,” says Starr, 69.
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Beatlemania [͵bit!ˋmenjə] n. 披头四狂热
prototype [ˋprotə͵taɪp] n. 原型 the first example of something, such as a machine or other industrial product, from which all later forms are developed
crisp [krɪsp] adj. 清新的,凉爽的
shiny [ˋʃaɪnɪ] adj. 发光的;晴朗的;闪耀的
shriek [ʃrik] v. 尖叫;喊叫;发出尖声
shaggy [ˋʃægɪ] adj. 头发蓬乱的
Mop Top 拖把头 The Beatle haircut, also known as the mop-top (or moptop) – because of its resemblance to a mop – is a mid-length hairstyle named after and popularized by the Beatles. It is a straight cut – collar-length at the back and over the ears at the sides, with a straight fringe.
remaster [͵riˋmæstɚ] v.(根据旧唱片或磁带的)重新灌录
catalog [ˋkætəlɔg] n. 目录; 目录册; 产品样本
long-awaited [ˋlɔŋəwetɪd] adj. 盼望已久的
sonic [ˋsɑnɪk] adj. 声音的
fussy [ˋfʌsɪ] adj. 挑剔的[(+about)][+wh-]
iconic [aɪˋkɑnɪk] adj. 偶像的
as if 好像, 似乎, 彷佛
stand up 经得住; 经久耐用 to remain valid, sound, or durable
standing [ˋstændɪŋ] n. 身分;地位;名望
act [ækt] n.(演出中的)短节目; 【戏】(常大写)幕;节目
work something out 解决; 找出处理某事物的方法; 解决某事物
blessing [ˋblɛsɪŋ] n. 同意,允许
veto [ˋvito] n. 否决;否决权
montage [mɑnˋtɑʒ] n. 蒙太奇;(胶片的)剪辑 a piece of work produced by combining smaller parts
rooftop [ˋruf͵tɑp] n. 屋顶
involved [ɪnˋvɑlvd] adj. 专心于…的; 忙于…的; 投入的
‘All You Need Is Love’ 「你所需要的就是爱」
The Rock Band game allows up to six players to form a virtual Beatles band using controllers modeled on the band’s own guitars, bass, drums and microphones. The faux Fabs are instructed to hit notes scrolled on screen, a task Starr actually failed when he tried the game.
“It’s difficult because I’m natural player,” Starr says. “All the fills, I could only do them once, because where I put them is how the song felt at the time. It’s easier to be the real Ringo than the game Ringo.”
Ono, 76, said she was not satisfied with initial portrayals of Lennon, prompting her to demand alterations.
“I wanted to make sure John would be represented well,” says Ono, whose husband was assassinated in New York City in 1980. She hasn’t played the game but liked “the idea of something that’s fun but also peaceful.”
Olivia Harrison says she was drawn to the game’s non-violence, a departure from many top-selling video games. “You’re not killing people,” says Harrison, 61, whose husband died of lung cancer in 2001. “It’s so uplifting. After half an hour, you’re feeling good. Kids can play, and parents will tell them to turn the sound up, not down.”
‘The Long and Winding Road’ 「漫长而宛延的道路」
Though steered toward simultaneous release, the game and the remasters evolved on radically different paths. Rock Band materialized overnight. Fans started pining for a digital overhaul of the Beatles catalogsoon after its transfer to CD 22 years ago. Four years ago, the shareholders signed off, and engineers at EMI’s Abbey Road Studios began porting the music from analog tapes to digital files using state-of-the-art technology and vintage gear.
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model [ˋmɑd!] v. 模仿[(+on/upon/after)]
bass [ˋbes] n. 低音乐器
scroll [skrol] v.(似卷轴般)卷起(或展开)
fill [fɪl] n. 过门; 间奏 a short rhythmic segment played by a drummer to fill a space at the end of a vocal or instrumental sequence
portrayal [porˋtreəl] n. 描绘;描写;饰演
alteration [͵ɔltəˋreʃən] n. 改变,变更,修改;变样
represent [͵rɛprɪˋzɛnt] v. 描绘,(抽象地)表现
assassinate [əˋsæsɪn͵et] v. 暗杀;行刺
uplifting [ʌpˋlɪftɪŋ] adj. 令人振奋的;使人开心的
steer toward 驾(船)驶向…;把…引向…
steer [stɪr] v. 指导;带领;操纵
simultaneous [͵saɪm!ˋtenɪəs] adj. 同步的,一齐的
materialize [məˋtɪrɪəl͵aɪz] v. 成形;实现
overnight [ˋovɚˋnaɪt] adv. 一夜间,突然
pine for 渴望; 十分盼望 to long for or grieve for someone or something
sign off (在信的结尾)写结束语; 签字保证;签发 to express approval formally or conclusively
port [port] v. 改造;改革;改善 cause a transformation
analog [ˋænəlɔg] adj.【电脑】模拟的 describes a recording which is made by changing the sound waves into electrical signals of the same type
vintage [ˋvɪntɪdʒ] adj. 最佳的;最好的;最典型的 of high quality and lasting value
Renovating some of the most precious works in the history of recorded music proved more taxing than intimidating for project coordinator Allan Rouse, an Abbey Road fixture since 1971.
The process began with lengthy tests of the analog tape and the meticulous removal of a slight dust buildup.
Many fans complained that the sonic scrub was long overdue, but Harrison suggests the timing was ideal. “A lot of early remastered music sounded brittle,” she says. “These are very warm and clear. They don’t sound messed with. It’s like they cleaned them but left the ambience.”
The new versions “are more like what we heard coming out of the speakers as we made the records,” McCartney says. “It’s like being in the studio again. It’s exciting, particularly considering the passing of John and George. I can hear them so clearly.”
‘Come Together’ 「心手相连」
The four agree that regardless of how they handle the legacy, The Beatles belong to everyone.
“At the end of his life, George was just starting to accept the fact that this was never going away,” Harrison says, referring to the band’s immeasurable sway. “All of us have accepted that not only is it enduring, but it’s growing. It’s not just history, it’s the culture. Who can explain why certain sounds are forever stamped in our consciousness?”
Smacked by the first wave of Beatlemania 46 years ago, McCartney expected a short ride.
“Oh, yeah, we thought a couple years, that would be it,” he says. “You’ve got to ask, ‘Why did it last?’ I think the music is very well-structured, like a good house. It’s going to stand for a long time. It’s nice that I can sit back now and be proud of what we did, and feel very privileged to be one of four guys who did it.”
−by Edna Gundersen, USA TODAY
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renovate [ˋrɛnə͵vet] v. 翻新; 修复; 修补
taxing [ˋtæksɪŋ] adj. 负担重的;累赘的;艰难的,费劲的
intimidating [ɪnˋtɪmə͵detɪŋ] adj. 吓人的,令人生畏的
coordinator [koˋɔrdn͵etɚ] n. 协调者
fixture [ˋfɪkstʃɚ] n. (房间等建筑物内的)固定装置,固定设施
buildup [ˋbɪld͵ʌp] n. 累积 accumulation
scrub [skrʌb] n. 擦洗,擦净
overdue [ˋovɚˋdju] adj. 过期的, 未兑的, 迟到的
brittle [ˋbrɪt!] adj. 声音尖利的 lacking warmth of feeling; cold
ambience [ˈæmbɪəns] n. 氛围
stamped [stæmpt] adj. 铭刻的; 盖上印记的
smack [smæk] v. 猛拍; 猛击; 打耳光
short ride 表不会持续很久 something is a short ride it means that it won’t last for a long time
sit back 袖手旁观; 放松 to relax, as when action should be taken
privileged [ˋprɪvɪlɪdʒd] adj. 荣幸的; 幸运的
Vocabulary Focus
indelible [ɪnˋdɛləb!] adj. 无法忘记的; 无法忘记的 referring to memories or actions that are impossible to forget, or that have a permanent influence or effect
remastered [͵riˋmæstɚd] adj.(根据旧唱片或磁带的)重新灌录的 making a new recording – from which all copies will be made – of an earlier recording, usually in order to produce copies with better sound quality
refurbished [riˋfɝbɪʃt] adj. 翻新的; 整修的 restored to original, or even better, quality
sell out 出卖原则; 向敌对势力屈服 to do something that you used to think was wrong in order to earn more money; to betray one's cause or colleagues
mesmerize [ˋmɛsmə͵raɪz] v. 迷住;迷惑 to have someone’s attention completely so that they cannot think of anything else
stipulation [͵stɪpjəˋleʃən] n. 规定;条文; 条款 a statement that says exactly how something must be done
faux [fo] adj.【法】假的;人造的 not real, but made to look or seem real; false
prompt [prɑmpt] v. 引起,激起 to make someone decide to say or do something
departure [dɪˋpɑrtʃɚ] n. 背离,违背,变更[C][(+from)] a change from what is expected, or from what has happened before
overhaul [͵ovɚˋhɔl] n. 彻底检修,大修 improvements made to something so that every part of it works as it should
meticulous [məˋtɪkjələs] adj. 过分精细的;小心翼翼的 very careful and with great attention to every detail
sway [swe] n. 支配;统治;影响;权势 the ability to persuade
Rock Band: The Beatles E3 2009 Trailer